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Petals to the Wind

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:: 2003 19 October :: 9.55 pm

Alias 3.04

Better. Quite a bit better. I actually don't have huge nitpicks about this one. Hmmm, does that mean I need to watch it more? lol. I do need to demote some of crew, but we'll get to that later.

Justin Theroux. I'm sorry, dude, but I don't find you very hot. Your British accent bugs. I had a hard understanding your dialogue, and I just don't you're as cool as you try to be. I think I'll trade you for more Sark, please. His accent is much sexier. He's hotter with his shirt on than you are with your shirt off. Nice try, though. I like the idea of your character, however, so I'll give it time. Looks like Syd WAS evil. Good stuff; I'd like to see where this goes.

Sloane. Oh, I love that evil smirk. Sloane, you rock. I only tolerated Lauren when she was in scenes with Sloane, frankly because he's manipulating her, and the evil part of me enjoys that a LOT. This has great potential for an interesting relationship. Wait...did the writers just give me some complexity that I asked for? Hmm....

Vaughn and Syd. Thank you. You talked to each other, finally. I LOVE how very important, awesome conversations always takes place on a plane on this show. It's a nice parallel. DA? tmx? Bonus points if you can tell me where this happened last season. Answers tomorrow. I LOVE LOVE that conversation on the plane. The writers hit on some very painful issues for both of them there, and I look forward to more.

FlatDixon lives encore. Sigh. Writers?

Jack had nothing to do this episode. Sigh. Writers?

Sark was nonexistent this ep. 5 secs? WTF? I didn't wait all week for a cardboard cutout role. JJ, you promised me he'd be on all 22 eps. I DON'T call that an appearance!! That was barely a cameo!! Writers, pay docked, now! You used Justin Theroux instead of him? What are you smoking?!

Ok, what is up with Vaughn and Lauren macking right in the middle of the Oops Centre? Um, UNPROFESSIONAL MUCH?? Syd and Vaughn didn't even do that, why should you? AND, that was an inane fight about the guns report. I'm siding with Lauren for once, you should have noted what you were blowing, idiot. They have no chemistry. I hope Lauren's evil, or something. At least THAT would be interesting. She needs to go to Sloane often; it's fun to see him slap her around.

Composers? What's with the swelling "THIS IS AN EMOTIONAL MOMENT, PEOPLE!!!!" violin music in the background everytime we get a Syd Vaughn talk? It's highly annoying that before Syd says something weepy, the music rudely makes an entrance. Subtlety, people. It's your friend.

Ooh, Syd stabs Vaughn! Hopefully she killed PansyVaughn and resurrected BallsyVaughn of Season 1 Episode 2. The one who fights Syd, and has a backbone.

I liked Jack's response to Syd's "It can't be more painful than not knowing." I hope it's the writers subtely reminding us of Jack and Irina, and the pain Jack went through after finding out the marriage was a sham. That woman destroyed his life, and it showed on Victor Garber's face. Victor, you ROCK, even in ten seconds of screen time.

I thought Syd's hair and makeup were very nice in the maid uniform scene, as was Lauren's in the second Sloane scene. Yay makeup people. Also, the maid outfit is a total shoutout to first season, remember, DA? Right before the famous rubber blue dress.

Other things:
- swelling violin music is the same theme they used for The Kiss in Phase One (S and V's first kiss) Scared that I recognized that? I am!
- the slurpy sounds that ebola guy was making icked me out
- also, that scene, Mission Impossible 2, much?
- more Sark, Jack, Dixon, stat!
- keep hacking away at the Syd and Vaughn dynamic, and kill the triangle
- give Jack another damn storyline
- I love Marshall and Carrie
- Weiss, stop interrupting the SV moments!
- Justin Theroux has weird hair
- dammit, I wanted Sark to see Syd, and have a wicked reaction.
- I want Sark to have a storyline, too. Hell, I just want Sark. Heh.
- “That is a concern I do not share.” Hee! That's my SpyDaddy!
- Phrank
- naked Syd. Boys, I'm sure you enjoyed that. Jennifer Garner is hot. I want to be her.
- Does Syd have some kind of medical condition in which she needs to strip every single episode? If so, Syd, honey, would you please infect Vaughn and Sark with the same condition? I'm just sayin'.

Better episode overall. Thank goodness. I was having issues with the season, but this is the Alias I'm used to seeing. A good ep, not as great as some of the classics, but a step in the right direction. Yay! My faith is restored.

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:: 2003 19 October :: 2.41 pm

Ummm, yeah, so I watched 2 hours of Alias DVDs last night while I was supposed to be studying for my MIT midterm. Everytime I see that pile of photocopies on my desk I just want to hurl. I have a physically violent reaction. I think I'm going to develop a rash. Kidding, only barely.

So, back to lovely Alias. People, Season 1 is the most glorious set of storytelling arcs ever put on this earth. Seriously, I miss it a LOT. We had great characters, a kickass pilot, and the best series of episodes to end off the season. That season finale was a culmination of all arcs, everything that the characters and the show stood for. That train station scene melted. A loved Jack's relationship with Vaughn, and Will. I miss Will. Things were complex, angstsy, and alternatively playful, fun, and light. I miss that juxtaposition, and the direction. So tightly written and well thought out. No annoying resets mid season. It was so much FUN! Tonight's ep is supposed to be better, though, so with that, I wish you all

A (Hopefully) Happy Alias Day!

