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* .:. » S0 MuCH hAs ChaNGeD! « .:. *

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:: 2004 29 June :: 11.04 pm


i dare ya.

:: 2004 28 June :: 11.41 pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: night churpingness

i'm so hungry. yeah go eat, i know. but i'm lazy.. it's 1040 and for some reason i'm just drained, i could fall asleep in 5 minutes if i really wanted, but if i go to sleep now i'll end up waking up around 8 or something and i'm not diggin that since i've been going to bed around 3 the past 2 days and waking up at 10 i can't imagine what going to bed early would do to me, i might wake up at 6. haha. wow, anyways.

i've gotta work tomorrow, kinda lookin forward to it for the hell of it because i haven't worked in a week and a half and it's something to do. 2-7. thursday is july 1st, woohoo. that means driving cerfew is 10, rock on.

well, since i didn't mention much yesterday..

zach. i had a lot of fun hanging out with that kid yesterday, it felt just like old times and it was so amazingly great. he's such a great guy although it was a little awkward/different hanging out again just because we haven't hung out in man, what's it been, 4 almost 5 months. that's a looong time. but i could definitely get used to it again ÜÜ hehe.. i'd like to make things work together between us again.. that would be so ultimate. but what i'd love more than anything right now for us is to talk and hang out more. ah, life.

i'm so tired, yet if somebody were to call me i'd be very chatty. weird how that works, i guess that's the only part of me that isn't tired, actually it's more like my brain is alive and awake but physically i'm not.

it's amazing how this journal just makes me feel better about nothing really, just the fact that i typed out whats on my mind and it's crazy how that works, but i'm not complaining.

i know what i want to eat now, i've known since i started typing this entry.. i don't really know why anybody could possibly care, but oh well.

anyways, i'm going to head out, eat, watch some tv or a movie and probably fall asleep!

ta ta!

i dare ya.

:: 2004 28 June :: 1.54 am
:: Mood: giggly

hope dangles on a string like slow spinning redemption
Seriously. Love rocks.

Ohmygod life. going/gone insane. so much has happened lately, everythings just spinning.

most of it good.

today. hanging out with zach. yep, zach. that kicked ass, seriously. it brings back the good, old times, and i love it.

i made this journal and made my first entry the day zach and i broke up and i made it because we broke up and i needed someplace to go to just ramble on and keep myself sane while getting stuff out.

ahh.. i don't feel like typing, more later!

i dare ya.

:: 2004 16 June :: 1.38 pm
:: Mood: blah

i am lazy and white, yes i am. i figure i better write in here while i can because i'm not going to be able to for over a week. damnit. going computerless.. it's just when i'm at home and i'm alone do i sit on the computer, otherwise if i'm occupied i don't need the damn thing.

so, i woke up about 11.. watched unsolved mysteries.. even though i'd already seen the one last summer.. then i watched the news because my mom called me and told me to because we got like 5 inches of rain and everything flooded like last time and yada yada.. i'm kinda disappointed that it's all over and i missed it.. i hate it when all the good weather happens during the night! it is suppose to rain the majority of the day i believe though, so i guess i'll live.

i dunno what i'm doing today.. probably another movie day.. then once my mom is off work we're probably going shopping. actually we have to go shopping because i need a suit for this weekend.

i'm lazy. i think i already mentioned that.

i think my toe is broken.. actually i know that it isn't, but i've got a mesquito bite on the side of it.. my 2nd toe.. and it's big, or maybe my toe is disfigured.. i don't know but its annoying , very.

i just noticed a day or so ago that nobody types LiKe ThIs AnYmOrE i mean people do.. but not ALL the time like everybody used to when EVERYTHING was typed that way.. haha. YeAh! iT WaS ThE CoOl ThInG 2 dO. i CoUlD TyPe mY WhOlE eNtRy lIkE DiZ.

haha. just a thought though.

ren and stimpy was on earlier.. it still might be on.. but i overruled it and watched unsclved mysteries because i'm just a dork like that and i like mystery things.

today feels like it's gonna be a sloooww day. but that's alright. i have to work tomorrow, gah. just for 4 hours though. i guess thats ok.

o well.

well i'm going to go, i have nothing else to talk about.

see ya!

i dare ya.

:: 2004 15 June :: 11.53 pm
:: Mood: awake
:: Music: silence

It's been awhile.
Subject states it.
I am alive. for sure.
I get on woohu a few times a week, but i just find myself mucho lazy and i don't end up making an entry. oh well.

