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acidtears (profile) wrote,
on 1-21-2009 at 8:30pm
Current mood: crappy
Music: "If I ever leave this world alive" By: Flogging Molly
Subject: Shoulder
Well, the other night I was joking around with my brother, and went to lightly punch him. While my arm was in mid air, no force applied, my shoulder popped completely out. It felt like a shoulder cramp, like when you get a charlie horse in your leg, but when I looked over, it looked disgusting. The top part of shoulder was over by my collar bone, and where it should have been was completely caved in. It has happened before, but it always pops right back into place. But, we went to the hospital and after some x-rays, they said that my tendons/ligaments were way too loose. So now, I am wearing a shoulder immobilizer and it sucks. I can't use my right arm at all, and the bone doctor said I can take my arm out of the immobilizer, but when I try, it's too painful, and it feels like my arm is going to pop out again. So, I leave it on. Here comes the worst part...

Next Thursday, January 29th, I have to have shoulder surgery. Yeah. I am not looking forward to that at all. And they said it would take me two months to recover, and on top of that I have to do rehabilitation therapy for my shoulder.

Then, my dad called earlier and apparently my Grandma had a suggestion. She wanted to know if I wanted to stay with her for a few days after my surgery. So, I am thinking about it. It would be nice. I wouldn't have kids or dog's jumping on me or bumping into me. And it is more relaxing there. So, I haven't decided yet, but I am thinking about it. Any opinions here? HaHa.

But, better go. It's hard to type. Just figured I would update, so you don't think I'm dead. HaHa. Bye.

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01-21-09 8:45pm

relaxation is nice, and it will be even nicer while you recoop for a few days. i definitely think you should take her up on the offer.

you shoulder sounds like my knee, but i haven't gone to the doc to set up any kind of surgery yet :\ i hope everything goes well <3

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Re:, 01-21-09 8:48pm

thanks. i am just afraid of surgery. lol.

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01-21-09 11:21pm

Don't be afraid, after the sedation you'll be in heaven, haha! But seriously, if it's considered outpatient I'm sure you'll have nothing to worry about and I think you should definitely take your grandma up on her offer!

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Re:, 01-22-09 1:20am

I'm pretty sure I'm going to. You need to come visit me when I get home though. lol. I MISS YOU! And if I don't see you before my surgery, wish me luck. haha. kayligh said her and luke are going to send me card, lol. ttyl hun. love you. bye.

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01-23-09 1:36pm

Hopefully they can fix the problem with your shoulder.
And have fun at your grandma's!

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Re:, 01-23-09 1:39pm

thank you and i will try. even though i definitely will not be the life of the party. haha.

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