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Dried Tears... not in vain

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:: 2004 14 October :: 7.12 pm


extremely long survey

Created by xfallingforyoux and taken 36498 times on bzoink!

Your full name:Cherie Elizabeth Helbling
Natural hair colour:dirty blonde
Eye colour:green
Number of siblings:2 blood, 1 half, 1 step
Band:hmmm... the cure
Song:not sure
Stuffed animal:my purple elephant
Video game:vice city
TV show:Lost
Movie:little women
Game on a cell phone:snake
CD cover:the used's new cd cover is awesome
Flower:bleeding hearts
Scent:moonlight path
Animal:not sure
Comic book:lol i don't read them
Cereal:berry burst cheerios
Website:not sure
Play an instrument?:no
Watch TV more than 60 hours a week?:thats way too much
Like to sing?:sure
Have a job?:yeah
Have a cell phone?:mmhmm
Like to play sports?:soccer...
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?:nope
Have a crush on someone?:maybe...
Live somewhere NOT in the united states?:no
Have more than 5 TVs in your house?:no
Have any special talents/skills?:prolly... i just don't know them yet
Excercise daily?:lol right...
Like school?:sometimes
Sing the alphabet backwards?:no
Stand on your tip toes without wearing shoes?:no
Speak any other languages?:i'm learning french
Go a day without food?:yeah
Stay up for more than 24 hours?:yeah
Read music, not just tabs?:tabs?
Roll your tongue?:yuppers
Eat a whole pizza?:doubt it
Snuck out of the house?:no
Cried to get out of trouble?:yeah
Gotten lost in your city?:lol no one could get lost in cedar
Seen a shooting star?:many of them
Been to any other countries besides the united states?:yeah
Had a serious surgery?:no
Stolen something important to someone else?:no
Solved a rubiks cube?:i wish
Gone out in public in your pajamas?:yeah
Cried over a girl?:yeah
Cried over a boy?:yeah
Kissed a random stranger?:no
Hugged a random stranger?:yes
Been in a fist fight?:nope
Been arrested?:nope
Done drugs?:nope
Had alcohol?:not enough to get drunk
Laughed and had milk come out of your nose?:lol kinda... but not milk
Pushed all the buttons on an elevator?:oh yeah
Gone to school only to find you had the day off because of a holiday/etc?:no
Swore at your parents?:no
Been to warped tour?:i wish!
Kicked a guy where it hurts?:yeah
Been in love?:no
Been close to love?:yes
Been to a casino?:no
Ran over an animal and killed it?:almost
Broken a bone?:a toe
Gotten stitches?:no
Had a waterballoon fight in winter?:nope
Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour?:no
Made homemade muffins?:yes
Bitten someone?:fer sure
Been to disneyland/disneyworld?:no
More than 5 times?:no
Been to niagra falls?:no
Burped in someones face?:yes
Gotten the chicken pox?:yes
Brushed your teeth:this morning
Went to the bathroom:when i got home from school
Saw a movie in theaters:a long time ago
Read a book:last night
Had a snow day:sometime in the winter
Had a party:i don't remember
Had a slumber party:like 7th grade
Made fun of someone:i don't remember
Tripped in front of someone:3 days ago
Went to the grocery store:last week
Got sick:yesterday
Cursed:ummm... earlier today
Lights on/lights off:off
Body spray/lotion:body spray
Headache/stomach ache:stomach ache
Chinese food/mexican food:chimese food
Boy/girl:uh.. i like boys since i'm a girl
French toast/french fries:french fries
Ocean/swimming pool:ocean
Long sleeve/short sleeve:short sleeve
Winter break/spring break:winter break
Clouds/clear sky:depends
How many friends do you have?:a lot
What are their names?:don't feel like typing that many
Do you have a best friend?:Ben
Have you ever liked one of your friends?:yeah
Do you have more guy friends or more girl friends?:yuppers
Have you ever lost a friend?:yes
Have you ever gone to an amusement park with a friend?:yep
Whats an inside joke between you and a friend?:wax on, wax off
Have you ever gotten in a big arguement with a friend?:not really
Whats the nicest thing youve ever done for a friend?:i don't know
Whats the nicest thing a friend has ever done for you?:realize that i'm ok just the way i am
Do you miss any of your old friends?:uh huh
What friend have you known the longest?:i don't really know
Do you regret anything youve done to a friend?:of course
If so, what is it?:rather not say
How often do you spend time with your friends?:everyday a school
Do any of your friends drive?:yes
Has a friend of yours ever died?:not a close friend
Whats the dumbest thing youve done with a friend?:um... don't know
What do you think your friends think of you?:guess you'll have to ask them
Have you ever been in love?:no
If you have, with who?:no one
Are you single?:yes
Are you in a relationship?:no
If so, for how long?:no
Do you believe there is someone for everyone?:maybe
What is your idea of the best date?:doing something where u can get to know the person
What was your first kiss like?:awful
How old were you when you got your first kiss?:14
Do you think love is a load of shit?:no
Whats the best experiance youve ever had with the opposite sex?:i've had lots of them
If you are single, have you had any boyfriends/girlfriends before?:yeah
Have you ever been dumped?:once
Have you ever dumped someone?:yes
Whats the most sexual thing youve done with the opposite sex?:made out
Hat:my old man hat
Space:lol uh...stars
Good charlotte:meh
hate:not having food
did:go and ate food
miss:my megan
am annoyed by:the new megan
would rather:have the old megan
am tired of:taking this servey
will always:love you
What is your favourite genre of music?:anything but rap and counrty
What time is it now?:7:02
What day is it?:thursday
Whens the last time you called someone?:at 4:30
How much money do you have right now?:20 dollars
Are you hungry?:i was
Whatcha doin?:this servey
Do you like parades?:not really
Do you like the moon?:yes
What are you going to do when youre done with this?:put it on woohu
Isnt cup a funny word when you repeat it over and over?:fork is more funny
If you could have any magical power what would it be?:fly
Have you ever had a picnic?:lol yes
Did you ever have one of those skip-its when you were young?:yeah i was the best ever at those things
What about sock em boppers?:uh, no
Are you wearing any socks right now?:yeah
funny?:not really
pretty?:i'm not ugly
lazy?:at times
hyper?:at times
friendly?:at times
evil?:i hope not
smart?:lol i wish
talented?:not really
high:some kid named andy
brain freeze:my mom
drunk drivers:against
united states:for
rock music:for
gay marriage:against
britney spears:against
Sky dive?:yes
Play strip poker?:no
Run away?:maybe
Curse at a teacher?:no
Not take a shower for a week?:no
Ask someone out?:no
Lie to someone to make them think better of you?:i prolly have but i try not to lie
Visit a foreign country for more than a month?:yeah
Go scuba diving?:yeah
Write a book?:no
Become a rockstar?:lol if i had the talent
Have casual sex?:no
What shampoo do you use?:color vive
Whens the last time you did something sexual with the opposite sex?:i've never done anything but kiss and that was... um sometime before me and dustin broke up
What kind of computer do you have?:aoc spectrum
What grade are you in?:10
Do you like to throw popcorn at people in the movies?:yeah
Or just make out?:i've never made out at a movie
How many posters do you have in your room?:ummm 3 or 4
How many cds do you have?:108
What time is it now?:7:12

