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chuckitatthewall (profile) wrote,
on 9-8-2004 at 9:28pm
Music: angry music
Subject: i'm writing 2 days in odd
Today sucks. Its HIGHLY unlikely we'll get this house after all. I don't think my dad cares enough. Also the other house people dont have their act together. This really really sucks. I knew it would happen yet I'm upset. We'll never get a house...EVER! We'll always live in some rental never knowing when my mom will start looking for another rental and forever it will stay that way until I move out.

I know this really stupid but I'm going to write about it anyway. My favorite player on the Giants is not being played enough and his average is very high right now and its so unfair. The fucking manager says that him and the other first/third baseman are doing just fine with the playing time but I fucking think that they are not! GOD! ITS NOT FAIR! The other stupid dude is hitting .270ish and my favorite one is batting .326. Which player would you put in more? I HATE THAT STUPID MANAGER! POOP ON HIS UGLY OLD 68 YEAR OLD HEAD! Poor Snow (the last name of the good one) will probably leave the Giants next year and go hit .330 for some enemy team of the Giants. I hope he goes to the A's cause then I can still watch him play.

Today my dad drove me around downtown because we had to go drop some papers off at family court for one his cases. We drove by Bellarmine cause he wanted to show me. Thats the nicest thing hes done today.

I'm so disapointed right now I could cry. In fact I am crying right now. I'm not sure why.... but I am. Wow..I havent cried that much since I was going through my depression time after Aunt Marie and Mr. Vane died.

Maybe in some magical turn of events I'll write of happier things tomorrow or Friday. But I'm not so sure that will happen...
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09-10-04 12:46am

Why will you probably not be able to get the house? Too many offers? Or did you not offer enough or what? Ah, life is confusing.

Crying feels good. Sometimes I just want to be able to bawl my brains out and then I never can.
The disappointment doesn't feel good, but the crying makes it a little better knowing you can let it out. lol LET IT OUT MARILYN! Sorry. "Let it out" is funny.

And yes, I believe that the Snow guy you're talking about should get put in. He will reign one day Marilyn. I swear it! Muahaha!

I think I'm going to go eat something unhealthy.

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