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LoupGarou (profile) wrote,
on 1-23-2004 at 9:34pm
Current mood: full because I ate too much good food
Music: Taking Over Me - Evanescence
Subject: rootintootinbootinscootinBOBOskideetendoot!
Sorry I haven't updated in a few days. I went to daycare again today and luckily Maria, Erin and Sarah N. came instead of just Sarah n. I did my history homework there. Lucky me. Then I obssessed over anime to Erin, and I think she began to get slightly annoyed. Hee hahah I don't care. If she says to me that she likes the anime people (she isn't really allowed to watch it, so she does what she can) then she must be prepared to feel my anime wrath! YAAAHAHAHAHAAA!
LittleDamion, I keep missing you whenever you get online (arghie warghie!). Anyvvvvay, when I left daycare I went out to the place next to the drop-off where I talked with Sarah A and Lynn for a while. I was really waiting more for Marilyn and Louise, but Stephanie came before either of them, walking in that swing-hips-and-flip-hair-at-the-same-time way that she does. And the first thing Sarah said to her was "Chicken!...."
Eventually Marilyn came which was a relief because I didn't have to sit there and listen to those three (sarah, stephanie, and lynn) talk about all the hot guys they saw in the past 24 hours.

The science test today was dumb. I didn't mention that our science teacher was too frickin lazy to write up a new test for chapter 18 so she's using the one from three years ago. The test from three years ago has questions from not only the chapter we were supposed to study but chapter 19, 20, and even one or two questions from chapter 21. So she's testing us on stuff that we haven't even read about. She gave us the terms so we could write it on our "notecards", but we still haven't learned anything about it. Luckilly I don't think I did too bad on the test. The thing was, Erin H was freaking out in the morning before school started because she couldn't find her notecard for science. I had printed an extra just in case I lost mine and offered it to Erin.

Then Marilyn was in a dillemma because she didn't have enough information on her notecard. Since our class has science before Erin's class, Marilyn asked if she could borrow the notecard I had given Erin for the period and she'd give it back when they switched classes.

We went and took the science test, and all was good enough except when Mrs. Gurries said: "And make sure you turn in your notecards so I know you won't hand it to someone in the other class on your way out."

Marilyn and I looked at eachother and we couldn't decide whether to panic or laugh. It was one of those "what are the odds?" situations. Since my card was the same as the one Marilyn was using, I tried to see if I could place my test on the folder without turning in my notecard, but Mrs. Gurries was sitting right there, so I was forced to take the notecard out of my pocket and put it in the basket. The same thing happened to Marilyn except when she was about to get up out of her seat Mrs. Gurries just came by and took the notecard before she could even walk over and put her test on the folder thing. Then we tried writing notes down on pieces of binder paper that were similar in size to the notecards, but we couldn't remember much, as we had mostly just looked at the card and copied things down rather than actually registered the facts in our minds.

Science ended, and Maria even offered to sneak a notecard out of the basket when Gurries' back was turned, but we weren't that desperate.

We walked out of the classroom and met the other class outside, where they were just coming out of spanish. We told Erin what had happened and, naturally, expected her to freak out. She didn't.
"Oh, don't worry. I found my notecard in Spanish class." We were relieved, to say the least. We even laughed about it.

We got our progress reports. My lowest grade was a B+. *shrugs* Decent enough. Actually, I'm pretty happy about it. At least I didn't get any Cs.

After school Louise and I went over to Marilyn's house to study for the HSPT. I had already taken it, but they hadn't, so we decided to help eachother study. Of course, we didn't study all that much, eh heh heh. We played with the ouija board in the dark with lit candles. It didn't go very well, especially for me in the beginning because they had once been on a website that said "Ouija board tips". What's bad about that? Oh nothing, except for the fact that they had to do "self-meditation" beforehand. And they were serious about it. I laughed most of the time and just watched. Then we had to "warm up the board" by moving the planchette thing around. I laughed hysterically there too and kept muttering things like "c'mon now, leg lifts!", "time to lift weights and flex your muscles", and "c'mon girls, MOVE THAT MONEY-MAKER!"

I kept telling them that I had had a ouija board for years and it always worked without doing any of this stuff, but they liked their way better, so I just went along with it. We finally started; slowly, mind you, because we started laughing yet again. It started working very, very slowly. It almost reached "Yes", when Marilyn's older sister Mary came up behind her and yelled "BOO!", which made Marilyn and Louise scream. I was surprised I didn't scream. I jumped a few inches, that's for sure, but I guess it was because a millisecond before I had seen Mary out of the corner of my eye. We tried again with the ouija board for a little while but stopped when we thought Marilyn's mom was home. Then we started studying and I gave them a few tips. We just laughed and talked for most of the time though.

Louise left a little while after that and then Marilyn and I went online to check our journals and other people's journals. I left some comments and replies to comments while I was over there, and both Marilyn and I started getting a tad bit mad at the random people who commented on LittleDamion's journal because as far as we could tell they didn't know much about him and just added him to their friends' list for the heck of it. *cough*okaywe'reabitjealous*cough cough hack cough sputter cough cough choke*. *nervous laughter* Ahem, hmm... yes... well..... where was I?

Oh yes. Then Marilyn's mom and dad took us all out to eat dinner. It was really good. Twas at Flames *nods*. Yummy shtuff.

That's about all important current stuff for now, but I want to try an italics thing and see if it works. HEE HEE HAAAA! -_-

Don't turn away
I pray you've heard the words I've spoken.
Dare to believe
For one last time
Then I'll let the darkness cover me;
Deny everything.
Slowly walk away
To breathe again
On my own.
That was an excerpt from the lyrics of "Darkness" by Disturbed. I think it is the only slow song they've ever done. I could hardly believe it was them when I heard it. Tis pretty.


((PS I know I don't really have a reason to have been jealous, but for some reason I was..... T_T. I'M SORRY! *bows*))
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01-24-04 4:44pm

hallo! souds like you have lot of fun at daycare. do they give you nasty food stuff like they used to cause that stuff was so bad. yes so sorry about that meditation and candle lighting stuff louise and i put you through. its fun though, you should try it. (did i use the comma right) yesterday was nice wasnt it? i think it was.
"chicken i gotta go" ~sarah voice~ anyway bye.

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Re:, 01-24-04 4:49pm

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Re: Re:, 01-24-04 5:00pm

oops. Sorry about that. Yes, yesterday was quite fun. And the food was really good at the restaraunt. Yes, I believe you used commas correctly, and I'm glad to hear that you think you did well on the test. ^_^

You shouldn't apologise for doing that stuff; it was part of the fun and it was quite entertaining.


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01-25-04 1:46am

Sharing notes, are we? Shameful!...jk...I've done worse. I've felt sorry for people and I've lifted my test slightly so they could see. Ooo! Ouija boards. My Mom told me that her sister played with one. She got all scared one day and she told her mom so they took her to a priest ^_^. I'm honored that you would get jealous over me. So Marilyn knows me...I think I'll start reading her journals and add her to my friends list. If that's okay with her, of course. ^^ buh bai

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