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Believe in the Day

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:: 2006 4 September :: 9.26 pm

I got a job! As a nude model for art classes. I rock at life.

7 believed | Well?

:: 2006 2 September :: 7.15 pm

Guess what I did today!
I went hitchhiking. Not very far though, just to Remus, which is like 20 miles away. See, pretty much the whole school went home so I figured I might as well learn a new skill. Uhhh yeah. I had to walk pretty far down M-20 before I got to a stretch of road with an actual shoulder. But once I stuck my thumb out it only took like 5 minutes for a car to pull over. Beginner's luck I guess. So this guy and his son pulled over and it turned out they were headed straight to Remus so I was pretty damn lucky. The whole time I was thinking to myself "Holy shit! My first ride ever!" See I've been wanting to do this forever so it was really cool. So then they dropped me downtown.

Nothing much really happened in Remus. I went to a going out of business sale for a thrift shop and got a tapestry and a copy of Frankenstein for a quarter. And I talked to some interesting people. But pretty soon I got bored and figured I should think about heading back before it got to late so I went back to M-20 and stuck my thumb out again.

This time it took a little longer for anyone to stop. But it was still only like 15 minutes. This time it was a couple guys who said they could get me about halfway back to Mt Pleasant and I was like "sweet" cause I figured if worse came to worse I could walk back from there. One of the first things they asked me was if I had any weed. Which I didn't and still don't unfortunatly. So then I proceeded to make a few decisions that could have potentially been disastourous, but since I was picked up by good people it was fine. But I'm getting sick of typing and you're probly getting sick of reading so I'm gonna go make some dinner now. So a long story short, they ended up going out of their way to drive me back to Mt Pleasant. Which only reinforces my newfound view of people and the universe in general.

PS I know hitchhiking's risky, but I honestly don't believe it's as dangerous as it's made out to be. I mean, it's all about how you percieve your reality. If you choose to believe people are only out to harm, then that's probly all you'll experience. But if you trust people, maybe they'll trust you back and help you out. Or maybe I'm completely wrong and the next time I hitchike I'll get murdered or something.

5 believed | Well?

:: 2006 1 September :: 4.00 pm's labor day weekend. My roommates went home so I will be bored. However I'm contemplating going a-visiting so if you're somewhere other than Rockford and want to hang out you should let me know.

Other than that, I survived the first week of school. I actually like most of my classes, which is very strange. In my entire history of going to school I've liked about 4 classes, excluding French because we never actually did anything so it doesn't count. Ummm I have to go get a book before the bookstore closes so I'm going now.


:: 2006 30 August :: 10.53 pm

Greek philosophy makes a lot more sense when you're high.

4 believed | Well?

:: 2006 29 August :: 3.04 pm
:: Mood: paranoid

The internet is really a frightening concept if you think about it. Ummm I have class in like 15 minutes so I better go.


:: 2006 26 August :: 3.43 pm

Life lessons.....
Apparently, my bowls are not microwave safe.

6 believed | Well?

:: 2006 25 August :: 11.25 am

I'm moving back to good old Mt. P today. It's a good thing cause I was getting damn antsy. Now I get to be antsy in an entirely different town! Yay. Ummmm bye for now. I won't be home for labor day but I'll be home the weekend after if anyone else is. I think that's it. Bye everyone.


:: 2006 16 August :: 1.09 am
:: Mood: exhausted and confused

I should really be asleep but...
Instead I'm going to post my schedule cause that's the cool thing to do.
Read more..
I am really not looking forward to going back. Not that I want to stay here but...
I'm going to bed

1 believed | Well?

:: 2006 12 August :: 5.40 pm
:: Mood: happy

My brother just came in with one of his greasy hippy friends. The brother who lives in Montana I mean. Currently he's following Widespread Panic around. Damn him, he always manages to out-hippy me.

1 believed | Well?

:: 2006 9 August :: 3.28 pm

How long should you try doing something you don't like till you turn around and try something new?

6 believed | Well?

:: 2006 20 July :: 9.41 pm

It's really weird to not be working 14+ hours a day. I feel like I should be doing something more productive, which I probably should be. Also, I have cabin fever like none other, so tomorrow I'm going on an adventure. I don't know what it will consist of yet though. I'm going to go now before I start to babble.

1 believed | Well?

:: 2006 18 July :: 10.28 pm

Hi friends. I'm home from camp due to ridicoulous amounts of storms. Also my boss (the riding director) got fired today. So basically I'm royally fucked. Oh well. There's only a few weeks of camp left anyway. The answer's on the tip of my toungue but if I mention it I know I'll regret it so I'll wait till it's all over and I can breathe. I think I'm going to go now.

PS Camp friends: you don't know my boss got fired cause I'm not supposed to be talking about it. Ok? Thanks.

4 believed | Well?

:: 2006 15 July :: 5.44 pm

Hi friends. I'm home till tomorrow morning. Yay for ridiculously short breaks. Ummmm not much is new, except I got bucked off a horse a few days ago and twisted my ankle. Its mostly ok now, except it hurts a little bit and its still a little swollen. I just made my secret buddy a cd. Its pretty much the best cd ever made. That is all.

1 believed | Well?

:: 2006 8 July :: 12.19 pm

I haven't smoked up since last night. But I still feel high. It's troubling to say the least.

2 believed | Well?

:: 2006 30 June :: 9.07 pm

Hi friends. I'm home till sunday morning. Camps going a little better, except we a couple sick horses last week, and one who apparently has a few screws loose. But they're ok now. Except for the crazy one. Details to follow, if I feel like it.

2 believed | Well? | Random Journal