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holiday (profile) wrote,
on 4-12-2006 at 7:23pm
Subject: Okay seriously, it's not just the hormones...haha
I find it funny that they haven't really gone anywhere since I've known them. They're still around. Still hanging out with a younger and younger crowd. What's up with that?

I don't mean to get all sappy and crap. But I had the ultimate best feeling today. I won't get too into it cause I think it's a personal thing for Char and I, but I felt sooo close to the baby. I can't believe I am so close to the 2nd trimester already. It seems to be going fast. I've been sick practically every morning for the past 4 weeks though. So I'm ready to start feeling better.

We bought a duplex and we move on May 6! It's so nice and pretty and at the end of a cauldesac. I'm excited yet I'm going to miss my mom and dad so much. We're so close. :(

Anyway, that's about it for now.
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04-12-06 8:21pm

2nd trimester rocks. you'll hardly feel pregnant (well, you'll feel bigger than normal).

That was definetly the best time for me. People finally call tell you are pregnant so everyone is congradulating you and what not, and it made me feel beautiful and fufilled, but i wasn't sick and exhausted...

You and Brianna are making my nostolgic for being pregnant with Clementine...

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Re:, 04-12-06 9:45pm

ooooh good! I'm so sick of being sick. I'm missing so much class already.
the only bad thing is i'll be big during the summer. oh well, more swimming!
Clem is so adorable by the way! :)

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Re: Re:, 04-13-06 8:22am

i know! i make damn cute babies.

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04-13-06 11:37am

hill, i need your cell so i can talk to you about the photos and whatnot

or call me


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Re:, 04-13-06 1:57pm

thank you :)

okay, my number is 835-8235 just in case.


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