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.j.e.s.s. (profile) wrote,
on 7-11-2007 at 10:19pm
i kind of don't feel safe here anymore. someone got shot in our parking lot. that is so weird. i really felt safe here and thought that we were in a ''good'' area. i mean i know we are close to 28th street and there are a lot of weirdos around but i thought that our apartments were safe and stuff. now i am suspicious of everyone i see around here and the people across from us had a letter on their door saying they had to move out by 11 am today and it was from the kent county civil department or something like that.

anyway. i have to go and i will write more about this later.
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07-12-07 1:04am

good thing you're moving away soon..

here's some tips that my dad ALWAYS shares w/ me. i'm sure you've heard them but at least i can feel like i made my dad feel good b/c i actually remembered what he said lol:

lock your doors!!

never walk inside alone when it's dark, and if you do..let roman know you'll be coming up and check all around for killers.

buy some pepper spray (i don't know where to get that stuff tho)

and i guess just don't make any of your neighbors mad *crosses fingers and hopes that everything will be fine*


love ya! and you'll be fine :)

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