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m&ms487 (profile) wrote,
on 6-21-2008 at 6:46pm
Reading the text of Dante's Inferno with the original and translated text side by side makes me want to learn Italian.

And then I remember that I haven't even taken French 101 yet.

Why does language have to be so ambiguous and random!?!
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06-22-08 2:26am

I have wanted to learn Italian for a very, very long time now. I was so upset when I learned CMU didnt offer it. The good news is that I sing in Italian enough that I do know a fair amount.

French, ew. I am required to take a year of it for my major. Never really liked it for some reason....

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06-23-08 11:28am

If you want ambiguous and random try learning Arabic, then complain. :-P

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