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:: 2011 3 June :: 10.01pm

Hollie - Hmmm...whats a bride mean in english ( cook, helper or friend )
Greg - Heres a hint for you....your really good at it.
Hollie - must be helper
Greg - *smacks face* yes hollie...your a good helper....
Hollie then goes to the next question.

waiting to grow


:: 2011 30 May :: 10.39pm

Hollie: "Hey Jodi, where did mom put her airhorn?" Jodi: "I dunno... *long pause* *LOLOLOLOL no way dude that would be sooooo mean"

waiting to grow


:: 2011 23 May :: 9.47am

Every step I take I am further from where I want to be. I'm always running from things I can't see.

waiting to grow


:: 2011 1 May :: 1.55pm

Shit my dad says...

Dad: "Jeez you're a night owl" Hollie: "Sure am. Just got in from the gym" Dad: "Wow, I just got up from the couch"

waiting to grow


:: 2011 15 February :: 10.43pm

Sweat baby sweat...

Speaking of flu shots, I do believe I would benefit from one next year!
Working with kids is killing me.
This is the 3rd time I've been sick this year alone!
I've had Norwalk, the flu and now whatever it is I have now... half the symptoms fall under cold category and half under flu.
Either way I can't stand it.
I don't like flu shots, I've never had one... I'm more of a "let it run its course" kinda person.
I don't even like taking medication unless its really necessary...
But given that I've been so sick so often and I work with kids I think getting a flu shot and getting sick once is better than constantly.

Shit Sam says:

| ; S a m ; | | says:
i was going to tell you this tonight
i was driving home from dropping alex off at work.. and there's these three stupid police cycleists on the road
it was super annoying! I mean they piss me off already.. but make them cops.

waiting to grow


:: 2011 10 February :: 10.01pm

In every dream you're my guiding light.

Happy with the way things have been the past few days... at least for the most part :)

waiting to grow


:: 2011 7 February :: 1.05pm

Shit my mom says.

My mom was sitting there watching the tv listings channel for like 10 minutes, finally I said "are you going to just watch the tv listings?"
And she was like "oh did it change!? I thought it was just a commercial".

waiting to grow


:: 2011 7 February :: 12.26am

I should start a blog about "shit my mom says"...

She was talking to my about the new guy my sister has been seeing and she said
"apparently he's a chef! and not the kind at Mcdonalds"
... I just looked at her and laughed and said
"wow we must be poor if you think people who flip crappy burgers at Mcdonalds are chefs..."

waiting to grow


:: 2011 6 February :: 2.45am

Reading through my past entries really makes me think... as always... I need to update more!

It's really nice to be able to spill everything and no that no one in my life can read it. It's also really nice to look back and see how things have changed for me, and how different I used to be.

waiting to grow


:: 2011 6 February :: 2.29am

There is a wound that's always bleeding.
There is a road I'm always walking.
And I know you'll never return to this place .

Been dealing with a lot lately.

Trying to move forward with my life, trying to change things, make things happen. New year, new me right? Maybe it was the new year or maybe it was the signifigance I put on turning 20? Whatever the reason... in most ways I've been doing really well.. working on my fitness, got a new job in September that I love, quit the overnight job that I had been working since October (that I hated!) took up yoga again, and pole dancing again :) Been making more of an effort to establish myself, figure myself out and discover more about myself. All in all those things are going fairly well.

I have realized a lot in the past two months, and I have changed a lot. I'm trying to let go of a lot of agression and sadness that i've harboured. I'm trying to see things in a new light, and making an honest effort to look at the positive aspects of things... its definately not an easy thing for me but I am trying. I'm also realizing to appreciate and accept myself. I realize these changes don't just happen over night, and that there will be setbacks along the way.
This isn't all coming out the way I want, it seems sort of scatterbrained in a sense... could be because its almost 3am and I'm pretty tired or that im just so eager to write that everything is just kinda pouring out.

The only way to end this, that best describes where I am currently at and completely contradicts half of what I said... but for all the right reasons, is this...
A memory that could hold me back.

waiting to grow


:: 2011 24 January :: 9.01pm

I keep getting asked what married life is like or how married life is going as if I underwent some magical transformation at 5pm on October 23 and I woke up as a new species, a new life form, on October 24: Wife.

My response is always: it's exactly the same, nothing has changed.

And in a way, that's true. But really I only respond that way because I don't know how else to answer and I don't think people are really expecting an answer beyond "fantastic" or "wonderful." So I answer the same way every time I'm asked.

It's exactly the same. Nothing's changed.

