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NNY (profile) wrote,
on 5-11-2005 at 3:12pm
Current mood: giddy
Music: TM Revolution
ARGH! Stupid fat computer!!!!!! I already wrote this once and then it's gotta go and SHUT DOWN LIKE A LOBSTER ON SPEED. Yeah, that's right. Lobster. 0.0 Any way, what I was saying was that we were working on our time capsules in school. Odd to think that pretty soon we'll be leaving each other. Half of my friends are going to a different school so in a way I don't want to leave 8th grade. I know we'll still keep in touch and all, but I will miss seeing them everyday in school and such. That's why I must force them to write me note-age in my note-age book to put in my time capsules. Ah, the days of our youth! Now I can't wait till senior year to see what all those freaks wrote... Moving on, tomorrow is Holocaust day at school. We are gonna have a speaker who was at Auschwitz come in and talk to us. I'm excited, I've wanted to hear a first hand account of the holocaust for a long time... Like actually meet the person, not just read about them (like in Night.). Yup, leave it to this one to find one of the saddest, most gruesome parts of history interesting. Some times I think I really need a life. Let's see... I got the TM Revolution CD. It. Is. AWESOME! I love it's techno rock spiffyness! I got to go to two of the homies birthday parties (blasted old people) annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd... We rescheduled our cave excursion. That's all. I just wasted your existence. XD
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05-11-05 8:37pm

I find the Holocaust super-interesting too...I like Night; it's a really good book despite the dark elements and stuff. We didn't get a speaker on our Holocaust day, but we got a video though. Uh..Have a good night!

♥ Jean

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