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Dried Tears... not in vain

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:: 2004 25 April :: 4.30 pm
:: Mood: confused
:: Music: yellowcard

"Only One"

Broken this fragile thing now
And I can't, I can't pick up the pieces
And I've thrown my words all around
But I can't, I can't give you a reason

I feel so broken up (so broken up)
And I give up (I give up)
I just want to tell you so you know

Here I go, scream my lungs out and try to get to you
You are my only one
I let go, there's just no one that gets me like you do
You are my only, my only one

Made my mistakes, let you down
And I can't, I can't hold on for too long
Ran my whole life in the ground
And I can't, I can't get up when you're gone

And something's breaking up (breaking up)
I feel like giving up (like giving up)
I won't walk out until you know

Here I go, scream my lungs out and try to get to you
You are my only one
I let go, there's just no one who gets me like you do
You are my only my only one

Here I go so dishonestly
Leave a note for you my only one
And I know you can see right through me
So let me go and you will find someone

Here I go, scream my lungs out and try to get to you
You are my only one
I let go, there's just no one, no one like you
You are my only, my only one
My only one
My only one
My only one
You are my only, my only one



2 moos | someone say moo

:: 2004 24 April :: 5.52 pm

i just got done cleaning my whole house. it was so much work! not the whimpy kind of cleaning either. the move everything and scrub until your hands turn purple kind of cleaning. not fun at all. oh and out of those 3 people i needed to talk to last night i only got to talk to one of them. and they still rn't online. and i want them to be. yeah and lets ALL do what Cherie wants. lol! yeah thats right, u heard me. lol.

10 moos | someone say moo

:: 2004 23 April :: 5.53 pm
:: Mood: bored

there r about 3 people i need to talk to right now and i mean RIGHT NOW! that just rn't online. its making me mad cuz its real important that i talk to them. its just making me mad... grrr on them! get on... ok how bout NOW!?! no? ok...... NOW!?! rah! come on! get on! fine then...

anyways... not much is happening right now. no fights or bad things r going on really... fer now anyway. bad things r prolly gonna start to happen soon but who knows? but there r also no good things. just blah. and i hate blah. i think i stated that in my last entry....??? maybe.. or it could have been somewhere else. i have a short memory. lol. HA! i laughed! its been like 4 hours since i've laughed! wow. thats great.... i think. yeah well i don't really have anything to say i'm just wasting time until the people i need to talk to get on. it may be a while so u can discontinue reading if u want cuz the rest will prolly be a lot of nothingness.

so i was walking down the street today and.... wait.... no i wasn't. i don't think i've walked down the street in like a year.... never mind then.

ok so in BMMT we ate jellybeans and fruit snacks. mmmm.... i think i want some now. yeah i do

i'm fishy

allison calls me tree or cha-re now. shes so funny. hehe

ok y rn't they getting on yet?



alright they're not getting on and i'm sick of this so i'm gonna find something else to do with my time.


12 moos | someone say moo

:: 2004 22 April :: 9.19 pm

we lost our game today. it sucked. i got hurt again... the same ankle. rah! it agered me. it just healed and now its back to the size of texas. stupid east grand rapids girl. but other than that today was ok. just another day i guess. i hate those days. i never did until one of my friends told me thats its better to have a really good day or a really bad day than just an ok day and i guess it caught on. now i don't want to have ok days anymore. but i still do. its easier said than done, even he admits that! well i gotta fly!


someone say moo

:: 2004 20 April :: 6.21 pm

so i skipped school today. it was pretty fun. we went to the mall with my grandma and grandpa. it was fun. i got some pretty cool things.

5 moos | someone say moo

:: 2004 18 April :: 6.45 pm

i'm so sick of my dad. i'm just sick of him. the crap he puts us thru and RAH! he just angers me. so i'm gonna stop talking about him now cuz he isn't worth my time anymore.

