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collageof-frozenfear (profile) wrote,
on 2-23-2004 at 11:55pm
Current mood: Tired
Things have been pretty good here. Thank god ...

I did cut again though... Me and Brandon got into a fight and I cut. Not too bad but I still did it. Well, i was asleep on his bed and his brother was playing video games and he read what I had put on my ankle and Brandon saw it....

Well, TODAY, I noticed he had burned himself with one of those damn pencil erasers. He had done it sometimes but they were really hard to find on him without LOOKING for them. Well, he did his the same night I did mine. I just feel horrible because I feel like I helped influence him to do it. That sounds stupid but ... yeah.

I just hate it that he found mine ... It's like, you do it and you don't ever want anybody to see in fear they'll take it away from you and also because thats YOURS ... Nobody else's. It's like your own little secret that nobody's supposed to know about. And now mine's been found...

But yeah, anyway

Mom hasn't drank in almost 2 weeks. She has more personalities. One that smokes... Haha... My mom HATES cigarettes so its weird when she comes in and asks for one. I really am proud of her though. Hehe....

*hugs* to everybody

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02-24-04 2:58pm

::hugs:: we should talk.

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02-24-04 5:22pm

by the way.. I know exactly how you feel. every single person I've told tried it.

every one ;_;
it's just heartbreaking..

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