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catatonicsean (profile) wrote,
on 1-14-2014 at 1:47pm
Current mood: cheerful
Music: Metallica - Orion
Looking for a Church of Satan down here is comparable to looking for unicorns.

I still maintain a staunch atheist view, but the novelty is far to good to pass up. Aside from novelty, there is nothing to do down here. So it's either an offensive pseudo-religion, or go to the Holy Land Experience in Orlando (yes, the Christian fundamentalists have their own theme park).

In other news: I was walking around town - my source of excitement during the evening - and I found a cigarette pack with weed in it. You can imagine how my frown reversed itself to its upside-down position. I quickly quit feeling sorry for myself, and bothered to call friends to announce my discovery.

Allergy medicine is kicking in (I have no allergies, I just enjoy a hearty sluggishness and dulled motor skills), so I'm going to nod off and dream of a world that I am not disappointed in.

This entry is rife with sentence fragments. I may be losing my command of the English language, but at this altitude it matters not.
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01-14-14 11:03pm

Haha Omfg, I seriously just looked up the Holy Land Experience, and it is a thing. Leave it to America to recreate our own conveniently located Biblical sites.

Also, I think you have a wonderful command of the English language, even when you are drunk or stoned. xP

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