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mizu87 (profile) wrote,
on 8-21-2004 at 10:22pm
Current mood: fine
Brook called me at work but I was way busy so said I called him back. By the time I got around to it he wasn't home. I made $34 today! Rejoice! Cool huh? Yea, it was fun working with Tonna, she is toooo cool ^^ ... umm.... as the day went on I mean I was zooomin today! I am so fricking proud of myself!!! I got everything done before hand meaning I was way ahead. But yea, I got out at like 8:10 baby! Hell ya ^^ But yea, it was a good day.. besides the Brook thing.
I called him while I was at work like around 6 and he said he was busy and.. just what did I want to say because I was quite and I said that him and I need to get together to get all this shit straigh and he said he was busy and .. I'm not appreciating this at all... when I got home I wrote what I was feeling and called him up and read it to him:
I don't want to break up with you I want to stay with you and be yours. I want y ou to still be there for me and I'm here for you. For now I"ll just step back and wait for you and I understand you're busy for the next couple of weeks but after that, if you still feel I'm different and we click, that you still love me, then make room for me on someday please so we can be together and talk. I wanted you to know this because I didn't want you to think I was mad at you. I just feel distant from you and I understand there isn't a whole lot we can do about it but well, You know. I still love you, from what I know about you. But yea, that's what I wanted to say.

He's like "so you finnaly said it".. but anyway he said the feeling was mutual after I asked him if it was... .. and.. I said call me whenever.. and He said ok and asked if he could go now because he was busy trying to get out of there and I said yea and he said ok bye and hung up.. no I love you.. ...

... .. why do I feel regret?.. ..

... ... would he really have someone else? Could I of really of been decieved all this time? I mean is this how those stupid people who get cheated on are like? Feel like me? Know that person like I know Brook? Am I in the dark here? Or just Gray?

This morning before work I went into DDR town and played some DDR and then got my ears pierced and the lady said I could come back and she'd repierce my ear so that it was even (my right lob) so she took out that one that girl messed up and it's gonna heal hopefully and I got my right ear done on the side again, above the other two (where that other girl said I couldn't get it done) but man did it hurt like hell. Shit is thick over there. But yea. Brook still doesn't know about my earrings. Played some more DDR after I got them pierced then went to Wal Mart then work. Brent was there and brushed my bangs away from my eyes to look at my ears -.-' he always tries to be so smooth. Talked to Jon about him and he said the dudes a freak. Jon also apologized to me, which surprised the hell out of me, he said he was sorry about how he acted yesterday and that I was right and that I really should call, just to talk. Jon is really awesome. He would be a great friend.. he is a great friend.. as long as no one else is around.. I'm still a serect.. .. but thats' ok.

Well.. Lost my train of thought....

Oh my toe nails are falling off by teh way too.. they will be anywho
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08-23-04 2:37pm

Told you you'd regret it.

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