Austin comes back tomorrow. I'm crossing my fingers that him and i will get to hang out before Friday if he doesn't go to the lake this weekend. because otherwise if i don't see him by the weekend and he doesn't go to the lake then i will not have seen him for 18 or 19 days. ohmygod. that is a lot of fucking days. that's more than half of a month. christ. i hope i see him before friday.

on a lighter note..
i'm going to my grandparents for 6 possibly 7 days ... 19th [partial day, will be coming back from the lake] to the 26th or the 27th. the past times we've stayed for a week there we've ended up coming home saturday instead of sunday. because for my parents and all it takes awhile to get used to the being home and having to go to work thing.. get the drift. i plan on buying a notebook and writing away for the week and keeping my cell phone close expecting calls from everybody to tell me how they're doing & keep me sane through the week. Ü

so that's that. i've got 3 grad parties down and 1 week @ the grandparents to go, then i'll be happy! + i'll have satan during the week of being @ my grandparents.. so then i can mope around with the rest of my PMS & satan and once i'm back @ home i don't have to deal with it and neither to my friends Ü score for all of us.

grandparents + week = beach + week

[ and of course there is always the blessed full day of shopping one day out the week we are there ]

hmm.. so anywho.

since i haven't told anybody about this last weekend [ weekend of Kels' open house ]

Friday: we left about 5, made it to Marks about 9.. hung out there, Troy, Terri, Taylor were there.. but no Mark.. hahaha he was @ the bar.. anyways he got home and we just hung out there.. then Perry Linda Kyle Kendal and Conner showed up and all of us stayed @ Marks for the night [ well the rest of the weekend too ] ... we were up until about 2 just chatting, i went to bed a little bit before though because i was mad tired.. i slept on his leather couch.. commmfy! that'd be friday.

Saturday: wake up about 9.. eat breakfast, shower, hang out.. let me tell you.. Mark has 2 bathrooms in his house, 1 of which only consists of a shower.. that means Mark, my dad, mom, me, Troy, Terri, Perry, Linda alll need to shower. yyeeah. try living like that. anyways.. we just hang out until about 1 and then we head over to Bryan's. Bryan got a keg of beer and a keg of rootbeer [ ha ha ] and oodles of food. then gwen lester leslie sam stefanie and skyla show up.. and i hung out with Leslie and Sam most of the time. Gwen [ Leslies mom ] okayed Leslie drinking beer.. Sam can because he's 21.. [ Leslie's 18 ] so on and off all day Leslie was letting me drink her beer. Sam, he is such a funny guy.. it was a lot of fun hanging out with them. Later on, Leslie Stef Sam and I walk to the groceries store + strip mall that is a block away from Bryans house.. and in the strip mall there was a liqour store where Stef and Sam went to buy some stuff.. me and Leslie had go sit outside of the grocery store on a picnic table because we couldn't go in the liqour store because they probably won't sell them the liqour if they are w/ minors thinking we are buying it for them.. because that happened to Stef in the cities before.. anyways me and leslie just sat and actually talked about good stuff while we drank rum and coke.. heheh. Stef and Sam came back.. Stef bought a bottle of wine and Sam bought Jahemeister.. i can't spell it because it's german.. and anyways, Sam needed to go into the grocery store to buy Red bull for the Jahemeister to make Jahebomb? i dunno if that was it but something to that extent and so sat outside more and waited for Sam to go in and get it.. well it'd been 10-15 minutes so were like ooookay + Sam was a little trashed to begin w/ so Leslie and I went inside the grocery store to find him and we did and then he bought his shit and the 4 of us walked to the gas station, which was right next to the grocery store and Stef went in to buy cigs and cigars.. then we all walked back to Bryans, on the way back a cop was turning at the corner that we weren't quite at yet.. we got a little freaked because we didn't know if it was legal to be walking with liqour + we'd all been drinking and 2 of us was underage.. and if we asked about the alcohol he might've asked if we'd been drinking and/or checked. but he turned anyways and didn't stop or drive by so we were good. we got back to Bryans and it started to pour.. my dad was so gone.. his eyes were glazed and everything it was hilarious. well then Stef busted out the cigars and we started smoking them. they were so yummy. but we didn't inhale because bleh. not good.
later on we all left, we'd only driven 2 cars for all of those people i'd mentioned at the beginning who were staying @ Marks. well, my mom was the sober driver, so it was my mom driving, me sitting next to her on the non existant seat and then Mark and in the backseat my dad, Terri and Troy.. so we're sitting at a stop light right? and there is this guy next to us who, at first, before the stop light, was being a badass and revving his engine.. well i'm like.. mom! rev the engine and lets race him!! so the light turns green and my mom GUNS it and we are outta there.. we were beating his ass but then he comes up next to us and then speeds way ahead and we lose him.. my mom would only go the speed limit: 45. so anyways.. we drive a little futher and there is a red line and low and behold there he is sitting in the turning lane.. in the cities in the turning lane you can't turn when nobodys coming you just have the arrow when it's green or not otherwise you have a red light, well he was sitting there waiting to turn and we were still going we pass by him and we all turned back and were like YYYEAAH! WOOOOHOOOO!! and all had a thumbs up.. omggg it was so fucking fun! then there was no more excitement really and we got back to marks.. and talked more but didn't stay up late only until about 1.. then i went to bed. THAT ladies and gents was my saturday!