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2 moos | someone say moo

:: 2004 9 October :: 9.53 pm

At the moment...

Created by inferno and taken 24 times on bzoink!

At the moment...
what are you wearing?a shirt and jeans
what would you rather be wearing?i'm content
what are you listening to?the typing of these keys
what is the taste in your mouth?the taste of my mouth
what is your favorite band?don't know
what would you rather doing?going on a road trip
where would you rather be?on a road trip
who do you want to see?megan!
who is your crush?not telling
what is on your mind?lots of things
what don't you want to think about?i'd rather not say
what are you waiting for?nothin
what do you have plans to do?well i'm in the middle of making them
what do you plan on not doing?uh... not sure
who don't you want to see?my father
who do you hate?^
what do you hate?when people change
what do you love?when people change
what is a secret you're keeping?if its a secret that i'm keeping and i told u i wouldn't be keeping it

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1 moo | someone say moo

:: 2004 6 October :: 6.50 pm
:: Mood: lonely
:: Music: whatever my stupid sister is blasting in her room....

i want my megan back
omg i miss megan sooo much. no, not the megan she is now... i miss my old megan. i want to talk to her but now shes dead with some psycho child that replaced her. i wanna just run next door and see her standing there waiting but shes gone. i want things to be how they used to be back when she was still my best friend. i just wanna know what happened... but i already do, i just don't want to admit to myself that shes really never coming back. i want to keep on thinking shes still the same and that she didn't change for anyone like she said. but its just not so. and it just hit me that i can never talk to the megan i once knew again. and i am completely overwhelmed with loss, more so then i thought possible.


