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bugga3 (profile) wrote,
on 7-14-2004 at 12:27am
Subject: Daytona
OMg it was so much fun...... Me and Kayla went to daytona..... Omg the first dya we got there we stayed in this shity ass hotel but it wasnt that bad i guess... We went to Dinner and had to go like all the way down the beahj to find a place to eat at for my sister and my dads B-day.. My sis turned 18 and my daddy turned 42 Old fart... But he next day was really fun we went ont eh beach and tanned for a while and tryed to convince my dad to let us pairisal but of course he diodnt let us.. But instead we went on this ride that was fucking crazy.. I was called the Wild Thang...
Ya it was liek a million catrillion feet in the air.. I was so scared i thought i was gunna pee my pants but instead i cryed lol ..But it turned out to be kick ass...kayla liked it too. But for dinner my fucking braty ass cousins were trying to get me in to trouble so i said i had a bad head ace and me kayla brooke my sis and stephen siss boyfriend sat inside while hte rest of the relatives sat outside...
I think that was the best part of the whole trip... Steve is the funnyiest person alive.. then i dumped my drik on his lap on acsadent then .. Mrs. Clumbsey like shot her cup across the tabke on to steves lap.. lol..
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07-14-04 2:27pm

`glad u 2 had fun !

i <3 y0u both s0 much !!!

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