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JB1863 (profile) wrote,
on 9-8-2003 at 9:36pm
Current mood: annoyed
Music: I'd Give It All For You - Songs For A New World
The first day of the week was started on a bad note, actually more than one note, a chord of bad notes. it turns out today was an even day instead of regular. so we started drama, i didnt feel well, we auditioned for the variety show today. my audition went well i suppose, not my best. which is odd because i usually am very confident with my performances. but whatever, after drama i find out JT is mad at me for a very small and pety thing. what's new? so gov't. UGH! i had a test today in there, which i BSed. it was boring, it was ridiculous. ok after that musical theatre. i've officially decided that i hate that class. i agree with steph cohen about what she said in her journal. the chemistry of the people just isnt the same as its been for the past 2 years, i dunno, there are people i dont like in there and i dont like mr. parker anymore. he's no good. ugh and we never have a chance in class to work on things that WE want to do. we're either doing You Can't Stop The Beat or I Hope I Get It. both of which i hate! i hate doing dancing, i hate it i hate it i hate it. and i hate doing voice with mr. parker. i want to work on individual and duet things, not all this group crap. we are going to bomb at districts because we arent getting things together. ARGH! i dread going to MT every day. ok well after MT i found out that my english teacher wasnt there today, so i decided to go home instead of going to class. so i went home and watched some tv until i fell asleep for like an hour and then woke up and went to write the show with lance and JT. this is where more problems occured. during the night, jen took every chance available to take a shot at me. anytime she could, she'd make some smart ass remark about either my ego, inteligence, or abilities. i held my tongue all night because we had more important things to do than argue. i like to separate business and personal problems. but it just pissed me off, she told me she wasnt mad at me today and then goes and is a bitch to me all night. i didnt even do anything to her. she gets mad over the smallest thing, if i look at her wrong, she fraeks out. its ridiculous. but we finally finished writing and now i'm home. tomorrow is my all drama day, oh joy. goodnight fuckers

~Shout Outs~

No one worth it

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09-09-03 6:33am

Thank GOD someone else agrees with me about musical theatre. Every year it gets worse. I've finally become so annoyed that walking in the room 5th hour makes me ill. I enjoy DRAMA more than MT. sheesh!

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09-09-03 6:44am

I definitely hate mr. parker days, but other than that what exactly is it that you don't like? Is it the people? Is it the was it's organized this year? Is it the lack of Bogan? Fill me in, because I'm nto exactly sure. I guess it could be because I dont have other years to compare it to, but i don't mind the class.

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09-09-03 1:26pm

Steph can help me on this one. there are a few people that i dont like but thats not the biggest problem. its just the vibe of class this year, its different. i dont like how we were split up into two groups like this and have to spend every day in class thats not with parker on them. usually she tells us to get together with a partner and have a duet ready or she'll assign small group numbers of like 3 or 4 people. this just sucks.

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09-09-03 10:07pm

Thank you!! I'm so glad other people despise Mr. Parker days. I thought I was the only one! For some reason, he's under the impression that we're in chorus class. Ya, ok. Someone please remove the stick from his ass so we can sing, damn it!

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09-09-03 10:20pm

harmony man

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09-09-03 11:06pm

Why doesn't someone suggest to Hasko that they would like more time to work on individual projects instead of just complaining and not saying anything.

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