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LoupGarou (profile) wrote,
on 12-23-2003 at 6:57pm
Current mood: calm
Music: Remember - Disturbed
Subject: It's my birthday
Hey! Today I am fourteen. Not much else to say really. I'm going to a japanese restaraunt tonight called Kyoto Palace though, which I am looking forward to, and I may even get to watch the first Inu-Yasha movie (it hasn't been shown in America yet. In fact I don't think it even has English dubs yet), which is cool.
I was going to delete a poem from my profile, but I decided why don't I put it in my journal? So here it is - nothing super special:

Scratching at the door of your soul a deamon awaits.
Don't let it in or it'll be too late.
Pray it won't get in
Don't let it by
push it away from the walls
and let it die.
You can't fight long
You're going to give in.
It claws at your soul and your heart within.
There's nothing to do
let it come, let it stay
because you know now that you can't run away.

There you go.
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01-04-04 9:46pm

that was a very good poem jessica...well at least i liked it.

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