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BrownIedMissJ (profile) wrote,
on 6-18-2004 at 5:14pm
Current mood: Lovely
Music: Selfish- SLum Village ft. Kanye West
Subject: Im just gonna write
Hey erbody! Summer has just started. I have to figure out a way as to how i will spend it. But right now my ankle is sprained, again. This stinks im not suppose to do NEthing but i felt the need to get up and cook and clean.... why.....i don't even noe. But wow school is out and stuff. I think for this to be my freshman year it went pretty well. I loved erthing but it went by soo fast..... :-( Well what can u do but wait till next yr. Right now erbody in my house is focused on gettin our party together. Party with over 80 people. Now if u ask why........... don't feel alone......i do too. Not only is it a lot of ppl.... but they are black ghetto ppl. Not tryin to make the stereotype of ebony people worse or nething, but if u were rasist...... meeting my family wouldn't be the best thing for you to take in. lol. But i think it's gonna be a lot of work/fun. My dad is almost done with our lil pool house and the deck has already been sanded by .............dun...........dun ..........DUN....... Javonne and it's been painted( the pool has been done). Now all we have to do is buy stuff : food, atmospheric add ons and party favors, things like that. Truthfully I am excited just to be able to see a part of my fam. and to have our first BIG party (we've had some reg. parties already). But away from that subject......... I need a job, that pays. I'm babysitting over the summer but that pays nothing. The lady doesn't have a lot of money and im suppose to watch her lil' girl for about 5 hours a day and each week get like 30 dollars. I've made more then that becuase I babysat other children and got paid 20 dollars for watching them for like 3 hours (they had to go to bed early and i just watched tv). But this time it's early in the day. She is very well behaved though......... Hmmmmmmm. I think i will work out this summer too. Last summer i slacked and did nothing. But the summer b4 that i was riding my bike everyday, running on the track sometimes....all types of stuff. I need to do atleast a mile a day, not a lot at all but hey im starting small. But of course i will swim all the time, which is fun and ppl say it's the best work out u can get cus u move everything. I'm just typin a lot typin feels good,

It fills my lungs with waves of spilt words and characters from the letters in those floating bottles that drifted out to sea. Not with a force from the curent but with the on going power of a persons hopes and dreams. I bless those people for allowing me to live....................they only wanted someone to listen

Ok i'm done.....nice poetic moment for you, yes tis lovely. lol.
Ummm.....I so happy it's summer but i miss school. It gives u stuff to do, more like i miss my friends, but i usually call them or see them somewhere along the way. I should have takin a summer course. I didn't even noe u could do that, I could have left room for another elective or another class. I have to do that next year. Well im bored..........again. Tomorrow is my cuzin's gard. party. Aww poor Jordon is growin up and ya know what. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . im still young but it's ok. Well.... time to go i will type later.

~| Miss me |~

~| Miss me |~

[| Now ya gotta |]

{| Kiss Me |}


-|-Hope u miss again-|-

(-; |Javonne| ;-)

Takes up too much space, and it's dumb..........

lol. toodles
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06-25-04 12:10am

Ur so stupid..u had to be the only one to make it all supa dupa long at the end..yea that porty is gonna be sumthing else..and dont expect me to go nether cus i dislike black ppl..LOl sike nas...well its late and edmond is scarin me a lil...talkin bout how he hasnt gotten any in a couple of months....and stephanie was whos the gurl of ur dreams...? javonne..LOl its k tho cus i got her back..yup i Sure did..Lol to ya lata.....maybe we can play a trick on our friends..if ya kno wut i mean;) at u lata..peace

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Re:, 06-27-04 8:59pm

holla at u lata.... wtf is that don't be mad because u can't think of stuff like me cus im original yea the party u didn't even attend, ghetto, at least u brought a gift and stopped to say hi, that was good. alright then i'll ttyl

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