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pinkicing11 (profile) wrote,
on 4-22-2005 at 6:16pm
Current mood: contemplative
Music: [Queen ... Bohemian Rhapsody]
Subject: It's Friday.....woooohuu!!!
So's it going. This week kinda went by fast, but just cause we didn't do much in class. Today was was all rainy and stormy and I didn't have an umbrella. My sandals, jeans and shirt was soaked just from going building to building, which took me like 30 seconds. It sucked. I found out some intresting stuff today...I can't stand people. Just so you know, Tabi...I luff you!<3 Yeah, also i'm a little mad at Cody. Nothing big but it aggravates me. Oh well...when I got home I went to the tanning bed and layed 25 minutes. It got so hot in there today. Yea....Dad just left to take my car to get it checked out. That's great! Hopefully it'll be driveable soon! We're all gonna go eat at Applebee's when he gets back. I don't think I really wanna go but they want me to, so i'm gonna. Yea. Tommorow is the Student Tour thingy and music workshop. It starts at freakin 8:15! That means I gotta get up at 7 like a normal school day! TEARS! I'm not sure how Me, Jenn and Tabi are getting there yet. May be riding with Ben in his little pimpin car =] haha. Tabi or Jenn, if you read this call my cell phone cause I gotta talk to you - urgently - bout tommorow!
Onto other matters...I have reports due and I really need to work on them. I always forget my 'materials' at school. Blah. My Freddie Mercury report is really sad. It depresses me, like when I read about his funeral and all that. I just wonder why he had to get aids. I wish he was still alive. I keep thinking about it.'s really really pitiful. I wanna post my report on here when I get it done. I hope I can make it really good!
Well i'm gonna get offa here and get ready to leave! Have a jolly evening =]
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ha, 04-22-05 7:15pm

he got AIDS because he enjoyed man love

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Re: ha, 04-23-05 12:03am

Prolly true but...why'd he hafta be gay?! =[

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04-23-05 5:09pm

can u e-mail me the code for the thing that plays the music...cuz the code i got doesnt also, can u tell me where to get song URL's for it....thanx

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Re:, 04-23-05 7:16pm

I sure can. The one I got was also messed up, but I found another one. It might take a few days for me to send cause my computer only lets me email when it wants to. And the song URL's come from

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Re: Re:, 04-23-05 8:28pm

thank u soooooo much :-)

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