Sunday: [ i don't feel like talking anymore ] the rest of the family goes to the twins game except troy terri taylor and my parents and i.. we leave & get home around 6 then i went to the races for the first time which was a lot of fun. and there you have it, my weekend.

ah wow. don't feel like typing anymore.
live with it!

ta ta!

i dare ya.

:: 2004 5 June :: 12.36 pm
:: Mood: awake
:: Music: nadda

hey there.
well, i'm working from 1-7 & no longer going to the ribfest.. ben can't go because he's got to watch his brother and i guess i need the hours @ work. so that's that.
oh well, i wouldn't have anything else to do anyways.. work gets me away from everything too. makes ya not think about anything. that's the only advantage. blah.. 6 hours though. whhatevvverr.

anyways, i read my entry that i made last night and felt the need to update and correct myself w/ everything that's changed now. i'm glad work didn't call though and say i didn't have to work today because i'd be UBER pissed off. to the max and that'd be it. or i'd run away with the car and magically show up at the cabin. yeeah.

i like austin. alot. it's summer though and i've got a lot going on this month. i'll try enjoying my freedom, although i guess i don't really want to, i'd rather be w/ austin but i guess life isn't fair.

well i'm out.. gonna take a shower and possibly go get subway before work. yum.

much love

i dare ya.

:: 2004 5 June :: 2.54 am
:: Mood: awake
:: Music: RHCP

"if the sun can't shine
you'll be just fine
look into your mind
where your free

after all
in the end
just pretend"
-ben folds


well hello there.

haha yeah it's 2am and there is definitely nobody on! woohoo.. yay for loneliness

today was pretty good, was lazy as hell & then kayla and i decided to go to harry potter -- woohoo! goooood movie, very good. we went at 3.. almost didn't make it w/ the whole exception of not having ANY gas in my car.. but yep, we were good.

i had a pizza pretzel for breakfast @ 11 and then i had an ICEE and a big bag of popcorn at the movie --- basically i hadn't eaten shit today because we have no food in the house b'cos we got groceries a week ago & anyways i got one of those good massive headaches from not eating.. i was fine during the movie until towards the end but it was still fine.. and i was just like out of it on the way home + it takes a little bit to adjust to movement and brighteness after sitting in the dark for 2 1/2 hours staring at a screen, haha.. yeah.. but anyways, i get home & my gas gage is on the last line, go me. i had to park on the street 'cos my padre had his little ghetto in the driveway.. anyways i got inside, told my mom i didn't feel good, wanted her to get me subway, fell onto my bed, held my hand on my forehead and passed out from almost 6-9.. woke up and did nothing really

tomorrow i've gotta work from 1 or 2-7.. my parents are anal and won't let me go to kaylas cabin w/ kasey and cody.. not that it was a definite plan anyways.

instead i might still only work until 5 and get off and go to ribfest w/ ben and stacey. i dunno how well that'll go over w/ the parentals anyways 'cos my dad got real pissy about me never getting hours and when i do i blow them off and that resulted in a lot of yelling, swearing, and "just shut up!!!!" yeah..


well i'm gonna head out & read <<-- [boredness] uhhuh!

ta ta!

i dare ya.

:: 2004 1 June :: 10.34 pm
:: Mood: depressed
:: Music: country



i dare ya.

:: 2004 31 May :: 3.46 pm

hey there. haven't written in awhile, haven't really felt like it either. i've turned into the biggest lazy bum but it's all good! uhhuh!

well, wednesday was our last day of school + my birthday! yeeah! i'm a whole 'nother year older oo yeah. lol .. jordan had a party @ his house just like last year, went to that and hung out.. in my opinion last years was much more fun.

thursday.. i worked.. like the rest of the summer.. and that's basically all i did.

friday.. cody had his party thing, kayla ben spence kasey and i went to that, austin showed up and then later so did karlie and nicole. it was a lot of fun actually. good times. dirrty dirrty. Ü by the end of the night i was hiding because i was hideous.. sick. so yeah.. + by the end of the night everybody was dead or crabby or something. the mood just dropped. the night was still a lot of fun though. ÜÜÜ

saturday.. bryan mark kelsey and keenan showed up.. i took kelsey over to gwen and lesters [ aunt and uncles ] we hung out there.. then i went back home because we were having some deeelicious food for supper. then we all went back over there.. there was a huge storm & the tornado sirens went off twice.. nothing happened though, except we got TONS of rain.. 4 inches, that's a lot for a few hours.

