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Insignificant Ramblings

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:: 2003 1 September :: 7.33 am
:: Mood: annoyed
:: Music: Marcy Playground

Eh, Living Sucks
I was annoyed when I first set out to add a second entry, and when it didn't go through I became more annoyed. I am extremely tired by a slew of events-gone-wrong today. If I wrote it out here you wouldn't want to read it so, once again, it's going to be bottled up inside until my memory does what it does best: forget.

I was listening to Audioslave for a few hours prior to this, and I love Audioslave, but it's not the kind of music I want to hear when I'm upset. So if you've noticed above, I'm listening to Marcy Playground. Some may say they're more depressing than Audioslave, but I'm hoping it'll make me calm down. I really hate feeling upset and annoyed. Strangely enough though, when I feel this way, I have an excited sort of feeling. A Christmas Eve sort of feeling, when I was a child, and I hate it.

The feeling has almost fully dissipated now and when it's gone I'll feel like nothing happened. Sometimes I wonder if that's healthy. I should care, shouldn't I? I should hold a grudge of some sort, right? I should do some physical activity or count to a hundred backwards, wouldn't you agree?

These days the only thing that seems to bother me are my own actions. It takes a hell of a lot for someone to offend me, much less annoy me, and, in a way, I'm glad I don't give much of a damn. It really takes a load of stress off my shoulders. Someone I know in real life, for about two years, was surprised one day when I nonchalantly commented, "I have so much stress." They laughed at the thought and told me, "You, have stress? Whatever." I have bundles of stress. Most of it seems to be self-made but it's stress nonetheless. But the way they said that to me was interesting. They really sounded like, for me to have stress, was impossible. From that I assumed henceforth that people couldn't tell how I felt inside. I've been told by numerous others also, some of which I'm not acquaintances with, that I am pretty expressionless and seemingly emotionless. That probably sounds bad, but possibly even moreso that one of them was my boyfriend. And that's a very long story.

I'm topic hopping too fast. Seems like I typed up a lot though, so I'm going to find something else to do.

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:: 2003 1 September :: 3.08 am
:: Mood: apathetic
:: Music: Audioslave "What you are"

A Timely Introduction
These days I find myself signing up for so many free accounts that I no longer remember half of them. It's such a damn shame, but it was meant to happen. Today alone I signed up for four different services. Two blogs, a forum, and a quiz-related website. Chances are I won't use any of the accounts very much, but I think I'll use this account quite often. I enjoy the banner-free and ad-free presentation. This could be a little more easily customizable but I won't complain much. I actually like the default box-in-center look, and that's not sarcasm.

I can't wait to get a new computer, and I say that like I'm going to get one sometime soon, but I'm not. I'm pretty stressed out about not doing anything, but I never have enough time to do nothing. Somewhere I have a Dell catalog and I've been looking through their computers. All of them are pretty damn affordable. I could buy one within two weeks of working, whenever I get around to it, but I'm pretty laid back and that's an understatement.

I just thought about (finally) using my Amazon account and listing some of the inexpensive items I'd like to have but never seem to purchase. Like CDs. I'm considering the idea of offering a drawing in return for said purchased item through Amazon. I'm not going to tell you how well I am at drawing, because that's something I never felt right expressing, but people have offered to pay $20 as a minimum fee for an art commission. And figuring that's a little under double the price of a new CD at Amazon, I think a drawing of the buyer's choice would be a good trade. This idea now has me interested in what you and others think about it. I suppose the main two questions would be, "Do you like anime?" and "Do you have a few dollars to blow?"

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