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kangabunny (profile) wrote,
on 3-31-2004 at 10:12pm
Current mood: Cheerful
Music: Nutshell-AIC
Subject: Create the world
Did I ever tell you I'm going to change the world? Well, I am.
You bet.

How fucking funny...:
Kristen: anywho
rainstarfire: anydoom
Kristen: lol
rainstarfire: ^^
Kristen: boredom
rainstarfire: yer
Kristen: PIXIE!
Kristen: I'm coming for you!!!!
rainstarfire: UH OH
Kristen: We're gonna run away and steal nate on the way!!!
rainstarfire: xD
Kristen: =)
rainstarfire: we'd scare the crap out of him
rainstarfire: GOD
rainstarfire: you're HILARIOUS!
rainstarfire: XD
Kristen: lol
rainstarfire: YOURE COMING FOR ME!
rainstarfire: AH
Kristen: YES!!!
Kristen: I (Me) Am coming for YOU
Kristen: and weeeee.... are going somewhere
Kristen: *ponders*
rainstarfire: YAY
rainstarfire: lets go to an amusement park
Kristen: yeah!!
rainstarfire: ^^
rainstarfire: Kristen: PIXIE!
Kristen: I'm coming for you!!!!
rainstarfire: wtf?
rainstarfire: XD
rainstarfire: XDDD
Kristen: lol
rainstarfire: ok I'm done, promise
Kristen: lol... =)
Kristen: collageof_frozenfear: Oooookay! You come kidnap me, me and you will go kidnap pixie, and me you and pixie will go kidnap this guy, Nate that she likes and then we're running away to ireland or something
collageof_frozenfear: wait
collageof_frozenfear: pit stop at an amusement park
collageof_frozenfear: k?
Andrew: lol
Kristen: haha
rainstarfire: XD
rainstarfire: this conversation must be saved
Kristen: lol
Kristen: go for it
1. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.

2. How long have you known me?

3. When & how did we meet?

4. What was your first impression?

5. If you could "hook me up" with ANYONE, who would it be?

6. What do you think my biggest weakness is?

7. What makes me happy?

8. What makes me sad?

9. What reminds you of me?

10. If you could give me anything what would it be?

11. When was the last time you saw me?

12. What have you always wanted to tell me?

13. Describe me in one word.

14. Are you going to put this on your page and see what I say about you?
Good survey. Good people who fill out survey.
I'm uh..
well now. many fun to talk to people online right now. Julia un bored. Juliadoom!
mwa... haha
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04-01-04 5:36pm

Thanks for everything you said. It was really sweet. Made me kinda sad. haha ...
Thanks again though ... *big hugs*

And you're beautiful too

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