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m&ms487 (profile) wrote,
on 7-29-2008 at 8:54am
I almost passed out at work yesterday. I was processing a return and all of the sudden I felt a wave of heat come over me. I looked at the computer screen and it split into three screens (just like in the movies, in fact), and then I couldn't hear anything like I was underwater. So, I told my coworker to finish the return and I collapsed on the floor.

I called my parents to come and get me since I couldn't drive home, and I was wheeled out in a wheel chair.

I have the day off today, so I'm just resting now. I feel a lot better; I couldn't walk for a few hours after it happened.

It was really warm behind the service desk again, almost seventy nine. My dad was yelling at me saying that I shouldn't be passing out when it's only seventy nine and there are lots of people that work in factories where it's warmer than that. It put me off. I can't help it, and there's nothing that a doctor will be able to do. When it gets really hot and humid, I can't sweat, which makes me overheat. I don't know, I feel like I'm thirteen again and I'm getting yelled at for something I have no control over.

I'm not looking forward to this weekend, however. It's suppose to get up into the nineties. What do I have to do? Buy myself twelve box fans to take to work with me?

I can tell you this, I don't ever want to be wheeled out of meijer in a wheel chair again until I'm ninety and don't know the difference.
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07-29-08 7:30pm

Michelle, I hate to tell you this but your dad is right. Don't get mad at me please, but I'm just worried about you...I did work in a factory where it was nearly 100 degrees every day and I was doing physical labor...I just feel like somethings not right.

Perhaps your malnurished, or something from all that weight you lost, it's not healthy to lose that much in such a short time..well especially by not really doing anything to lose it except not eating.

Your body is yelling at you, somethings not right.

Or maybe it was just really hot and your body got overwhelmed...but if you were just standing there, i can't see why your body would have such a serious reaction. Idk, I could definatly be wrong.

But can you see how I get the image of a starving malnourished girl losing tons of weight and passing out? I mean I'm so happy for you for losing so much weight, but it was all under strange circumstances,..maybe you should be taking vitamins or something..or drinking xango lol

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07-30-08 11:13pm

I don't care if it's over 79 degrees in a factory, YOU DON'T WORK IN A FACTORY. Also, you are NOT A FACTORY WORKER. End caps yelling.

I also passed out working at Meijer. I always felt weird working there too. I think there's something weird with their vents or something.

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