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waiting4rain (profile) wrote,
on 5-23-2004 at 11:23pm
if ~flowers~ weren't ~rained~ on, and the sun (Son) didn't shine through the clouds... what would be their source of life?...
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my answer, since I have one for even rhetorical questions, 05-25-04 2:53pm

their source of life would be their patient passion to be rained on, and to see the sun (son) shine through the clouds, to await the promise of his coming and the coming rain

or maybe not.

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Re: my answer.., 05-25-04 5:13pm

maybe so.

you know, that thought that i wrote passed through my mind, and i in a way wonder why your response didn't occur to me, especially because that would more accurately describe... where i am at. i think.

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Nichole Nordeman.., 05-26-04 6:41pm

"Send some rain, would You send some rain/ let the sky grow black and send some mercy down/ surely You can see that we're thirsty and afraid/ but maybe not, not today/ maybe You'll provide in other ways/ and if that's the case/ we'll give thanks to You with gratitude/ for lessons learned in how to thirst for You..."

~Life: n. 1) The interval of time between birth and death

2) An essential constituent of life, esp. the blood.

The words that I speak unto you . . . they are life. --John vi. 63.

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