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rayray (profile) wrote,
on 8-9-2009 at 12:03pm
After a long stressful week, I finally got a weekend to relax.
Found a friends daughter that is almost 2, has a brain tumor..
Found out that same day that a kid I went to school with was found dead in greenville..
Houses and cars are being broken into right next to our house, but nothing of ours has been messed with..
Shell Station was robbed at gunpoint last night, and thats like 2-3 blocks from my house..

I should lay out in the sun, but it doesnt seem to be shining all that much in my yard..
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08-09-09 12:20pm

and apparently you could get shot / stabbed outside your house Oo

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Re: , 08-09-09 12:36pm

Yeah I forgot about the Save-A-Lot in Stanton being robbed at knifepoint..

Its not anyone in your family is it? lol sorry, you know I had to..

Not to mention there have been a few people have had hit and run drunken excursions.. And places are burning down like crazy..

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Re: Re: , 08-09-09 6:00pm

rofl, it may have been!

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08-10-09 5:37pm

Sherdian is just a bad town...=| lol

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Re: , 08-10-09 8:31pm

Generally its pretty laid back.. and nothing happens..

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