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mieko (profile) wrote,
on 5-9-2005 at 10:53am
Current mood: crappy
Subject: Great
Well um...I haven't been posting lately. Because this past week, (or so) my Wireless has been crappy, not working for hours at a time, then working for a minute, or an hour, then stops again.

So if I have time, I will update at school...until Summer Break anyway. o.o;

LuuuuuuuuuuuuuurvexInfity to you guys! <33333333333
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05-09-05 6:32pm

Lurve you to infinity and beyond <3

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Re:, 05-09-05 10:02pm

Like Buzz Lightyear! BWAHAHAHA!

We'll miss j00 :[

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05-10-05 8:11pm

I lahv, joo, i realleh realleh dooooh~

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06-05-05 11:23pm

I love your icon! It is hilarious and ebil. :3

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