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70billion (profile) wrote,
on 6-16-2003 at 4:07pm
Current mood: grateful
Music: The All-American Rejects-last song
Subject: I hit some wood in the road and now my car makes funny noises that arnt so funny
Yup things are going good. Today i had the orintation for my new job. It seems cool. I am so lucky to have a job like this, I mean its a real job and I have a chance of going somewhere here like after collage and they might end up paying for some of it or something. But the only down fall is i have to be at work at 5am but i get out at 2:30pm so i can do what i want for the night but most likely i will be sleeping by 8.
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06-16-03 5:01pm

dont tell me you have elizabeth's job

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Re:, 06-16-03 8:33pm

oh cool. a new job. What's the new job, Robby?

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06-16-03 5:23pm

when i worked at the golf course i had the same hours. you just take a nap until like 6pm because none of your friends will want to go out before then anyway

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Time, 06-16-03 9:31pm

Robby it is actually 5:00 am to 3:30 pm right now. Isn't that fun.

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06-16-03 9:36pm

Good Luck Buddy!!

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06-16-03 9:37pm

Good Luck Buddy!!

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06-16-03 9:37pm

Good Luck Buddy!!

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Re:, 06-16-03 9:39pm

My computeris being weird ^^^

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06-20-03 10:34pm

you win man. you fucking win.

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ice,ice, baby!, 06-22-03 11:34pm

hey! new jobs are fun! i bit all my fingernails off and now ive got a few nasty looking hangnails.ouch. hey great openhouse.(im really using this like it's e-mail when really im supposed to be posting a short comment) (oh well) i felt really bad for poor nate. did more people show up for him? poor, guess what! i just found out that "i hop" really stands for "international house of pancakes"! isn't that really sad/crazy/funny! i always thought they were 2 different things! he he he he he he ha!

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