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JB1863 (profile) wrote,
on 8-27-2003 at 11:35pm
Subject: PART II
Ok i know i just updated and this is the second update of the night but i just had to say something. I was reading Audrey's journal (we all remember audrey right? amazing girl i met in california...snoopy?) and she had decided to drop out of college. She got a scholarship to Pepperdine and she's been there for about a week and she just decided to drop out. I just want to say i think that is the coolest thing in the world. To have the confidence and courage to be able to just do that. I think thats hot. Confidence in a girl totally turns me on and audrey has the most i've ever seen. god. ok thats all i had to say, i just needed to say that made a big impression on me, i admire that. now go read the entry before this one for the regular entry of the night.

~Shout Outs~


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08-28-03 1:29am

When did not having a college degree and not having something to fall back on if you don't make it in the biz become hot? Just wondering...I wonder if all those employers will think the same thing...

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08-28-03 6:39am

I dont think you quite understand. I am commending Audrey for her courage and confidence. It takes guts to completely defy society's path. Not everyone needs to go to college. Are you one of those people who think if you don't go to college then you aren't going to make it anywhere? And a fallback for the biz...I don't have one either, that's where confidence comes in. i'm so confident that i will make it as an actor that i dont need a fallback.

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08-28-03 6:36am

That's so not hot

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08-28-03 6:45am

Here's another thing. The reason she dropped out is because she moved into the school and realized it wasn't for her, that it wasn't going to make her happy and it wasn't what she wanted. So she left, she's going out into the real world now and getting her own place and her own job. I think she will reap more rewards doing things her way then forcing herself to do something that doesnt feel right. Can everyone stop thinking inside the box for a moment?

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08-29-03 4:30pm

four years of her life aren't that many. don't confuse confidence with naivete... and let's remember that MOST people don't make it in the biz. there are thousands out there and only a small percent go anywhere. ...even natalie portman got a degree...

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08-29-03 4:41pm

Natalie Portman was acting way before she ever went to college and she went and got a degree because she didnt want to act her whole life, she wanted to do something else. If anything, it shows that you dont need a degree for the biz, its just a piece of paper...And you say only a small percent go anywhere, thats not true. only a small percent get famous, there are PLENTY of working actors out there that make good money but just arent famous. If you are talented and know how to sell yourself then you will work and audrey is extremely talented and i think she can handle it.

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