1 moo | someone say moo

:: 2004 5 October :: 7.09 pm

does anyone have The Used's new cd that i can copy??? i want it bbbbbbbaaaaaaadddddd!


3 moos | someone say moo

:: 2004 4 October :: 8.48 pm

well today was the first day of play practice. it wasnt too bad. at first i didn't think i would like being an extra but now i don't think it will be too bad. plus the people who did get the parts really deserve them so its all good. at least im in it right?

biology is sooooooooo boring! i want out of it... but i gotta take it. rawr. i can't even pay attention at all. not even a little bit. its crazy cuz normally i'm pretty good about getting stuff done and listening but in that class i just cant. its crazy! and science isn't all that boring to me i just think its the teacher or something cuz i just zone all hour. bleh....


4 moos | someone say moo

:: 2004 3 October :: 5.43 pm

"Don't ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that because the world needs more people who have come alive."

~Harold Whitman~

1 moo | someone say moo

:: 2004 29 September :: 7.46 pm
:: Music: New American Classic by Taking Back Sunday

i love this song :)
"New American Classic"

"We've got to get better," I said, "It's all in your head."
We could live through these letters or forget it all together
See the months they don't matter it's the days I can't take
When the hours move to minutes and I'm seconds away

Just ask the question come untie the knot
Say you won't care Say you won't care
Retrace the steps as if we forgot
Say you won't care Say you won't care
Try to avoid it but there's not a doubt
And there's one thing I can do nothing about

When all that we need is just a reaction
It's too much to ask for when there's no attraction anymore
If chasing our dreams is just a distraction
I want to remember but I know that I can't go back

Just ask the question come untie the knot
Say you won't care Say you won't care
Retrace the steps as if we forgot
Say you won't care Say you won't care
Try to avoid it but there's not a doubt
There's one thing I can do nothing
There's one thing I can do nothing
There's one thing I can do nothing about.

Just ask the question come untie the knot
Say you won't care Say you won't care
Retrace the steps as if we forgot
Say you won't care Say you won't care
Try to avoid it (try to avoid it) but there's not a doubt
And there's one thing I can do nothing
There's one thing I can do nothing
There's one thing I can do nothing
There's one thing I can do nothing about.

2 moos | someone say moo

:: 2004 29 September :: 6.48 pm

well i just got back from trying out for the play.... i don't think i did too well. i didn't get to try out until like 5:00ish so i wasn't very happy by the time i got a chance. but i'm gonna again tomorrow so maybe i can redeem myself... maybe i cant. that would be sad but i guess i'll get whatever i get. bleh....... becky and erika did an awesome job with the script tho... what little i got to see was very good. :)


1 moo | someone say moo

:: 2004 27 September :: 8.38 pm

i'm this bored

[the alphabet survey]

Created by thetoasternetwork and taken 6656 times on bzoink!

Act your agei've been told i act older
Born on what day of the weektuesday
Chore you hatedishes
Dad's namei don't talk about him
Essentail make-up itemeye liner
Favorite actors/actressesidk
Gold or sliversilver
Hometowncedar springs, a town that celebrates its underwear
Instruments you playnon
Job titlestudent
Kidswont have em
Living arrangementswith mom
Mom's nameKim
Number of socks you ownzero
Overnight hospital stayswith me in the hospital or waiting for someone else? cuz i've waited for someone else but i've never stayed in there
Phobiaof dolbee
Quote you like"I'm desperate in seeking, frantic believing that the sight of your face is all that i'm needing" ~Rita Springer
Religious affiliationi go to church
Siblingsa sister (16) and 2 brothers (13 and 1)
Time you woke up today6:00
Unusual habitsidk
Vicious thing you've donehuh?
Worst habittalking before thinking
X-rays you've hadwhat? i've had one of my spine before...
Your favorite seasondepends. right now its fall then prolly winter then spring then summer
Zodiac signi don't believe in that crap.

