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My Ramblings That No One Really Wants To Read

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:: 2003 6 February :: 8.54pm

I went to Mia's house for dinner. Because her mom cooks good. I'm so hyper right now. Not on the outside, but on the inside I'm just bouncing around. On the outside, and physically, I could just drop dead right here, I'm so tired..I think I'll go to bed soon, that sound good to you? Well, it has to, because I'm going to bed anyway! HA!!!


Blah blah. blah blah blah blah

You aren't supposed to be here! But since you are, leave your thoughts.


:: 2003 6 February :: 4.42pm

Ok, the scoop on Charlie. The guy I have a total crush on. He plays french horn in the band at school, but I found out last night that he plays piano too. I'm suspicious that he still has a crush on Izzy, his ex-girlfriend, who as recently been absolutely hounding me about asking him to go see footloose with me. Which I did, and he kinda in a round-about-way said no...at least, enough of a no that I've been depressed all day. He seemed fine this morning though, really...

I personally feel I'm just having a bad week, although I'm glad that I've been a lot more outgoing, it will be useful....sometime. Anyway, I think I'll just explain the wonderful Charlie later. I have to go study for a bio test so I can go over to Mia's house for a while...


You aren't supposed to be here! But since you are, leave your thoughts.


:: 2003 6 February :: 9.31am

Yay I finished my work for today in this class.
Well, almost at least..I just have a few more numbers to figure out, and then I\'ll be good to go! Yay! I dont really have much to say, I just didnt have anything better to do. Oh well. Hm. What do you people think of Charlie? I think he\'s a great guy, funny and serious at the same time, blah blah blah. But I dont really know what you guys think of him. Well? Get to commenting!!


1 thought | You aren't supposed to be here! But since you are, leave your thoughts.


:: 2003 6 February :: 9.13am

Bleep. I was in SUCH a bad mood this morning because Mom made me late to choir practice AGAIN, and I gave Mr. A this HORRIBLE look, but I didnt realize I had done it until afterwards. He didnt notice though..oh well. Practice still went ok I guess. I'm in a much better mood now.

Yeah, I went to the band hall afterwards, showed the band people I talk to in there our music, whom is mainly Charlie, but also Jake and this girl who was sitting on the floor, wonder what her name was? Oh well, whatever...walked with Charlie to his class, we talked about what he missed at C-groups last night and him seeing a friend of his mom's he hadnt seen in 13 years or something like that. So yeah...It was fun. But anyway, I think I'm done for now. Hopefully the rest of my day will go better than how my morning went.

I look like crap today. I dont care.


You aren't supposed to be here! But since you are, leave your thoughts.


:: 2003 5 February :: 9.27pm

C-groups was lots of fun. I took Jessica with me. Mia couldnt go because she had to do something for geography. I'm on the phone with her now though, so its all good. I just yelled at her because its been FOREVER since she updated her journal. But she's going to come see me at church on Sunday, so its all good. I'm really excited about my solo thinky bob, but all the while I'm getting a bit nervous thinking about singning in front of that huge crowd that is there every week. And the fact that Mia will probably do something stupid is also on my mind, but that's just something to laugh at. Maybe she can sleep over on Saturday, and that way she'll just go with us to church. Maybe Jess will too, if she wants to go with me to church.

Haha I went to the site that Jenn wanted me to. It was www.disturbingauctions.com and it was...interesting? Lol

But yeah, whatever. Just to tell the people who were wondering, Charlie and I are NOT going to go to the play tomorrow, but that's ok. I'm not offended, it takes much more than that to get me all stirred up. So yeah....anyway...oh my! It's almost 10, I should go take a shower and get to bed!!


You aren't supposed to be here! But since you are, leave your thoughts.


:: 2003 5 February :: 3.56pm

I didnt see him after school, although I saw him this morning. We only just barely touched on the subject, me saying I felt like I was back in middle school because Jessica had called him last night...but I didnt get an answer out of him! It made me mad...but oh well, I can still ask tomorrow, right? Or, if I honestly couldnt wait (WHICH I CAN, you unpatient people), I could call him when I got home..but...it can wait, right? Or maybe I'll call and ask if he's gonna go to C-groups? Who knows, but I would just really like to get home at the moment, but my mom seems to have disappeared...hm..oh well, she'll be back. Anyway...


You aren't supposed to be here! But since you are, leave your thoughts.


