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A Collection of Thoughts

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:: 2004 20 January :: 6.47 pm
:: Mood: cold.
:: Music: deftones-bored

a hula hoop is one of the best inventions...ever.
well, it turns out that today wasnt all that great of a day. not too bad i guess.

im really not into feeling sick.

but i bought a slinky today and it made my day. :)

peace fools.

2 laughs | humor me

:: 2004 19 January :: 3.54 pm
:: Mood: :)
:: Music: NIN

"horseshoe crab baseball". what a game.
well, today was really fun.

i didnt even much mind waking up at 6:30 just to go pick up trash. it was a good day.

i love my friends. they are neatt, w/ two t's.

school tomorrow.....what a buzz kill.

goodbye loves.

4 laughs | humor me

:: 2004 17 January :: 7.17 pm

last night was mega-fun. i went to the movies w/ tarek, lenny, and andrew and saw alot of other people there. the night started out kind of slow but it ended up being really fun. we walked to barnes and noble and junk, me and lenny spinned, and then i laughed at my lil wing for being pretty drunk. wow. then i spent the night at lenny's. i so saw her in an apron! lol. good times. then...___.

i went shopping w/ my mom today. i got my junk for lacrosse. pretty cool stuff. i had to go to the grocery store along w/ a bizallion other stores. i hate that place. to make it worse they were playing shania twain. ew.

people need to stop stealing everyone else's stuff. mean heads.

i saw mrs. sanders the other day. she calls me carrie-lou. shes one of the coolest teachers ive had. :)

i thought things were going pretty well w/ my mom and i. turns out...not so much.

but, tarek makes me smile.

im so glad its the weekend.

later kids.

6 laughs | humor me

:: 2004 15 January :: 5.59 pm
:: Mood: fine.

"its not the school bus. its the COOL bus."
well, the past couple days have been perrtty cool.

i hung out w/ tar yesterday after school. that was fun.

then, i came home and slept the entire night. i guess i was pretty tired.

today this black kid was trying to get my number. it was comical, yet creepy. lol.

i went to mcdonalds after school. on the way there we passed collin and ian walking on panther lane. they jumped in the car and we took them too. we just stopped in the middle of the road and let them in, lol. after me and lenny walked back to school, i went to the last part of lacrosse practice. whoo hoo.

im so happy that tomorrow is friday. yay.

i dont know about any of my boys....but im not looking forward to being at the beach at 7:30 on monday to pick up trash, lol. im sure its going to be fun but we all know im so not a morning person.

this is funny. kind of lame but read it anyway:

The Passing
It is with the saddest heart that we must pass on the following news.
Please join us in remembering a great icon of the entertainment community.
The Pillsbury Doughboy died yesterday of a yeast infection and complications from repeated pokes in the belly. He was 71. Doughboy was buried in a lightly greased coffin. Dozens of celebrities turned out to pay their respects, including Mrs.Buttersworth, Hungry Jack, the California Raisins, Betty Crocker, the Hostess Twinkies, and Captain Crunch. The gravesite was piled high with flours. Aunt Jemima delivered the eulogy and lovingly described Doughboy as a man who never knew how much he was kneaded. Doughboy rose quickly in show business, but his later life was filled with turnovers. He was not considered a very 'smart' cookie, wasting much of his dough on half-baked schemes. Despite being a little flaky at times he still, as a crusty old man, was considered a roll model for millions. Doughboy is survived by his wife, Play Dough; two children, John Dough and Jane Dough; plus, they had one in the oven. He is also survived by his elderly father, Pop Tart. The funeral was held at 3:50 for about 20 minutes.

now that you just wasted your time reading that, im out of here.


3 laughs | humor me

:: 2004 12 January :: 5.25 pm
:: Mood: good.
:: Music: deftones-adrenaline

good times.
today was neatt, w/ two t's.

tar and me=togetherness. i smile. :)

lacrosse practice was good. i super uper sucked, but i guess thats okay. it was my first practice after all.

the basketball game today was hilarious. i didnt watch any of the game. i was entertained by dani, lou, anna, and maria the whole time. it was great. we decided that dani's kids are going to run around w/ their tongues flapping about, lol.

i missed ernie today. i see her tomorrow.

adam didnt move. that makes me happy.

ive got bunches of homework i need to do. i should think about starting that.

yeah, im all out of junk to talk about.


8 laughs | humor me

:: 2004 9 January :: 11.32 am
:: Mood: allright.
:: Music: its all quiet up in this library.