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What if?

Created by funkedmunkey and taken 28 times on bzoink!

Right Now...
If I could be anyone, I would be:me
If I could punch anyone, I would punch:wylie
If I could have a book written about me, I would have it written by:frank peretti
If I could act in a film with anyone, I would act with:Jonny Depp
If I could be directed by any film director, I would be directed by:dunno
If I could record a duet with anyone, I would record it with:heh, me?!? sing!?! hahahahahaha! thats a good one
If I could be painted with any artist, I would be painted by:dunno
If I could snog the pants off anyone, I would snog:lol, wouldn't you like to know
If I could shag anyone, I would shag:^

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someone say moo

:: 2004 26 September :: 8.04 pm

well this weekend was fun i suppose. i went to the Jason Upton concert with my youth group and that was way awesome. he signed my shirt and i was very very very happy!!! but then sarah had to ruin my perfect day... again. cuz ya know i'm such a slut and all. w/e. but the i went to the mall today and got my homecoming dress. so that was fun i suppose. anyway... i'm gonna go now.


2 moos | someone say moo

:: 2004 23 September :: 7.13 pm

its what all the cool kids are doing...
1. Take your name and replace each letter with the corresponding number (A=1, B=2, etc...).
2. Add all of the numbers together.
3. Add the digits of the number together.
4. Find the post of this number in your Woohu.
5. Take the digit you noted in step 3, and count that many words into the post.
6. Use the resulting word in a Google Image Search, and select a picture from the first page and post the results for all of us to see!

C- 3
H- 8
E- 5
R- 18
I- 9
E- 5

= 48

the word was

someone say moo

:: 2004 22 September :: 8.01 pm

(\ /)



4 moos | someone say moo

:: 2004 22 September :: 6.54 pm

i can't wait for the weekend. i'm going to the football game then i'm going to flint or something like that for a concert. don't know when i'll be back... prolly sunday or something. i just need to get away from this house. i'm going crazy being stuck here. i love my family but too much of a good thing is NOT a good thing. i love Josh but right now i can't stand to be with him. hes driving me up a wall. i suppose thats y i'm in the basement away from him and my mom and heather. peace at last.... kinda.


someone say moo

:: 2004 14 September :: 9.33 pm
:: Music: Def Lepard: have u ever need someone so bad

good song
Have you ever needed someone so bad, yeah
Have you ever wanted someone you just couldn't have
Did you ever try so hard that your world just fell apart
Have you ever needed someone so bad
And you're the girl i gotta have
I gotta have you baby, yeah


someone say moo

:: 2004 13 September :: 6.57 pm
:: Mood: angry

and so it starts again... the rumors... the talking behind my back.... the pretending that i'm ignorant... the no trust even tho i didn't do anything to lose it...

you would think that THEY of all people would be different but no. they're just as stupid and gossip just as much as everyone else and im so sick of it. i didn't do anything at all and suddenly i'm the bad person again. again. again. and yet again. theres no hope. i don't think its possible for them to understand me. they don't know me no matter how much i open up to them they still have no clue who i am. if they did they would go around saying all this crap about me. non of its true and it pisses me off that they could convince people who i've known all my life that i did these things or whatever. they need to GROW UP, GET A LIFE, and STAY OUT OF MINE!!!

sorry i'm just so mad right now u don't even know.


5 moos | someone say moo

:: 2004 6 September :: 3.58 pm

The Last Day of Summer by The Cure

Nothing i am
Nothing i dream
Nothing is new
Nothing i think or believe in or say
Nothing is true

It used to be so easy
I never even tried
Yeah it used to be so easy...

But the last day of summer
Never felt so cold
The last day of summer
Never felt so old
Never felt so...

All that i have
All that i hold
All that is wrong
All that i feel for or trust in or love
All that is gone

It used to be so easy
I never even tried
Yeah it used to be so easy...

