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Jessika (profile) wrote,
on 2-25-2004 at 10:19pm
Current mood: nostalgic
Music: Sister Sister
Subject: I have typed this fucking entry three times.... *angry face insert*
You adopt a child. Do you tell them they are adopted or not? If you don't, they will remain oblivious. They will not know what they are missing, so will forever be in happiness with you. (Judging that they have no way of finding out except you.) you tell them? They may hate you for not telling them sooner, or whatever, as it seems they would, but that will pass, correct? They will spend time now searching for parents that they more than likely will never find. There WAS some reasons there parents did not want them, or could not handle them. They will never find the parents they search for. But, they will love you all the more for telling them and being honest, right?

Which way is more correct? O_o

On another note, I coughed up stuff that looked like pea soup. It was all the puke green color and thick and chunky. Rather yucky.

I still have to put the finishing touches on my egg drop. That thing was such a fucking nuisance!!!!!!!!!!! I had to CUT the sticks with scissors to make it small enough. My hand hurts ;_; I need to put pretty pictures on it now. And test it... = - /

I gave my white guitar to Shane. I have no use for 3 guitars.
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02-26-04 12:32am

you were probably coughing up bile...

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