Tell the world of my greatness. Prepare for battle against those who do not wish to follow. Do this, and you will not go hungry tonight.


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Onward To Victory! Huzzah!!

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:: 2003 26 July :: 5.45pm
:: Mood: cynical
:: Music: MAX 300-DDR Max

Bump ba da da da
I wanna get a mohawk, but mom won't let me get one! (AFI) >.>;; Anywho...for some reason I'm in a satirical/depressed/cynical mood....why? Fuck if I know...

*My Plans for World Domination*

1. Shoot George Bush in the groin..several times.

2. Find all pop stars, and shoot the girls in the breast and the guys in the groin. Why?..Their potential threats!

3. Tell all the latins and such...that if they join my side they get to join my cabinet and such. That'll get 'em...

4. Start with making an army...of rabits, squirrels, and panda bears. ^-^

5. Then attack the small contries working your way up.



By the way...If it's not obvious I'm no longer staitical/depressed or whatever. Nuu...I am hyper! ^-^ -gigglegiggle-

Well...must fly!


Dance with me


:: 2003 16 July :: 11.26pm
:: Mood: blank
:: Music: AFI- Total Immortal

I don't want to die tonight..Will you believe in me?
And I don't...want to, fall into the light.

o.o; I'm okay...AFI gets me into these weird moods.

I know I just updated...but I'm bored...-sniff-

Don't you lurve me?

...Don't answer that. o.o;

Yeah...leaving now.

-scurries off-


Dance with me


:: 2003 16 July :: 10.55pm
:: Mood: jealous
:: Music: Spazzed-Envy (I wrote this song! ^^; )

Damn the world...-grumble-
I am not going to say why I'm jealous as all hell but know that I am.

Now onto better things!


I know i know..."Big deal fruitcake..."

But this is Jesse! The sardonic sadistic sarcastic but still amazingly attractive dude! I swear I might just lose it cause I...DON'T REMEMBER. Can I kill myself now..? -whimper- I think I might have been..I don't know...fainted like? -_-;; Either way it sucks!

This ish a big deal for meee...

Oh well...I thought the guy hated me. He sure acts like it all the time... It's like he's emotionless. But I don't believe that for a second...Nope, he's too see-through to me.

If by some odd twist of fate, Jesse is reading this...'Stop faking it' . -grins-

So how is everyone? Just fine...LEAVE A FRIGGIN' COMMENT...I wanna feel loved. ;_; Meanys...

I'm too lazy to keep up my confessions and such so whatever. --;


Dance with me


:: 2003 9 July :: 5.24am
:: Music: N-O-N-E

^^; -grins and points to a story I posted on click on 'Illusions of a Simple Smile' and reveiw it for me! Pleaassssse! You can't say no to me riiight? Don't you lurveee me? ^^;


Dance with me


:: 2003 29 June :: 10.49am
:: Mood: chipper
:: Music: Suicidal Tendencies-You Can't Bring me Down

Back!...Chipper is a bomb-diggity word...
Todays Confession:I...ran up the room service bill! -grin-

Todays Quote: "Why is it called butterfingers when there is no butter or fingers in it?"-Me...don't ask, just...don't.

Word of the Day!: Chipper

Hiya! I'm chipper today! I'm not quite sure why....maybe cause I got to use muh favorite quote yesterday! Some girl asked muh out, I said "Women aren't my style" she ran far far far -hours later- far far far away! -grin- go me! its 10:30am...I haven't been up this early in forever. o.O Scarrrryyyy....-blink-

-cough- Well, WE USE TO SING! Sha la la la la la la la la la la la laaaa! -giggle- .....



Hey, should 'bomb-diggity' be the next word of the day? o.0 Ya have to admit it is a smurfin' word. (Smurfin' wit da hommies!) but so is 'smurfin''. I mean its like...smurfy-ness...well, I've had a little too much to drink.


What did you think I meant?

I'm straight edge for your information! -scoffs-

well....there was that one night I..-cough cough- Never mind.

You would suck to be named ' Iam Horney' ....silent 'e'. o.0 I am having some weird thoughts about now.

Not like that!