And really, the day to day stuff has not changed at all. That comes with territory though and has nothing to do with marriage or our marriage. When you date someone for 6.5 years and live with them for 3.5, there's not much that changes once you put a title on the relationship.

However I'm still lying when I say nothing has changed. I have changed. Nick has changed. My name has changed.

My name has changed. I didn't think this would be such a big deal to me and I still don't feel it is that much of a big to-do but I do feel the change intimately. I never was really in the feminist/non-name changing camp as I always felt that changing your name was a part of the marriage just like middle school follows elementary school. It is what you do. So I did it because that's what you do. And despite changing my name on Facebook almost immediately (peer pressure is a thing, children) I procrastinated and didn't process the legal name change until January. And now this is who I am. I am not a Greggs, I am a Hazen. My voicemail still says Greggs, at work I am still Greggs but in the eyes of the government of the United States of America and the state of Michigan, I am a Hazen. Who I am as a person and who I identify myself as has changed.

I always thought names were strange. Nick's name isn't Nick, it's Nicholas but to everyone and to himself, he is Nick. Oliver and I were talking about this the other day in relation to celebrities. He was wondering if celebrities' spouses call them their birth name or their stage name. He used Fergie as an example. Is she Fergie at home? To her husband? To her friends? Is she Fergie to her parents?

Now I'm not the person I was for 23 years of my life. I'm someone new, someone different, someone married. I have to learn to respond to a new name, a new title. I'm a wife, I'm married, I'm a Hazen, I'm a Mrs. It's all so very strange that I don't know how I'll get used to it. I'm sure that 23 years from now, I won't be able to imagine it being any different.

I always knew that Nick and I were together for the long haul and we were in this forever, even before we got married. We were good kids and we talked about marriage for quite some time. We talked about getting married like it was some great accomplishment far off and far away from us. Being married was something that happened to other people. We would get there someday but it wasn't today and it wasn't tomorrow. Then suddenly it was tomorrow and then just as suddenly it was today. And then just as quickly it was yesterday and a month ago and two months ago and yesterday it was three months ago and I didn't even notice. We passed this great threshold, this life defining moment, this milestone, this sacrament and it was just a day. Now we're here and it's exactly the same.

But it's not.

I don't know how to describe this feeling to people who aren't married and that's why I haven't been trying. I'm married. I have someone who will always have my back. I have someone who is always on my mind, who is the most important person in my life and someone who is my best friend. All these things were true even before we signed a piece of paper and said those vows but now it's different. Now I have someone with me for the rest of my life. I have someone who will always be there and someone I know I can always turn to for help. I have someone who I can call my husband. I have someone I'm legally bound to and who is bound to me. I have someone who loved me enough to spend all that money on one day to celebrate being us. Together. Finally.

I am married to a wonderful man and someday I will be married to and will have been with Nick for longer than I've been without him (June 13, 2021 to be exact). We will be with each other for the rest of our lives. It's an amazing feeling that didn't really hit me until our "staycation" honeymoon when I cried that afternoon in our hotel room, holding on to my new life. I was a wife celebrating her marriage to her husband and the overwhelming non-change change just threw me. It still hits me hard sometimes and it always surprises me the most when people ask me how married life is. It's not exactly the same but I can't very well tell this story can I?

I also am now deeply affected by any sad/happy stories about married couples. Whether reading a story about the death of a spouse or a child or just thinking about how hard it must have been for immigrants to leave their families behind, I get upset. Thinking about how my great-great great granduncle (or whatever he was) left his wife and traveled on the world's largest unsinkable ship to America, I get teary. I know how Fahim Leeni must have felt when he left his wife of four month for something better. I know how people feel when they are separated from their spouses. I know this because I know this feeling, I know how people feel when they are together.

How's married life?

It's about the same.

4 ...sweet love...sweet love | waiting to grow


:: 2010 9 December :: 1.08pm

How I long to be found. The grass grew high, I laid down. Now I'm waiting for a hand. To life me up, help me stand.

waiting to grow


:: 2010 19 November :: 6.23am

I love my mom...

*Mom helping me with flash cards* Hollie: "I don't know, what is it?" Mom: "Joint. And not the kind you smoke!" haha thanks mom

Just walked into her moms room to find her sitting with the window open listening to the firetrucks...

waiting to grow


:: 2010 13 October :: 5.52pm

I'm getting married in a week.

waiting to grow


:: 2010 2 October :: 10.44pm

You are the only exception.

In so many ways I have changed. In so many ways I have grown. In so many ways I can force myself to move beyond my struggles.

Why is it that you are always in my way?

waiting to grow

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