"my grandpa so has those gloves."
^i said that to lenny yesterday when we walked past a glove. my papa so has it. yeah, completely pointless...

well, lets see. whats been going on?....

first day back to school was okay. i was glad to see everyone. i had missed them all.

yesterday was neat. had a good day at school. i was really out of it and making hardly any sense at all, lol. imagine that. what a surprise. me and lenny chilled afterschool. it was special.

and as for far so good. pretty easy day. i movie it tonight. hopefully ill see alot of you guys there.

i found out somebad news. adam's moving back to ohio if things dont work out for him here. he should have found out today but i havent talked to him since this morning. that makes me really sad. im going to miss him. it makes me cry. he'll always have a place in my heart. blah blah blah. :(

good luck to michelle. i hope shes doing well in all-state.

ive run out of things to say so im out of here.

have a wonderful day. :)
bye kids.

8 laughs | humor me

:: 2004 6 January :: 3.39 pm
:: Mood: good
:: Music: nin- pretty hate machine

back in business.
the past couple days have been fairly exciting.

i played w/ emily and linsey at the mall. it was fun. bought some pretty things. all in all, yesterday was a damn good day.

today, michelle came and picked me up. we went to go visit flory but he was nowhere to be found. we went to the beach after that. we ran into andrew, josh, and some other peoples. then went to blackhawk. left there to go pick up her friend, steven, at bishop. he seems like a cool kid.

now, im home just chillin.

i think ill go sleep in awhile.

school should go away. ill just suck it up cause its coming whether or not i want it to.

i was thinking that its kind of funny....i have this journal but rarely say what i really feel. hm...

blah, blah, blah. thats all i can say.


humor me

:: 2004 3 January :: 9.53 pm
:: Mood: exhausted
:: Music: taking back sunday

home sweet home.
im home.

im excited to sleep in my own bed and get back to the "normalcy" in my life. hopefully im still loved by all my boys. <3.

i hated saying goodbye to my family today. i didnt want to leave them. there are so many problems. it kills me. i want to be there with them and somehow find a way to protect them. but i cant be in two places at one time. so i come back home to love my boys and help them in any way i can while i try and help my family from afar. some how i dont think i can do it. im glad i got to spend the time i had with them. it was nice.

my vacation was pretty crazy. i dont even know where to begin. ill just leave it as way crazy. a good kind.

i hope all of you had a wonderful holiday. i wish you only the best in the new year. only happiness and smiles.

many hearts to you all.
ill be seeing you soon.

i got this from a friend. its really super corny but deal.
If a kiss was a raindrop,
I'd send you showers.
If hugs were a second,
I'd send you hours.
If smiles were water,
I'd send you the sea.
If friendship was a person,
I'd send you me.


2 laughs | humor me

:: 2003 17 December :: 5.58 pm
:: Mood: fine.
:: Music: nirvana-nevermind

its all coming to an end.
finals today. not too bad. i only had one so, thats most likely why.

i chilled w/ collin, andrew, and jayme afterschool. we got dropped off at belltower and walked to taco bell and this tattoo place. the girl there was really cool. we chilled there for awhile. she had this huge ring through her nose. :)

and now its story time:

Santa & the Angel

Not long ago and far away, Santa was getting ready for his annual trip
But there were problems everywhere.
Four of his elves got sick, and the trainee elves did not produce the toys as fast as the regular ones so Santa was beginning to feel the pressure of
being behind schedule. Then Mrs. Claus told Santa that her Mom was coming to visit.
This stressed Santa even more.
When he went to harness the reindeer, he found that three of them were about to give birth and two had jumped the fence and were out, heaven knows where.
More Stress.
Then when he began to load the sleigh, one of the boards cracked and the toy bag fell to the ground and scattered the toys. Totally frustrated,
Santa went into the house for a cup of coffee and a shot of whiskey.
When he went to the cupboard, he found the elves had hit the liquor and there was nothing to drink. In his frustration, he dropped the
coffee pot and it broke into hundreds of little pieces all over the kitchen floor. He went to get the broom and found that mice had eaten the straw it
was made from.
Just then the door bell rang and Santa cussed on his way to the door. He opened the door and there was a little angel with a great big
Christmas tree.
The angel said: Where would you like to put this tree,Fat man?"
And that my friend, is how the little angel came to be on top of the
Christmas tree.


4 laughs | humor me

:: 2003 12 December :: 9.41 pm
:: Mood: disappointed
:: Music: fletch and lenny talking.

theres always an ending to every fairy tale.
me and adam is no more.

i just wish it didnt have to be like that.

thats all for today.
goodnight my lil children.

