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LoupGarou (profile) wrote,
on 2-10-2004 at 10:17pm
Current mood: icky
Music: Eternal - Evanescence
Subject: Brass monkey is a chunky monkey so get funky, chumpy!
I think I am going to describe some people in my class. Especially the annoying evil ones.

First, there is Lucas (People call him Luc for short. And yes, that is how he spells it). Lucas is a cocky asshole who thinks he's the best person in the world. He is a sports jock and likes to boast about how good he is at running and playing sports and anything else he can think of to make someone feel lower than him. In math it seems like he is always calling out the answers louder than anyone else and it makes me want to turn around and smack him. The worst thing about him has got to be his big mouth. He just won't shut up and mercilessly shoots people down when they try to say something. For example, there is a really nice girl in class named Anna. She's a straight A student and usually very polite to everyone, but every time she says something and Lucas hears, he tells her to shutup. I tell HIM to shutup and he just tells me to shutup. But I wasn't the one talking.

Yesterday he was bugging the hell out of me. I sit in the back row in Language Arts and Jessie sits in front of me. Then, Lucas sits in front of Jessie. The thing is, the whole period he is turned around talking to her and insulting her and making fun of her. For some reason he thinks it's funny when he makes fun of people. I was trying to work on my vocab like a good little student, but he just wouldn't shut up. So I yelled at him:

Me: Luc! Shut up and turn around. You're pissing me off!
Luc: I wasn't even talking to you.
Me: Exactly! You weren't even talking to me and you're pissing me off.
Luc: What the fuck?

Anyway, he wanted to be an asshole for the rest of the period, so he purposely didn't shut up. So I got Matt and Eric Z. on my side. Jessie was on my side too, but she didn't threaten him. Eric said "Luc, shut up or I'll pierce you." lol. He was talking about using his pen. Then Luc wouldn't shut up, so Matt stepped in. He took his pen and said "Luc, shut up or I'll take this pen, shove it up your pee hole and make it come out the other end."

*sigh* We made an attempt, and Matt kept on threatening him. Mrs. Saunders even told him to be quiet at some point. Now for appearance. Though Luc prides himself on being an "excellent athelete", he doesn't look like he's in much shape. He's a bit on the stout side, not fat, just short and slightly rounded in build. He has dark skin and spikes his black hair. lol he didn't gel it one time and it looked really funny because it was sticking up. Like I said, he's an asshole that's full of himself. It's amazing he has a friend like AJ. Aj is really nice compared to Luc.

Anyway, I wanted to complain about Nino too, but my mom is making me get off *sigh* there is just not enough time in the day. So I'll just paste in a poem I made last year. It's in a ballad style, and parts are kind of dumb, but I tried. I entered it in a contest last year. It didn't win. lol. Tell me what you think:


The wolf raises her head in a toast to the moon
As its pale light glints on her fur.
The Great Goddess would be coming soon
And dance where the tree-tops were.

The wolf’s golden eyes seemed to grow with the light
Of magic and mystery.
Today the faeries would be in flight,
For there would be much to see.

As the dark hour approached, the reeds began to sing.
The stars glittered in their blanket of dark.
All about the land the air seemed to ring
With cricket chirps and animal barks.

The wolf heard the high-pitched answering calls
Of her moon sisters and her moon brothers.
And through the splashing of the falls
There were even the sounds of others.

All the kingdom would come this night
To see the Moon Goddess dance,
And spread the hills with her pale magic light
As the fireflies around her would prance.

And suddenly she was there.
Her hair floated on the breeze.
The stars dazzled around her, where
She danced among the trees.

Her eyes were points of endless light,
Her skin as fair as snow,
Her hair a shock of silvery-white
That set off a magic glow.

Gently she took her sister wolf’s paw
In her delicate hand.
And by some sort of secret law
Sprinkled on it a magic sand.

“This will allow you to walk with the stars one night,”
She said to her canine peer,
“You’ll be able to take flight,
And even fly away from here.”

“But I love this place” the she-wolf said,
“I’d never want to leave.
I love it here, I’ve never fled,
if that you can believe.”

“Why yes, my child,
But surely there must be something I can do.
Perhaps prance among the flowers wild,
or make a different you.”

“I have always wondered
What it would be like to be of human kind.
Long in my thoughts I have plundered,
And searched my frame of mind.

“If maybe I could see how it feels
To be like those that sing with words,
To use utensils with my meals
And feast on tasty birds.”

“Ah” The Goddess said,
“Then here’s what I’ll do.
You’ll have the choice to feast on bread
Once I am through with you.

“From now on you can change at will
From human to true form,
But if you tell them, they will kill
And you’ll never be reborn.

“You see, young one
These humans are afraid,
Which is why they carry gun
And horrid spear and spade.

“If they see you aren’t true blood
You’ll never live to tell the tale,
Nor see another blooming rose bud,
or wonder at the hail.

“So I give you this gift,
But use it well.
Your shape you can shift
With this magic spell.

“And now I must go,
For dawn’s coming fast.
Don’t be in woe,
I’m sure you will last.”

And with that word said, she was gone
As quickly as she had come.
And now the world seemed still and calm
And the wolf realized she was numb.

Looking down at herself she was surprised to find
She now had two legs, not four.
The moon Goddess truly was kind
For she gave her so much more.

She found she could change to and from at will
But on the full moon she had no choice.
For on that day up her spine came a chill
As she regained her howling wolf voice.

Now just a legend she is to us all,
Though some still think it’s real.
She walks through the forest with no regrets at all
About her wondrous deal.
Oh God, now that I look at it, I realize how bad it is. T_T. Please be merciful.
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02-11-04 7:19pm

lol that luc and matt thing is gross. sometimes i have such a big urge to beat the shit out of him but sometimes he has nice moments.....rarely.
i like the ballad thing. i think that you are too hard on yourself about you writing. yuppers i wouldnt dream of attempting to write something like that.
well i'm in the ccd office right now and i dont think i'm supposed to be doing this so i better go. bye.

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Re:, 02-11-04 7:45pm

Yeah, every once in a while Luc can be nice, but most of the time I want to shove a cork down his throat.

Thank you for your comment on my ballad/poem thing. I guess I can be a bit hard on myself, but if I wasn't, I wouldn't push myself to get better, would I? ^_^. At the time I wrote this I was proud enough of it, but for some reason when I look back at it now I don't like it that much. *sigh* Oh well. Thank you very much for your support. It made me feel better.

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