But the last day of summer
Never felt so cold
The last day of summer
Never felt so old
The last day of summer
Never felt so cold

Never felt so...

and it is the last day of summer... *tear* time to go back i suppose.

someone say moo

:: 2004 5 September :: 9.51 pm
:: Mood: super good
:: Music: the Joker by Quiet Riot

i suppose everyone's getting sick of this thing but oh well

x. Slept in your bed: me
x. Saw you cry: Ryan
x. Made you cry: i'd rather not explain
x. You shared a drink with: my mommy
x. You went to the movies with: megan
x. You went to the mall with: my mommy
x. Yelled at you: my mommy
x. Sent you an e-mail: Tim


x. Said "I love you" and meant it?: of course
x. Gotten in a fight with your pet: yes
x. Been to California: No
x. Been to Hawaii: No
x. Been to Mexico: yep
x. Been to China: No
x. Been to Cuba: nope
x. Danced naked: wouldn't u like to know
x. Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day: yes and it was very sad
x. Wish you were the opposite sex: no i'm good the was i am
x. Had an imaginary friend: had??? no. have??? yes.


x. Do you have a crush on someone: nope
x. What book are you reading now: the silver chair
x. Worst feeling in the world: hate
x. Future son's name: no idea. i only have a girl's name picked out and that would be either Misty Hope or Misty Dawn (think about it... they work on 2 levels)
x. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: of course. the one megan gave to me b4 she left. lol.
x. What's under your bed: who knows???
x. Favorite sports to watch: soccer
x. Siblings: a sister, a brother, a half brother and a step sister
x. Location: Cedar Springs
x. College plans: Air Force
x. Piercings/tattoos: just ears
x. Boyfriend/girlfriend: nope


x. Do you do drugs: no sir
x. Do you drink: no sir
x. Who is your best friend: Ben
x. What are you most scared of: getting a divorce
x. What clothes do you sleep in: uh... pjs.
x. Where do you want to get married: at my church
x. Who do you really hate: no one
x. Do you drive: i have a permit
x. Do you have a job: yep i take care of a horse
x. Do you like being around people: most of the time
x. Are you for world peace: meh, not really


x. Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with: haven't we all?
x. Have you ever cried over something someone of the opposite sex did: mmhmm *hangs head in shame*
x. Do you have a "type" of person you always go after: not really, as long as they're Christian its all good.
x. Want someone you don't have right now: not really
x. Are you lonely right now: nope
x. Song thats stuck in your head a lot: nothin
x. Do you want to get married: mmhmm
x. Do you want kids: idk yet.. i'm leaning towards no but that could all change


x. Room in house: My room and the computer room
x. Type(s) of music: anything but rap and country
x. Band(s): lots
x. Color(s): PINK!!!
x. Perfume or cologne: moonlit path by bath and body works
x. Month: between december and january
x. Stone: uh... idk


x. Cried: almost but no
x. Bought something: mmhmm
x. Gotten sick: Nope
x. Sang: of course
x. Wanted to tell someone you loved them: no
x. Met someone new: yeah
x. Missed someone: yeah... megan come back!!!!
x. Hugged someone: yuppers!

so anyway thats my boring thingy that i decided to do since everyone else was. how lame am i? lol.


2 moos | someone say moo

:: 2004 3 September :: 10.24 pm

just got back from shopping. i finally got some clothes for school. lol. and i got Chris Rice's Greatest Hits so i'm super happy. i love this song:

Every day is a journal page
Every man holds a quill and ink
And there's plenty of room for writing in
All we do is believe and think
So will you compose a curse
Or will today bring the blessing
Fill the page with rhyming verse
Or some random sketching

Teach us to count the days
Teach us to make the days count
Lead us in better ways
That somehow our souls forgot
Life means so much
Life means so much
Life means so much

Every day is a bank account
And time is our currency
So nobody's rich, nobody's poor
We get 24 hours each
So how are you gonna spend
Will you invest, or squander
Try to get ahead
Or help someone who's under

Teach us to count the days
Teach us to make the days count
Lead us in better ways
That somehow our souls forgot
Life means so much
Life means so much
Life means so much

Has anybody ever lived who knew the value of a life
And don't you think giving is all
What proves the worth of yours and mine

Teach us to count the days
Teach us to make the days count
Lead us in better ways
That somehow our souls forgot
Life means so much

Every day is a gift you've been given
Make the most of the time every minute you're living

anyway... i guess thats all i have to say. i can't wait to see u all again!!!!


someone say moo

:: 2004 31 August :: 12.58 pm

American lit- Dolbee
TV Production- Martino
Government- London
Goemetry- Neier
French 1- Schaffer
Biology- McDonald

