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maybenot (profile) wrote,
on 4-20-2004 at :48am
To day was awsome, my friends kaya and safir came over to day to help me with this video. Kaya and safir are so funny and kinda cute, kinda i mean kinda, ya i like them, as friends and crap, but i don't think it would like ever work out if we ever went out, i dono y there just not in to me like that. Can't really same i guess, it would be fine for me to go out with one of them, not saying that i want to, but if one of them did ask me out, i would have no objective. Any way, kaya safir went on the golf carts and they had a blast then they played my game DDR Max they sucked ass at, kaya is a little bit better then safir though lol. Safri is a grate gitar player he plays electric gitar he can do the same with a ukelele which i play. Kaya is good on the bass gitar. There going to make a band with this 17 year old dude and this 12 year old dude and of coress them. I was going to be there drumer, but at the time i didn't have drums and didn't really know how to play, but i said i would buy drums and get lessens, they were kool with that untill they had an idea to start the band early. So i guess im not with them, that kinda hurt, but of coress i didn't tell them. I am going to try to do modleing and get money so i can buy drums and a dirt bike. I really want to do dirt biking i think it's so awsome. O well i hope me kaya and safir stay good friends for a long time, or it least untill school is done, i don't know what i would do with out those guys. lol
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04-20-04 8:59pm

i feel that way about u too. i think u r really cool and i hope we can stay friends for a long time too. and i don't want to but if u asked me out i wouldn't have any objectives....but i don't really want to.oh right i can dance better that sorry about the band thing...really i am sorry if we hurt you...but i think u should still do drums and make a band w/ kamaile.

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Re:, 04-21-04 12:12am

k wait, if i asked you out you'd have no objections but you don't want to? Im confsued besides it's hyperthic turms lol. If my modoling thing dose work out and i get paid alot then i'll but drums and sart a band. lol who knows.

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