1 moo | someone say moo

:: 2004 17 April :: 5.47 pm
:: Mood: pissed off

yet again i am at my father's house. heather isn't here. it sux cuz now i don't have anyone to talk to... she just left. my dad is pissed off! like hes super mad. last night he told her she could go to her track meet because he said she didn't call him to tell him. but she did on tuesday. jerk. so he told her she couldn't go and she got really really super pissed and i told her she should go anyway but she was like no. well then she called my mom and told her and my mom said she should just leave too. so in the morning heather woke me up and she was like "yeah i'm gonna leave now to go to me track meet. i don't know if i'm gonna come back." and she just left. i wanted to go with her but i didn't cuz i had to get contacts. and i got them! its great! i love em! lol... but anyways back to the subject, she called later and told him she wasn't coming back and my dad hasn't really said anything since. hes just pissed and wont look at me cuz he knows i helped her leave. like last night i helped her get the address of the house so that if he tried to stop her she could call the police cuz legally he can't keep her from going to her meet. yeah and i gave her my cell phone to call my mom and such. so yeah... hes pissed and i'm pissed and heather's pissed and my mom's pissed and kathy's pissed and daves pissed so i guess we're all just one pissy family huh?


4 moos | someone say moo

:: 2004 11 April :: 9.54 pm


6 moos | someone say moo

:: 2004 11 April :: 8.43 pm

so today is easter. hmmm... happy easter i guess. not too creative at the moment ya know. i'm SO bored u have no idea! i just got back from my aunts house. we went over there for lunch and hanging out and such. basically all we did was gamble pennies in card games and dice games. it was fun plus i doubled my pennies. oh yeah go me! lol. oh and today me and Dustin have been going out for one month. yay! well i must be off now.


1 moo | someone say moo

:: 2004 9 April :: 7.30 pm
:: Mood: content

ok so i got my hair cut. its really short. shorter than i wanted it to be but i still like it. i have bangs now! crazy huh? considering i hated my bangs last time i had them! lol. but oh well... even if i hated it its too late now.

2 moos | someone say moo

:: 2004 6 April :: 9.40 pm
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: AFI

What color is your toothbrush?:PINK!! oh yeah!
How many times a day do you brush your teeth?:2
Have you ever had braces?:nope
Do you need braces?:uh maybe
How many cavities do you have?:more than i care to tell u about
How many blankets do you sleep with?:uh 2, no 3, no 4ish...
How many pillows are on your bed?:2, no 3
Do you ever actually make your bed?:when people come over but other than that no
When was the last time you kissed someone?:hmmm about 20 min ago
When was the last time you cried?:uh.... whenever our last soccer game was... stupid fat girls kicked my ankle, rah!
Do you like anyone? like really like them?:uh duh!
What do you like about that person?:everything!!! ;)
What do u think about b4 you fall asleep?
What music do you listen to?:rock, christian rock, uh... anything basically except rap! i hate the stuff
What is your favorite color?:PINK!!! of course!
how many siblings do you have?:4
When was the last time you got a good night sleep?:thursday
What was the last thing someone said to you online?:jordan said "i got my hair permed"
What was the last thing you said to them?:i just said to dustin "oh and who said u make the rules?"

Randomness brought to you by BZOINK!

3 moos | someone say moo

:: 2004 5 April :: 9.48 pm
:: Mood: cheerful
:: Music: AFI

yeah ok so chicago was so much fun! megan we should do that more often... as long as it doesn't take us 6 hours to get home again! lol! but yeah, we all gotta get together and go to ikea to play hide and go seek! its tonz of fun and it would be even better with tonz of ppl cuz u get to jump out of where ur hiding and scare the shoppers half to death and u can play in the kiddie places and have old men think ur retarded! its great fun! well i must be on my way!


2 moos | someone say moo

:: 2004 4 April :: 8.18 pm
:: Mood: excited

guess what!?! i got a car!!!!! oh yeah! i'm excited and a half times 3 plus 2! so as u can see i'm very happy! which is good since i had a really crappy weekend as u might have gathered from my last entry... but thats another story. back to the car, its a 1989 chevy caprice and it smells awful and its not much as far as looks go but its still great! to put it in megans words it would be "pimp" lol. yeah well i must be off now!


