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jedibumblebee (profile) wrote,
on 11-15-2006 at 8:18pm
Subject: Memory
Leave some memories that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember! Don't send a message, leave a comment on here. Next, re-post this in your notes and see how many people leave a memory about you.
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11-15-06 9:13pm

I've never met you, but when I moved to Cedar people started stopping me in the halls, asking if I was related to you. That's my memory.

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Sorry if this is Sappy..., 11-16-06 3:22am

I remember my biggest memory with you was doing shows. The first show I ever saw at Cedar was Grease. Where you and Kurt played awesome parts and from that moment I knew I wanted to do Theater at Cedar. When I was cast in the show "You can’t take it with you" with you and Kurt it really was a dream come true. I still remember how nervous I was working with you guys. You were bigger then life to me and I am really happy I got to know you over the years. Then later meeting your little sister who I always called "little Wilde."

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11-16-06 6:45pm

It is difficult to pick out a single memory that seems poignant or sums up years of memories. I suppose I will have to choose the vacation where I gave you the name Jedibumblebee. It was a fun trip.

Ooooh, or the time you had to eat a half a crayon because you lost a bet. Was that craypon blue or purple? :D

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