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TaoMan1121 (profile) wrote,
on 12-3-2005 at 8:53pm
Current mood: undeclared
Music: David Gray - This Year's Love
Subject: is here to last...
Shitty things about today:

- It's cold
- I needed my parents to (temporarily) bail me out of my financial situation
- I found out that my step-uncle had a brain aneurysm on his way back from Florida last week. The goods news is he picked the best place in the country for it to happen; Indianapolis has the best facilities in the country for that type of thing. The bad news is they couldn't get at the problem with the first surgery, so they have to go back in on Monday with a new procedure. He could recover, he could die... won't know much until Tuesday. Seems like everytime I talk to my Dad lately, it's bad news.
- Part of my permanent retainer broke off and I can't do anything about it until I come home. Now I have the pleasure of running my tongue over dried cement for the next couple of weeks.

In spite of all that, my spirits are decent. Parents will do that to you. I find myself reacting to some things people say in ways that I never have before. Desperation will do that to you. "It's only after we've lost everything that we are free to do anything."
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12-04-05 1:46am

::looks at calender::

::taps foot::

Oh, btw. Did as told...consulted with the Ricci. Her prompt answer: Papa Rocks. No questions. So, if that's cool with you...otherwise work it out with the GR-ians. And get Joe out here damnit.

Joe...are you hearing this?

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Re:, 12-04-05 2:21am

JOE!!! Are you out there? We miss you! come back to us Joe!

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Re:, 12-04-05 11:59pm

I concur....Papa Rocks, we did take a year off after all.

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