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mizu87 (profile) wrote,
on 9-12-2004 at 10:35am
Current mood: fine
Music: A Tribute To Marilyn Manson
I should of posted this 2 days ago.. but... ... I don't know.

But day before yesterday, make that Friday, I was at work and decided to call Brook at work. It was 5 O'clock. That phone doesn't ring more then 4 times and it had rang five. I knew since they have caller ID there that Brook had gotten to the phone and was handing it to someone else to say he was busy so he didn't have to talk to me. Lady picked up the phone and said "sorry he's busy right now can you call back later hon?" .. I said sure. Thing is.. within that hour Brook's sister and husband walked through the door and sat down to eat again... ... I'll finish the rest later. Me and Lenka are going into town.

OoOOoo I LOVE this CD! Marilyn Manson ^^ Beautiful People is why I got it but I love all the songs now (still listening so I havent' heard them all) Wooped some dudes ass on DDR who's really good. I did Sexy Planet on light but the challage one. It was fucking hard and it drained all my energy -.-' ain't trying that one again. I'm Acein Paranoya Rebirth now ^^ awesome. Had a big crowd in there today. It was fun. Called Brook at work just a bit ago but he's busy. We met this guy today at simon's. He was Indian and funny as hell and we just talked and talked, him me and Lenka and my dad. He lived in Japan for 3 and a half years. But anyway I asked him if he knew Brook. And he's like what's his full name and I said Chabon and he said he knew Chabon and I asked what he had heard about him and he made the motion with his hand of smoking a joint and throwing it over his shoulder -___- god right infront of my dad too -_- .. but yep.. that was Brook.

Now back to my story.
His sister and Husband sat down and I went up after I got their drinks and I was like "is your name Sunshine?" and she said yeah, and I said "Brook's sister?" and she said "yea aren't you that girl he's supposed to be going out with?" and I said "yea, well he hasn't called me in 8 days so I don't know what's going on" and her eyes widened and she's like 'oohhh really?" and her husband turned to me and was like "well I'll have to have a talk with him" And I got their order and said "you need to have a talk with your little brother" lol and anyway they was laughing we all was laughing and it was pretty cool. I took off alot on their meal. Gave her some more free pudding too (I really paid for it though) and yea. Like 1 or 2 hours after they left ring riing Brook called. "Did you call? What did you want?" and I was like "yea I called " and he said "thanks to you my sister just got through comming here and bitching me out for not calling you" and I was just giggling. But .. it wasn't that great of a chat. .. . and I asked what was going on and he said he had just needed time to think and I said 'well gee thanks for letting me know' And he said that I wouldn't be able to get ahold of him anymore because he was on the streets now because he got kicked out of nathin's house. ... He said he needed time to think about things and what he was going to do next. He said yea that he wanted to be with me but he just didn't know what to do. I asked him what he meant when he said that was the second time he heard that. (when I had told him I wouldn't care until I was eighteen) and he said that Bethany had said that and he just wouldn't stand for it... wouldn't stand for it.. snob. He also said he couldn't say all this to my face because all I would say was "humm umm ahh Nnn, and not say anything" that's waht he said... I asked him what was up with him telling other people we were broken up and he jumped right into explaining so he really did say it, he said "no, what I said was I wasn't sure of if we were gonna break up or stay together"... .. and.. he said he had to go.. and I asked if he was going to call me later and he said he didn't know and I said well are you? And he said "fine! I will!" bye and hung up.. He never called.
Now YESTERDAY at work it was a slow ass day and I went in at 10 because Amanda (the new waitress) called in sick. So I pulled a ten hour shift which is more then fine with me. I was bored so I went outside and started talking to these two semi old people taking hindges off their doors ? Yea strange . We were really dead. We had no one for hours. But Yea, Teressa poped her head out the door and said my man was on the phone. So I went and he said Hi what's up and I was slow to respond thinking there was a catch for him calling. And I was like 'hiiii- what's up" and he asked "what you doing?" and I was all hyper and said "well I WAS outside talking eating some kitty chicken but now I'm on the phone" and he was like "well fine! I don't want to bother you dang can't even call and say wha'ts up" I was like damn "whatever Brook I want to talk to you" Idiot. .. but yea. He asked if we was busy and I said we was empty and he said it was slow there and he was bored out of his mind. I was like 'gee thanks call me when you're bored' And he said again "thanks to you I got my ass kicked last night" and I was like what and he said that his sister beat him up last night. He said that she told him to stop being an ass towards me. I had asked him why yesterday (which would of been FRIDAY because TODAY is saturday (not really)) he had said wouldn't stand for it and he said that it felt like he was going out with Bethany again and that.. just.. .. I just can't believe it. How could I be like HER? And I said well if you are hearing it twice shouldn't that tell you something? And he said that lastnight he had plenty of time rethinking about me being like bethany when he was getting his head pounded into the floor... ... .. but that was all he said.. time to rethink.. so I'm still left clueless. I asked him why he was out on the streets and he meant on the streets. I thought he would be staying at friends but apprently he and scott got at it or something I don't know and I think Brook just walked out of the house didn't really get kicked out and then he also said that he'd sleep under a bridge half naked before he'd ask for help. ... .. and I just.. had so much.. to bitch to him about .. I wanted to bitch him out so fucking bad.. but I didn't have any words that came to my mind. He said his main thing was getting a house. Creg is in Cali for a month and Brook can't get that one house without Creggie Mac's signature so.. Hell if I know. I thanked him for calling.. and.. .. .. he said he'd talk to me later because he was now busy and.. I said 'tonight?' and he said yea that he would call me before he got off of work.. ... he never did.

....... I'm ready to tell him if he can't give me what I want then we have to go back to being just friends if that.. and.. it's.. I want him to spend more time with me and stop talking nasty to me and just fucking.. have more respect for me and himself.. I want to change him so badly.. everyone is telling me you can't change someone you can't changed someone.. they should make MINOR changes if it makes you happy and they want you to be happy .. Teressa said that .. minor.. nothing earth shattering like I want with Brook.. ... .. I really believe a person can change.. if they want to... I guess not if someone wants them to.. I never thought of it as the other way around. If someone tried to change me.. I'd hate it. ... ... .. I just.. I now want to apologize to him.. but then I'd just lower myself to him like I always do because he's older...
.. I have no clue.
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09-12-04 1:05pm

Damn, why didn't I think of this before! Maybe Brook is acting the way he is because of something YOU did. Possibly something you're not telling us, or maybe because you flirt with that Jon guy. It could even be something you did in the past that he doesn't like.. But then again he could have done something that he feels guilty about, or he could just not like you anymore. Maybe he read your journal and saw how you say that you can do better than him?

He wouldn't do what he's doing for no reason, it's gotta be something wrong with you..

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Re:, 09-12-04 7:26pm

You are so goddamn mean Hiei.

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Re: Re:, 09-12-04 7:29pm

Then what's your explanation?

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