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ImUgly (profile) wrote,
on 9-23-2004 at 7:21am
Music: mtv hoobastank special(playing all the videos)
Subject: guess what i found!
hey, so today, i had to wake up at like 545 to go to some school thing. then i went to the mall and got my hair cut shorter(again). but this time its noticably shorter. do you ever get this feeling like when you just get your hair cut, everyone is staring at you like they know you just got it cut, and your hair looks really weird now, but in real life, they dont know you just got it cut. NEways, then i went to the concert shirt store and found nothing. so then, we came home and i ate a marshmallow and read a filipino magazine that i could hardly understand, and i watched much teevee. uhm. ok. well. leter.

wow. i didnt know 'same direction' was the continuation for 'the reason'(the videos) until i just watched them like together.

oh yeah, GE, i found yet another cd store. i didnt go in it though cuz i was in a hurry. later, though. i promise.

oh yeah. that one sept 4 post(you remember that), im gonna set it as friends only(just for a little insurance, if you know what i mean). alright. leter fo serious this time.
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09-27-04 8:25pm

you so coo.

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