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chuckitatthewall (profile) wrote,
on 9-7-2004 at 11:58pm

School is getting better. Joanne (Louise's new friend) is not pissing me off as much as she was last week but that could change tomorrow. The climbing up 53 stairs several times a day is getting quite old. Also all the girls. One thing that I severely hate about other girls is screaming. Its so high pitched and its so loud. AH! GIVE ME SOME DUCT TAPE TO PUT ON THEIR MOUTHS! I am still forgetting a lot of things for different classes. I have got to stop doing that or else I'll be screwed. OOO GOOD SONG! "Touch me" by The Doors. I like it.
Come on come on come on now TOUCH ME BABE! blah blah blah...

My parents have been looking at houses. They are going to put an offer in for a house tomorrow unless something happens which it always does. I'm doubtful that I'll ever live in a house that is not a rental until I buy one myself. I think that being a pessimist saves me from disappointment. You can blame my mom for this because when I was little Louise and I always wanted to play at eachothers houses. Sometimes she'd say no and I would cry. Yes..I would actually have tears come out of my eyes. I know its pathetic but the last time I did that was when I was 7. In order to save myself from the crying I would say "Mom is probably just going to say no so don't get upset". When she did say no I still got upset but just not as bad. Now whenever my mom or dad say that are close to buying a house I know it really means that were close but not close enough. GOD! I JUST WANT TO LIVE IN A HOUSE THAT WHEN WE GET THERE WE CAN UNPACK EVERYTHING. Last time we moved I asked my mom why we left several large boxes unpacked in the garage and she replied "Because we aren't going to stay here for too long." We've lived here for just over 2 years and facing another move again. Before this last move we lived in a shitty ass house for 7 years. We had bad termite problems, holes in the kitchen floor, tiles coming out of the kitchen counter, old carpet that came up in several spots, and our windows rattled so loudly any time a door was open or closed. All of us had chronic colds and allergies. When we moved our sinus problems cleared up and we were instantly feeling better. Well..I think thats enough about moving. Everyone who even cares about me in the slightest bit please wish or pray or hope or whatever that we can get this house.

Lets see.. my sister came home this weekend. She ruined it. She constantly compares everyone to my dad or her or whoever else she can think of. She will say "Your like me, Marilyn because..." I HATE BEING COMPARED! IF THERE IS ANYTHING YOU CAN DO TO ME THAT WILL MAKE ME WANT TO BEAT YOU, IT IS TO COMPARE ME TO PEOPLE. Especially to people that I dont like or I dont care about.

My neighbor has strange sleeping habits. I think he is a police officer at night. Somedays hes home at night and sometimes hes gone all night. Sometimes he has his wife over with their dog and they work on their garden. I know they are married because he told my dad once. I don't understand why he doesnt live with his wife. Sometimes people who I assume are his parents go into the house when he isn't home and do stuff. I'm so confused by it. I shouldnt be so concerned with other peoples lives but I can't help it. Its so odd that it makes me curious.

This weather is killing me. People who talk to me are probably tired of me complaining but I'll do it again anyway. Our weather since Saturday has been upper 90's to low 100's. Its going to stay that way until Saturday. This severly sucks butt. I CANT WAIT TILL WINTER! OOOO IT WILL BE SOOO NICE! AND COLD! AND BEAUTIFUL!

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09-10-04 12:36am

I can't wait until winter either. Ah, rain, how I love it so!

Being compared sucks. It makes you feel like you're not yourself, but you're like someone else. Tis poop.

And my neighbor's kinda weird too. But that's becaise they have really bad shifts for work. The wife works from after midnight to some other thing. I dunno.

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