3 moos | someone say moo

:: 2004 3 April :: 1.35 pm
:: Mood: confused

so i'm yet again at my dad's house doing nothing. rah, it angers me. but i've got in a lot of "thinking time" i guess u could call it. with all the things that r going on in my life right now i can never have enough time to think. i could just sit for hours upon hours and still not have a single thing figured out. thats the way it goes with me i guess... easily confused by the simplest of things and never be able to understand them. so how am i ever gonna know what to do with all the more complicated things? i dont. i just have no clue about any of it. and that in itself angers me and makes me more confused. well i guess i'll stop my rant since none of u have any idea what i'm talkin about anyway.


8 moos | someone say moo

:: 2004 30 March :: 8.57 pm

yeah so today at practice i really messed up my ankle even more than usual. its all swollen and puffy and just plain nasty! it angers me especially since we have a game tomorrow that i need to play in cuz 2 of our best players got moved up to varsity for the game. arg... anyway my day was good for the most part. i've just been really confused on a lot of things lately... tryin to find myself and what not. all i know is i've been doing a lot of praying on a lot of different things and i can see where its helping and where its gonna take some time. the only problem is i don't like to wait. but i know i must...


2 moos | someone say moo

:: 2004 24 March :: 8.51 pm

yeah so today after soccer i had to walk to the track and it sucked cuz these boys from the little people's school were all like following me and asking me stupid questions like why my socks didn't match and crap. stupid kids don't know any better. then they insulted me and called me short and stuff when they're like 3 feet shorter than me! it angers me.


5 moos | someone say moo

:: 2004 22 March :: 9.26 pm
:: Mood: cheerful

today was good. soccer was insane, not hard insane, just insane. i guess some girls from the varsity got caught drinking and were kicked off the team. yeah crazy. guess i'll have to stop drinking now.. don't wanna get caught but its gonna be hard cuz ya know i do that stuff all the time.. lol.


someone say moo

:: 2004 21 March :: 4.31 pm
:: Mood: discontent

another weekend has gone by with nothing special that happened. i'm sick of doing nothing with my life. its like i'm so busy all the time but its all in vain. don't get me wrong, i love my friends and sports and doing things but i just don't see how all this is going to help me out in the long run. theres so many things filling my time but its all so... empty ya know? and i might just be going crazy or something but its how i feel. and i don't like it.


1 moo | someone say moo

:: 2004 19 March :: 8.19 pm
:: Mood: exhausted

i'm so tired!!! soccer is crazy! and it makes my head hurt really REALLY bad! fer real, i can't even touch it without it hurting! rah, stupid headers!

i was having a really good day today... the key word there is WAS. i mean we had a 2 hour delay and shortened classes, mrs. babbitt was gone, i got to stay after school with dustin, and despite the head hurting thing soccer is pretty fun. but of course my dad finds some way to make my life horrible. he came like an hour early to pick us up. it angered me.

anyway to end on a lighter note, HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACQUI!!!! I LOVE YOU TONZ!!!


3 moos | someone say moo

:: 2004 16 March :: 5.01 pm
:: Mood: content

Spell your first name back wards: eirehc

Nicknames?: re, re re, hussie....

The story behind your msn/yahoo name: my sn? its a song

Boyfriend/Girlfriend?: yeah Dustin

3 words that sum you up: well i guess that depends on who ur talking to. i'm described many different ways

Hairbrush: its silver and its made so you can blow dry ur hair through it... its awesome!

Jewellery you wear daily: my rings, wrist band, and sometimes my watch

Pillow cover: uh they change often but at the moment one is pink and the other has whales on it.

Coffee cup: i don't really have my own but hey, w/e, i drink it!

Shoes: i have ones with sponge bob laces and black ones with writing all over them

CD in stereo right now: Tait

What you are wearing now: jeans, a white tank top, and a purple and blue shirt over it

In my mouth: gum

In my head: my brain...? lol, no fer real, uh Dustin, soccer, and algebra....

