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:: 2007 3 April :: 1.32 am
:: Mood: toot

Dedicated to: egypt jesus whatevs
today i told francesca about a slight study-group dilemma i have, and she said: put yourself first. will you benefit from this study group? and i said: yes. and she said: then go.

i don't like putting myself first, because that could potentially mean that others will be unhappy. unhappy with me.. perhaps? unhappy with the situation.. maybe.

i just don't like feeling responsible for people having bad feelings when i didn't mean for them to. so i like to do what will make others happy before what will make me happy.

i wonder what my life will be like if i start putting my happiness first.

it's funny how i just wrote all that about other people and yet i started three paragraphs in a row with I. sometimes it's just hard to get away from yourself.

but sometimes, you have to put yourself first.

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