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ImUgly (profile) wrote,
on 10-4-2004 at 12:40am
Current mood: i gotta poop.
Subject: ewww gross
i woke up today, and my left eyelid was all swollen. i could barely open it, it was so poofy. it was disgusting. my sister almost threw up when she saw me. and i have to go to the mall in like an hour. its a good thing i got those mirrored ray-bans, cuz no one has any pirate eye patches. i had to wear a big paper towel taped to my face at lunch.
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10-04-04 6:25am

wat the fucky!? whoa. that is insane. and gross. what was wrong w. it?

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Re:, 10-05-04 4:37am

i dont know. i think i got bitten by a fucktard bug. so i wore my new hundred dollar aviators for like 8 hours yesterday. even inside. even when i ate. it was actually pretty awsome. i should do that all the time.

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