Eating: i just finished some girl scoutt cookies! mmm! those r *so* good!

Some of your favorite movies: i have so many but i think donnie darko is prolly one of the best

Something you're looking forward to: summer

The last thing you ate?: girl scoutt cookies... wait didn't i just say that????

Something that you are deathly afraid of?: getting a divorce after i'm married with kids

Do you like candles: yes i love them

Do you believe in a thing called love: of couse! i just dont believe in love at first sight

Do you believe in soul mates: yes

Do you believe in love at first sight: no i just said that

Do you believe in forgiveness: yeah

If you could have any animal for a pet: a pink cow!!!! oh yeah!

What are 3 places you wouldn't mind relocating to?: France, or Arizona oh and Ohio when Megan goes there

What's something you wish you could understand better?: this stupid math

Anyone you miss that you haven't seen in a long time?: all my TEC friends! I WANNA SEE YOU GUYS AGIAN!!!

In the last 24 hours, have you:

Cried: Nope

Gotten sick: no i just got over being sick

Sang: yeah!!

Eaten: mmm i want another cookie.... no i'll get fat. lol. i don't care! i'll eat one anyway!

Felt stupid: indeed

Hugged someone: yeah i hug everyone!

Wanted to tell someone you loved them: mmm no

Met someone new: kinda i don't remember her name

Talked to an ex: my exes are like my best friends

Fought with your parents: ..... maybe

Dreamed about someone you can't be with: no

Are you center of attention or the wallflower: i dunno... both at times

What type of automobile do you drive: i don't have one

Would u rather be with friends or on a date: both at times

Do you attend church: every sun., wed., and every other sat.

Do you like being around people: indeed

Who have you known the longest: ben says we've known eachother since kindergarden but i don't remember that far back

Who do you argue the most with: my dad well idk anymore cuz my mom and heather r making me really mad now

Who do you always get along with: pretty much everyone who isn't related to me

Who has the coolest siblings: uh i'm not sure...

Who is the smartest: ben! oh yeah he knows everything! lol

Who is your Hero: i don't have a hero

1 moo | someone say moo

:: 2004 16 March :: 4.46 pm
:: Mood: i'm happy indeed!

today was pretty good. i have soccer in about a hour and a half and it goes until 9. we get to find out what team we made but i already know that i made jv since like everyone who trys out makes it and i'm not good enough for varsity. lalala.... so anyway i don't really have anything else to say except that i hope your week is going as good as mine is!!!!


my nose is cold................... so r my hands........

someone say moo

:: 2004 14 March :: 1.52 pm
:: Music: jason upton

the play is over now. i'm sad... i'm gonna miss hangin out with those people. they rock! lol. it was fun and i think u should all try out next year cuz then it will be like 10 times better! :)


someone say moo

:: 2004 13 March :: 5.05 pm

yesterday was one of the best days ever!!!!!

5 moos | someone say moo

:: 2004 10 March :: 3.56 pm
:: Mood: happy and a half times... uh... 2
:: Music: Dashborad Confessional

today was a half day. 25 min classes was like the best ever! fer real! i wish it was like that every day. lol. but when i got home i had to leave again to go with my mom to clean. rah. not fun but oh well... i'm in a good mood! the sickness is leaving! woo! oooo and guess what!?! my mom (and i love her for this) is going to get me some stuff to dye my hair blue for the play! i'm excited and a half! i didn't think she would really get it for me but she is. well i'm sorry but i must be off!


1 moo | someone say moo

:: 2004 9 March :: 5.03 pm

today i got to sleep in! yay! ha and i got to miss current events! oh yeah! thats awesome and a half times 2! :) but i'm still sick. grr on sickness. i want it to leave. i think it is. i'm feeling better but still not back to normal. oh well. i just hope i'm better for the play on thrusday.

my fingers are nude....


1 moo | someone say moo | Random Journal