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LoupGarou (profile) wrote,
on 2-7-2004 at 3:31pm
Current mood: creative
Music: Kryptonite - 3 Doors Down (teehee)
Subject: Bomwitdabomdebangdebangdiggydiggydiggysaidtheboogiesaidupjumptheboogie
I went to a dance at my old school yesterday with my friend Julie. When we got there it was decorated very nicely for Valentine's Day theme. They had hot pizza and snacks and this was one dance that actually didn't run out of soda! And the cool thing was that it was $5. All other dances are $8 and some of those don't even serve snacks. Evil I say.
Some of the preps hugged me, and I think Michelle only hugged me because Allyssa did. lol.
I saw Natalie there, which was a surprise. Natalie was one of my close friends when I went there, but she left to go to the nearby public school. I guess if you wrote down on the permission slip that you went to some Catholic school you got in. Quite a few people did that for their friends. They just wrote down some random Catholic School name.
David M. asked me to dance. He's a nice guy. I remember sitting next to him in class. He liked to draw mazes. lol. It surprised me when he asked me to dance, but it made me feel loved, even if he was just doing it to be nice ^_^.
And then Vinton kept wandering around like a loner. I felt really sad, but I knew that was what he did becaue he just randomly goes up to people and makes them laugh. He's one of the best actors in that school. I miss talking to him -_-. We try to convince him that the Persians are extinct, but he insists they aren't. Yup. He's proud of his heritage ^_^
I know my writing isn't very good today, but I don't feel like being creative about the dance. Today I'm just going to very un-artistically tell you the facts.

They had a dance contest. DUDE I SHOULD HAVE WON! I was the best dancer there. Ask anyone there. Yes, I should have won. I did such things as the sprinkler, the dosey doe or however you spell it, the robot, the swimmer thing, and some other over-the-top dances. Later I went outside and sang the Sailor Moon song into my water bottle and asked people if they wanted my autograph. Twas fun. *nods*.

Oopsie. Can't type anymore. I'm going to go help babysit my cousins. bye bye!

(I didn't edit this. Sorry if there are any errors)
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02-07-04 8:17pm

dude i was reading this and now i'm confused cause i have no idea who any of them are. oh well. who is david m? he seems nice and perhaps he likes you. hmm. perhaps he does. dude i'm really bored so i'm gonna go now.bye

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02-09-04 12:26am

Dances... so funny. I always get into my school dances because I used to work in the student store (they sell candy, chips, and drink there during lunch and it's MOSTLY run by the students) and I tell him I am going to work in the little stand... that's sort of true and sort of bull. I'll go there the first 3 mins.. serve like one person... go around... come back and hang out with the people working... and work 5 more mins later ^_^. I'll just serve abot 5 people max and that's all ^_^!

HUGS! I like hugs.. I got a lot more hugs than usual last week o_O

People ask other people to go the dance with them? o_O At my school, you go if you want, you don't need a "partner." Kinda old-fashioned school you have, eh? lol I'm mean. I was jk! ^_^

Vinton... sounds funny. WINK!

OOOO!!!!!OOOO!!!!!!!!!!!OOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dance contest, eh!? This is so friggin' dorky... but I am proud! ^_^ At the Christmas dance at my school, during the middle of the dance they played a swing song. I ran to Kealani (^_^) and we both went by the dj and did all these fancy-schmancy moves... we won a CD... I gave it to Kimberly for x-mas (I can be so cheap ^_^) because it had too much rap for me... she liked it a lot though.

lol the sailor moon song... the dubby version is so weird... I got it off google (1st season)... here:
Fighting evil
by moonlight
winning love
by daylight
never running
from a real fight
she is the one named
sailor moon
she will never turn
her back on a friend
she is always there
to defend
she is the one on
whom we can depend
she is the one named
sailor venus
sailor mercury
sailor mars
sailor jupiter
secret power was
put into her
she is the one named
sailor moon
Fighting evil
by moonlight
winning love
by daylight
with the sailor scouts
to help fight
she is the one named
sailor moon
she is the one named
sailor moon
she is the one
sailor moon!

isnt this such a long comment!? MWHAHA! buh bai!

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Re:, 02-09-04 8:52pm

No, we don't have "partners" that go to dances with us. It isn't like "will you be my date to the next dance Billy? *sweet obnoxious smile*" lol. You just go and if a slow song comes on a guy can ask you to dance with him or a girl can ask a guy to dance or whatever. It doesn't mean you have to dance with them every single slow song. Yup. ^_^.

The sailor moon song is weird, but you gotta admit it's fun to scream at the top of your lungs. I sang it again today during P.E. FUN I SAY! (Can you believe I remember the words from about 5 years ago?)

Yes, Vinton does have a weird name O_o I wonder what it means. I'm going to look it up!

lol I can't find the name in the baby names meaning places. Must be a rare name indeed. *nods*

Dude, I have to sneeze but I can't sneeze. IT's ANNOYING!

Okay, It's gone now.

You NEED to read Gravitation! (that's the manga I was telling you about yesterday). Yesh! You must go to your library or the bookstore or something and get it. I finished it last night and I liked it lots. ^_^.

Must be going now. Tootle pip!

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Re:, 02-09-04 8:57pm

No, we don't have "partners" that go to dances with us. It isn't like "will you be my date to the next dance Billy? *sweet obnoxious smile*" lol. You just go and if a slow song comes on a guy can ask you to dance with him or a girl can ask a guy to dance or whatever. It doesn't mean you have to dance with them every single slow song. Yup. ^_^.

The sailor moon song is weird, but you gotta admit it's fun to scream at the top of your lungs. I sang it again today during P.E. FUN I SAY! (Can you believe I remember the words from about 5 years ago?)

Yes, Vinton does have a weird name O_o I wonder what it means. I'm going to look it up!

lol I can't find the name in the baby names meaning places. Must be a rare name indeed. *nods*

Dude, I have to sneeze but I can't sneeze. IT's ANNOYING!

Okay, It's gone now.

You NEED to read Gravitation! (that's the manga I was telling you about yesterday). Yesh! You must go to your library or the bookstore or something and get it. I finished it last night and I liked it lots. ^_^.

Must be going now. Tootle pip!

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Re: Re:, 02-09-04 8:58pm

oopsie poopsie...

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