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rere12389 (profile) wrote,
on 5-18-2004 at 1:34pm
just to let ya all know, i'm gonna be venting so if u don't wanna here it, don't read it.

i guess its all getting to me. everything everyones been saying about me... to me... just everything. i know it shouldn't matter what they say about me cuz i'm happy with myself but the truth is i do care. and i shouldn't. some of the things they say ARE true and theres no getting aroud them. like ok i'll admit i can't keep a steady realtionship going. my mom says i get bored easy. so ok, i get bored easy and that means i've failed in the dating world. i'll never get married. i'll never have a long realtionship. yeah that helps me. bottom line, who cares right? i mean why should i listen? i shouldn't. its just bringing me down and all that crap. but i do listen and that angers me. i mean, i know its true. i cant keep a very long relationship going but that doesn't mean i never will. i guess its just getting to me... idk. i'm not sure of much right now. in middle school everything was fine but once high school came... its like i'm never happy any more. i was so much happier with the simple things. i didn't have many friends but the ones i did have, we were really close. now its like i have a lot of friends but we're all distant. i wanna go back but i know i never can. anyway i guess i'll stop having my self-pitty-party. no one likes those anyway.

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05-18-04 2:46pm

heh..lets not let josh be the one you test out so see how long u can last....hehehehe....dont worry about it tree...its ok!! and bsides...i love you and thats all u need! yay! hehe

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05-18-04 5:00pm

since you've already realized that what other people say about you has nothing to do w/ life because other people are stupid and should die... i'll just not be telling ya' that! lol. even though i just did!! hehe. i love you rere. you're only a freshmen/almost sophmore... since when do you have to date the same guy for a year to make it be a "steady relationship"? That's just dumb. I mean seriously... come on. you're 15... you need a life outside of the boyfriend world. so don't worry about any of it. cuz in the end it won't matter anyway.

much love dear, rock on.


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05-18-04 8:40pm

nah. it's not a pity party. it's venting, that's what your journal is for :)

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05-18-04 9:43pm

has anyone important to you said that i mean really what does it matter you know who really loves you and then there are people who are just there, besides that has nothing to do with the rest of your life this is highschool. All girls get bored its just how you are and its our jobs as men to keep you entertained its the only way to make a relationship work. As of the whole not being happy thing i'm sorry i try but i just can't make you happy even though i want to. Cherie you have nothing to worry about you don't even know how loved you are and it doesn't matter what people say.

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