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chelsea_louise (profile) wrote,
on 11-29-2003 at 10:20am
Current mood: awake
Music: none its quit...
Subject: my thanks giving
well i went to tennissee this thanksgiving to visit my cousins aunt uncle and grandpa...its the first thanksgiving with out grandma...we had to make sure grandpa wasnt alone. well yeah we left about 4 wensday after noon and got there about 4 the next morning. then me and amanda hung out. omg i love that girl. she is my favorite cousin out of like all 1000 of i dont know how many i have buts a hell of alot. yeah so spent the day with amanda. we had a blast. we allways do. i cant wait to see her again. next time she comes up i want her to meet erica. cause ya know there cousins now and they've never met. only talked online a few times but thats it. they will get along so well. but yeah. then we went home the next day (yesterday) and we left about 8 tennissee time and got home bout 8 our time. its a 12 almost 13 hour drive. its but i had alot of fun i didnt wanna leave. but yeah so im hear at erica's house. FINALLY in cedar again. lol. i havent seen erica in a few months. i miss her. i miss all of you. i need to see you guys soon. erica is sleepin...what a poophead i allways wake up before her...that is if i dont have a hang but yeah i had a great weekend and it still isnt over so i hope something cool happens today or tomorrow. oh were goin to the movies with momma putt....tony sam charlie and i think matt is goin. hey guys go to the movies and see cat in the hat with well im goin to go.... later gaterz,
Hey how was yall's weekends??? lol
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11-30-03 7:06pm

hey chel!!! i had a pretty good weekend. i got really stuffed on thanksgiving. i feel bad for the turkeys!!!

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