:: 2003 4 February :: 7.15pm
:: Music: Mariah Carey- Make It Through the Rain(now its Globes and Maps)

Play? Charlie? ME?
Ok, had a looooooong talk with Izzy earlier. She's going out with Brooks (so even if she isnt mad at Charlie anymore, he still cant have her) and SHE thinks I'm perfect for him, and I find it hard to disagree. She says I should ask him if he wants to go to the play on Friday, kinda break the ice. But just as friends, you see. Yeah...its not a bad idea. I mean, I've got a ticket and all that....the hard part would be asking. But how do I go about that? I've no idea, I'm way over my head here, although my recently gained daring at school will probably help in situations like this. But not that much! I'm so out of it recently, but..I dont know. Mom isnt mad, yay. She said it was a good day to get a ride home because she ended up helping Ms. Huddleston and staying WAY late, although she was mad she had to find out from Nikki and not me. Oh well..she wasnt THAT mad, just put on that tone to make sure I remembered next time, which wont be a problem. Izzy just says I should ask him to go to the play with me on Friday, but do you know how much daring that takes? Especially from me, I mean, come on. Its craziness. Well, even if I dont gain the courage to do that, I'm definately asking him if he's going to the Panther Chorale concert on Sunday afternoon. Because that is supposed to be AWESOME, and even if he doesnt go, I'm going. Although it would definately be nice if he was there. But seriously....man, I have so much I want to say, I just dont know how to say it! I like him A LOT, and I know he at least KINDA likes me..but..I mean....!! Its nice that I have Izzy at my back now, and I dont have to worry about her, but I mean, seriously..she cant ask for me, that's FAR too middle school. But I mean, yeah...I dont know what I mean. I dont know anything, cept that viruses arent alive and are actually made mainly of DNA and proteins, although a few have RNA in them....sorry, been studying for a quiz in bio tomorrow.

But seriously, how can I just ASK him if he wants to go? I was really tempted to call him last night and ask him if he was busy, see if he wanted to go to the pool and swim a few laps (he's an excellent swimmer, made state last year in the summer. he doesnt do swimming in the school year, too busy with band playing french horn, I found out earlier today), because I was in the mood to swim anyway, but I ended up just getting home, taking a shower, and sitting on my bum, shaking my head at my shyness. I feel so stupid worrying that he's just going to totally reject me, which I know he wouldnt do...I hope? But whatever, enough of going on and on and on and on and on (yes, a whole 5 "on"'s, you know that's what I've been doing). I'll just grit my teeth and ask him tomorrow. Like Jason told me, if I dont ask, I'll never have an answer. So that's that. And maybe I'll ask him if he plans to go to C-groups tomorrow night too...that would be another chance to hang out, in a fun and churchish atmosphere. So yeah...he seems most at ease at church, so maybe that would be a good idea? I dont know, whatever. You guys make sure to leave your comments.


Arent you proud of me? I wrote a super long entry! Yay! I havent done that in a while, and you know it, dont even TRY to deny it!! I guess I just had a WHOLE lot to say for once..

You aren't supposed to be here! But since you are, leave your thoughts.


:: 2003 4 February :: 4.05pm

I got a ride home from him, but I didnt exactly have Mom's consent. Of course, she knew about it...at least I hope she heard me say it... but she didnt exactly say yes. Oh well. I left a message on her phone for her, just incase she went looking for me and all that crazy junk. Charlie was all worried she would be mad at him, but I told him that if anyone was going to be the focus of her anger, it would be me, and it probably wont be too bad because nothing happened, blah blah blah...But still. I even got to hug him today, when I was pleading with him to give me a ride home. So yeah...anyway....!! I'm done. Bye!


You aren't supposed to be here! But since you are, leave your thoughts.


:: 2003 4 February :: 8.36am

Sorry about that, but yeah, he was just walking next to me, and it took me a while to figure out that it was him, but when I did, I was just like "OH!! Hey!" and I felt a little stupid because it took me so long to realize it was him, but oh well. I'm just glad that for once HE was the one trying to find ME. Ok, maybe he wasnt trying to, but still, he found me and didnt just keep walking, he actually came up and said hi. He said that Izzy called him last night, but only to get an answer to the Geometry homework, so that was ok...!!!!!!! Yay!!!

You aren't supposed to be here! But since you are, leave your thoughts.


:: 2003 4 February :: 8.31am

!! I went down to the band hall this morning and he WASNT THERE! So I was heading off toward Recordkeeping, and as I was going up the little ramp close to the door into the courtyard, I turn my head a little, and he's walking next to me!

You aren't supposed to be here! But since you are, leave your thoughts.

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