Get your mind out of the gutter damn it!

I wasn't!

....Shut up.


Dance with me


:: 2003 27 June :: 1.01am
:: Mood: shitty
:: Music: The humming of the computer

Can't type right, I feel like crap. But, I won't be updating for two days....going to Atlanta.



Dance with me


:: 2003 26 June :: 12.00am
:: Mood: Spazzalicious
:: Music: Spazzed(my band! Wh00t!)-Spazzalicious

Spazzy baby...

Todays Confession: ...I spazzed out infront of my sister today! Yay!

Todays Quote: "Spazzy-Spazz-Spazz-Spazzth"-Me!

Word for the Day: Spazz


Spazzalation Dude! -grins- I am drinking coffe...not good for me cause I am riding a /strong/ caffine high!

Wh00t! -grabs some glowsticks, drugged up people, and alcohol- Everyone! Let's ravvveeee! -Raves- I'm okay! -giggle-

Well...thats all I have ta say!

Keeping it gothic my brotha', (Words of my friend...not me)


Dance with me


:: 2003 24 June :: 9.34pm
:: Mood: weird
:: Music: Slipknot- The Heretic Anthem

If your 5 5 5 I'm 6 6 6! ^^;
30 Seconds 16 8 4 lemme tell you why, I haven't the slighest I'm teaching the brightest. Their listening, collaboring all the money in the world can't buy me. Go away and lie to me! Tell me how your tortured...erm...dunno the rest.

-grins- Any-fucking-who...hi again. No confessions or quote because this is the second post for today. Why? Because I'm bored as all hell! -giggles and sits on your head...whoever you are- Whats your name anyway? Oh! Nice to meet ya! -grins-

Hmm...what else to say, I am a guy who wears lipstick...YOU CAN KISS MY ARSE IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH IT! I love black lipstick...and the guy in my picture is not me! It's Miyavi! -_-;

Well...umm...more weird stuff about me, I wear nail polish when my sister feels like doing it and like to sing and get piercings. Whee...I don't do drugs, but I the dew. Well, no I don't.

I do the vanilla coke! ^_^ Well...probably post again later today.

Chillin' like a villian,


2 Does a little jigDo a little jig | Dance with me


:: 2003 24 June :: 6.54pm
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: The sound of a fan in the's beautiful.

-bounces- ^^
Todays Confession: Erm....a few days ago I poured a milkshake all over my sister's boyfriend's head. ^_^ MUWAH! I mean..I am /so/ sorry.

Todays Quote: "I was playing poker the other night... with Tarot cards. I got a full house and 4 people died."
--Steven Wright .


Well koban wa! -laughs- Theres really not much to say. I'm just bored and ranting on about nothing.

Lets see, what to say. Well my best buddy and ex is leaving for Europe for five weeks! -whines- ...How am I supposed to wreak havoc on the world without him!? -grins- I'll live though...I suffice with scaring the neighbors. -yawns and leans back against the wall- So hows your life...? Obviously not too good if your taking time to read this pointless thing.

Well lets seee....what more to know about me. Umm...I have a very sucky depressing history and don't ask me about cause I'll curl up into a ball and cry! (Honestly...>.>)

On a happier note...(If I didn't brag about this already) I won first place at the DDR mini tourn. -insert your praise here- Thank you, thank you. -grins-

Well thats all I have to say right now, maybe more later today!

Obsessing over Miyavi,


Dance with me


:: 2003 23 June :: 8.57pm
:: Mood: crappy
:: Music: Green Day- Basketcase

Shimatta Shimatta Shimatta!!
I just typed out an ungodly long update and it didn't show up! -growls-

-frustarated sigh- Any-fuckin'-Who...

-goes back into happy mode-

*Watashi wa Acinder-sama desu!

Todays Confession: I stole fifteen dollars from my neesan.
Todays Quote: "I get to go oversea places, Like Canada"-Britany Spears *neesan is being a *subeta. -growl- Wants the computer...but theres no way shes getting it!

This is *naishougoto...but, -shifty eyes- I'm a...a...a...nevermind. -cough cough-

Umm...not much as else to say!



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