4 moos | someone say moo

:: 2004 27 August :: 10.16 pm
:: Music: Total Eclipse of the Heart by Nicki French

so today we went back to school shopping... kinda. i didn't get all mine done but i did get some cool things. Shatara went with us so that was fun.

heh, i was going through Heather's cds the other day and i found this song:

Every now and then I get a little bit lonely and youre never comin round

Every now and then I get a little bit tired of listening to the sound of my tears

Every now and then I get a little bit nervous that the best of all the years have gone by

Every now and then I get a little bit terrified and then I see the look in your eyes

Every now and then I fall apart

Every now and then I fall apart

Every now and then I get a little bit restless and I dream of something wild

Every now and then I get a little bit helpless and Im lyin like a child in your arms

Every now and then I get a little bit angry and I know Ive got to get out and cry

Every now and then I get a little bit terrified but then I see the look in your eyes

Every now and then I fall apart

Every now and then I fall apart

And I need you now tonight, and I need you more than ever
And if youll only hold me tight, well be holding on forever

And well only be making it right, cause well never be wrong
Together we can take it to the end of the line
Your love is like a shadow on me all of the time
I dont know what to do and Im always in the dark
Were livin in a powder keg and givin off sparks

I really need you tonight
Forevers gonna start tonight
Forevers gonna start tonight

Once upon a time I was falling in love but now Im only falling apart
Theres nothing I can do, a total eclipse of the heart
Once upon a time there was light in my life but now theres only love in the dark
Nothing I can say, a total eclipse of the heart

Every now and then I know youll never be the boy you always wanted to be

But every now and then I know youll always be the only boy who wanted me the way that I

Every now and then I know theres no one in the universe as magical and wondrous as you

Every now and then I know theres nothing any better, theres nothing that I just
wouldnt do

Every now and then I fall apart

Every now and then I fall apart

And I need you now tonight, and I need you more than ever
And if youll only hold me tight, well be holding on forever
And well only be making it right, cause well never be wrong
Together we can take it to the end of the line
Your love is like a shadow on me all of the time
I dont know what to do, Im always in the dark
Were livin in a powder keg and givin off sparks

I really need you tonight
Forevers gonna start tonight
Forevers gonna start tonight

Once upon a time I was falling in love but now Im only falling apart
Nothing I can do, a total eclipse of the heart
Once upon a time there was light in my life but now theres only love in the dark
Nothing I can say, a total eclipse of the heart
A total eclipse of the heart
A total eclipse of the heart

well i used to love this song and i would sing it all the time though i hardly understood what it meant at the time. but its still a good one in my opinion.


someone say moo

:: 2004 25 August :: 8.09 pm
:: Mood: cheerful
:: Music: Stop cryin your heart out by Oasis

i love my hair! i got it redone the same colors and everything but it looks like 10 times better!!! the blonde is super blonde, the red is blood red, and the brown is way darker. its the greatest! just in time for pictures. wooo. Jen rocks!!


2 moos | someone say moo

:: 2004 24 August :: 9.13 pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: The Cure

i need to do something
sooooooooo bored out of my mind. i just got done copying some cds and now i have nothing to do. i need to see people. i've been stuck here with the family for far too long now. i have to get away.... save me please.


someone say moo

:: 2004 24 August :: 4.31 pm

me: *listens to taking back sunday*
mom:whats he saying???
me: "well i never made a scene"
mom: but hes screaming
me: so...?
mom: thats making a scene if you ask me. hes a liar.


5 moos | someone say moo

:: 2004 23 August :: 10.09 pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: total eclipse of the heart by niki french

well i haven't updated in like forever so i guess its time to. today was ok i guess. really boring but ok. we all went to the doctors office and me and heather saw a gay guy. it was pretty funny but kinda grose cuz he waxed his eyebrows and thats just not cool. and then we went to meijer and i saw James. uh... i got some pink chucks last night so thats good. other than that i can't wait until school starts and i get to see you all again.


1 moo | someone say moo

:: 2004 5 August :: 10.31 pm

well i just got back from vbs. i'm sad that its over now cuz it was tons of fun!!! i love being there and hanging out with the kids. i had 3 little buddies. their names were Tenesha, Erin, and Grace. they were SO cute! lol. i had fun. i can't wait until next year.


2 moos | someone say moo | Random Journal