then later on leslie, kelsey, jessica and i went to leslies and jess's friend libbys open house, we hung out there for awhile.. once we got there it started hailing so we stayed in the car for a few minutes then took a run for it. lol.. good times.

after that leslie wanted to show us where she's going to be living with sam once she moves out of her parents house.. we didn't quite get there though before 41st street was completely flooded. it was mad insane. we were having so much fun though crackin jokes. 41st street is a big/main/busy street and when you can ONLY drive in the middle of the street in the turning lanes that *iSN'T* good.. hahah.. so we turned around.. IN the middle of the street were it *NORMALLY* isn't legal.. and pulled into Shell and sat underneath the thing. whatever it's called.. roof. whatever.. there were tons of cars stalled all over. it was crazy.

ee, forgot to mention that austin broke up with me on friday as well. i don't think that i ever even mentioned us getting together in here. dunno.. anyways.. just another guy who can't stay with a girl, we were together for [TW0] weeks, and then he called it quits. whatever.. we're still cool and friends and all.. and a little more.. but i dunno.. he wants to get back together in the future too.. so do i, but whatever. we'll see.. only time will tell.. i sound like i don't care but i reeeally do, i care a T0N!.. i really like him alot..

sunday was graduation. graduation then leslies open house.. then my mom took me home because i was tired of spending two days together with the family.. it gets boring.. so i went to kaylas and hung out there.. no need to go into details just the usual hanging out bizz. yes.

eey, i'm tired of talking about what i did, it's so boring.

i got a cd player in my car.. woohoo for that 250 on all of it.. installing it was free, which was cool..

gotta gooo.. ta ta

i dare ya.

:: 2004 26 May :: 9.05 am
:: Mood: geeky
:: Music: YEEAH!


I close my eyes, let the whole thing pass me by
There is no time to waste, asking why
I'll run away with you, by my side
I'll run away with you, by my side
I need to let go, let go, let go, let go of this pride

I think about your face, and how I fall into your eyes
The outline that I trace, around the one that I call mine
A time that called for space, unclear where you drew the line
I don't need to solve this case, and I don't need to look behind


Do I expect to change, the past I hold inside
With all the words I say, repeating over in my mind
Some things you can't erase, no matter how hard you try
An exit to escape, is all there is left to find


Until this echo, echo, echo, echo in my mind
Until this echo, echo, echo, echo can subside


ahh, i've been singing that song in my head all 1st period!




i'll run away with you, by my side

woah woah woah


hahaha wooo


ta ta lovelies

i dare ya.

:: 2004 24 May :: 9.04 am
:: Mood: awake


2 and 1/6.5 days left of school.

i have bronchitis.. which blows. but i feel better than i have the whole last week so i think that is good.. meaning them dumb ass pills that are being forced upon me are working. haha they are so powerful i was like all.. woooy last night. it was great. + taking the medicine w/ codiene in it.. which made me pass out .. uhhuh..

so. hi. i don't have much else to say
ta ta

i dare ya.

:: 2004 17 May :: 4.04 pm
:: Mood: alive, barely.
:: Music: Usher : Burn

i think that you should let it burn..
<3 usher. good music, biitch.

woah, why don't i have anything to say anymore. i don't.. hmm.. 7 more days of school.. 9 days until my birfday. wooo hoo.. might my birthday actually kick ass this year ? [ gasp! ] haha.. and i swear, by the moon and the stars in the sky.. i'll be there.

ah fuck this.

1 braved it | i dare ya.

:: 2004 13 May :: 6.08 pm
:: Mood: cold


Ben really shot me down, even though it was completely stupid, unnessary & everything else. i was still pisssed and sad and bllllah. i'm reeeally cold. ah. it sucks. i wanna go out & drive and shit.

WEEKEND, BiTCH. SeeeeRiOUSLLLYY! eeeeh.. need it nowww. yikes, i'm coldd.

i don't really have anything to talk about actually.. i'm just, ya know.. here, talking about nothing!

5 Things That Made Me Smile Today

2]Sleeping until 10
3]Going to school at 1130
4]9 Days left of School
5]13 days left until my Birthday

well, ta ta.. since i've lost my mood

i dare ya.

:: 2004 12 May :: 10.31 pm
:: Mood: alright


10 Things That Made Me Smile Today

1. Fire drill
2. 3:00 pm
3. 6:30 pm
4. Homeade pizza for supper
5. T-Wolves game, even though it isn't over & they aren't doing so hot right now.
6. Being lazy
7. Work & nice people
8. Friends
9. There is 1O days left of school.
10. My birthday is in 14 days.

i dare ya.

:: 2004 10 May :: 10.13 am
:: Mood: awake

hum hum

nothing to saaaaaaaayyy.


i dare ya. | Random Journal