6 laughs | humor me

:: 2003 11 December :: 11.58 am
:: Mood: annoyed
:: Music: silence



Everyone have a wonderful day.


humor me

:: 2003 3 December :: 7.41 pm
:: Mood: fine
:: Music: deftones-white pony

i would tell you what all ive been up to but i really dont remember. just a bunch of stuff. thats all i know, lol.

i do remember today though. pretty nifty stuff happened.
codes and i jammed to school this morning. its fairly cold outside then but we refuse to drive w/ the windows up, lol. then school was allright. wasnt bad. wasnt good. in yearbook, ernie had to interview the a-team and lenny and i went w/ her. those are some crazy people.
after school i went to lacrosse practice for a little while but i didnt have my stick so there was no point in staying. they screwed up my order for my lacrosse stuff again. geez.
me and lenny decided to walk to grab and go after that. half the wrestling team showed up while we were there. it was funny. we talked to them and then left.
after that we went to mcdonalds w/ annie and michelle. it was neat. they stayed at my house for a lil while after they brought me home.
this afternoon was pretty fun.

melissa should call me.

matt's my new friend.

my mom is way sick right now. :(

wow. lenny you make me laugh. you are the only person i know that could look at a book about cats and find it hilarious. you were laughing so hard you were crying. you are too weird....but its cool. :)

i think im actually going to go study. what a thought.

that one girl.

1 laugh | humor me

:: 2003 25 November :: 10.24 pm
:: Mood: oh so tired.
:: Music: nirvana-bleach

play on players.
i would have to say that im very glad that we are out for the rest of the week. im not really sure of what i have planned but its better than school.

i got a 103% on my chemistry test. that is so cool. my grade is going up. yay.

today afterschool was neat. im glad i had a good day today after all that happened last night.

i went to the movies tonight w/ some of the boys.
they make me happy. lil jo jo and tar were trying to get these stupid asses to fight. it was really funny.
these kids just kept driving in circles yelling, "fuck you, douche bags." it was so lame. they eventually parked their car and got out to show their "muscles." i yelled something like, "oh, get me a piece of, nevermind."
it was cool. they just stood across the street w/ their arms crossed and eventually turned around and walked away. jordan and everyone was all ready to fight too. haha. it was good times.

ive been thinking that running away keeps looking better and better. ill just find a box somewhere. anything is better than this.

thanks to all my boys for making me do this-> :)

happy thanksgiving everyone. im very thankful for all of you. have a good time. eat alot. its a good excuse. :)

i get to leave ft. myers in less than a month. whoohoo. that makes me very happy.

that one girl.

7 laughs | humor me

:: 2003 21 November :: 11.32 am
:: Mood: nope.
:: Music: silence

another day goes by..
ive been mad crazy busy lately. ive been writing reports and studying for tests every night this week. i hope my grades prove it cause im tired of being stressed about it.

codes picked me up this morning and we jammed to school. it was pretty neat.

today is pretty boring.

im in yearbook all alone cause my asshole gangstas skipped. haha. you guys are so going to get caught and im going to laugh at all of you big silly willies when you do.

adam left too. <3 he went home sick. :o(

i think im going to see honk tonight. it seems pretty funny. guys are going to be in tights. oh, baby. im so there, lol.

other than weekend is going to blow. i must find something to do. there is no way i can stand being at home.

haha. some people know about "the list." i wonder who let that cat out of the bag. it was kind of funny.

i need to start practicing lacrosse. whoops. i cant help it. my mom said no. :o/

my grandfather might be coming to live w/ me and my mom next year for some time while he gets surgery and recovers from it. im excited. it should be interesting to see how my small town farming grandfather adjusts to ft. myers. theres definitely no beach where we're from. im kind of nervous too. i dont want him to be disappointed in me too. but thats a whole 'nother subject.

my teacher yelled at me some time ago so i had better be going. such the rebel i am.


6 laughs | humor me

:: 2003 15 November :: 11.39 am
:: Mood: groggy
:: Music: deftones-white pony

wear your wounds well.
i was happy to get out of the house last night.

i saw scary movie 3 w/ the boys last night. the movie was really lame but i entertained myself by shoving skittles up lennys nose. the rest of the time we chilled. it was mega fun.

i got to see my adam. <3.

all "my littles", as i like to call them, were there. tina, jo jo, tar, maxie, and cassie were there. it was neat. tar's boxers got stuck on a sign. that was pretty funny.

i think it was lenny and ernie that discovered that every single one of my ex boyfriends were at the movies last night. it was pretty odd.

i finally got to see nicholas. it had been a lil while.

my mom is being mega lame. im getting to "the end of my rope." <-- i needed a nice way to say "im tired of her shit." im sick of her making me feel like a fucking disappointment all the time. i really didnt know i was that much of a fuck-up. well, thanks for letting me know mom. im glad someone told me.

thats all.
im out.

2 laughs | humor me | Random Journal