PS. I love my DVDs! I saw the writer's commentary on Ep 17 - fantastic. Deleted scenes - some Syd-Will ones that were really great. Pilot diary and stunts...I want to work on this show. It looks like so much fun!! Thank you!

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:: 2003 17 October :: 10.43 am

Regina's recap's up.

"Oh. Fortunately, I don't have to know, nor do I have to care, because at this moment, both Syd and Vaughn have to disrobe in order to get into the uniforms. Syd makes a big deal about having to turn her back to Vaughn while undressing as Vaughn REMOVES HIS JACKET AND HIS SHIRT. Sigh. Rewind. Pause. Sigh. Syd totally checks him out in this scene, by the way. Hee. That's okay, Syd. We're all checking him out too. Sigh. Rewind. Pause. Sigh."

Regina, sister? WORD.

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:: 2003 16 October :: 10.05 pm

DA: Yes, overhangs are the extra bits that the restriction enzyme leaves. The restriction enzymes given all recognized sequences that read the same on both strand 5-3 prime ends, so they always made a z cut. I asked you which way the z would go, which of the top and bottom would be longer, and the answer is: it depends on the enzyme. Thus the 3 and 5 and blunt end (equal) overhang differences. Yay. I learned something in Bio lab today. Go overhangs!!

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:: 2003 14 October :: 5.07 pm

Kids, why are you not updating?

Lyon's Den
I finally like this show. The writers stopped taking their ecstacy to give us a smoothly paced episode with character moments and somewhat interesting layers. Thank you. And just as I'm warming up to the show, the ratings are slipping. Sigh. I thought this was going to be a ratings winner for sure. I hope it gets a full season pickup.

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:: 2003 12 October :: 10.26 pm

Yay for everyone who came to my house today. I've definitely been missing intellectual and comfortable company, and I'm glad you made the trek to my home. Thanks. :)

So DA and I finished the Alias ep. Review below. Don't forget to download Chicago off your university net, tmx.

I didn't have as much against this ep as I did the other two of this season. Maybe I was in a better mood watching it with other people. Or maybe I was in a better mood after Vaughn took his shirt off. The latter helped a LOT. Wow. Michael Vartan. Lookin' good, boyfriend. See, babe, I'll shut up about your acting skills if you take off your shirt once an episode, mmm-kay? Yes, DA, I used the rewind button.

This episode was all about the triangle. Oh, the triangle. I know we have to deal with it from both sides, so ok, I'm fine with this ep being all about the triangle. Or, I'm just in a really really good mood. I just think there are far more compelling characters that this show has created, than this soapy triangle.

Sark. He was working those sunglasses. If this show goes to hell, I may just watch it for evil, but sexy Sark. Although, if he's given flat, useless dialogue like in today's ep, I might not.

Marshall. Hee! "Awkward!" He's such a sweetie. Poor guy, when the rendering didn't work. I loved the CD.

I miss Will and Francie and Lena. When they left, they took so many interesting relationships with them, with Lena being the most missed. I take a look at the characters we have this season, and I'm just not as invested. This heartbroken Syd thing is not very entertaining, and this marriage is flat. I remember last season's ep 17, I cared about Jack and Irina, and I felt for them at the end. I'm not going to ruin it for those who have not seen it. I don't see myself caring about this season's characters the same way. This is not good.

Jack and Syd's relationship is touching. I like that they're finally fully affectionate and trusting of each other. That's a fulfillment of 2 years worth of investment. However, I want Victor Garber to be given more to do. We had Irina last season to meddle with his stony facade, who's going to fill her place now? I want Jack to have something other than Sydney in his life.

Vaughn. So we're going to make him omniscient during all of Syd's missions now? So that he can save her ass again and again to win back the audience? I think Michael Vartan and Melissa George (the wife) have a comfortable chemistry together, but I just couldn't give a shit about this relationship. It's too boring and simple. I want Jack and Irina's complexity.

Sloane. I realize what a brilliant idea it was for the writers to put him in this position. I can't wait for him to come out again as truly evil. This setup will be slow, but worth the wait, I think. Every moment Sloane's lending someone a hand, doing some good in the world, I think he's doing something doubly evil elsewhere at the same time. I love it. See? I don't always hate the writers!

FlatDixon. Carl Lumbly deserves more. I've said it and I'll say it again. He's so limited in this director role. Again, not interesting. Layers, people.

Vaughn. You're so boring. I got sick of the meaningful looks you gave Syd first season, so what makes you think I'll like them now? The angst shit is tiresome. You looked GOOD, though. Very, very handsome, indeed. Somebody's been working out. I didn't appreciate the slip-second side view, camera people. Longer shot, from ALL angles. Or else you're fired.

This episode was inoffensive. Just simple. I don't feel much momentum for the season, that's all. I was speculating towards the end of last season a million things about this show, and I'm not this season. The mysteries aren't as emotional. I feel like they're just plot points, mechanical and flat. I still like this show, and I still love the idea of this show and what potential it has in store, but I don't feel that the actual episodes are living up to everything that's set up. We're getting warmed up, and things will go full speed ahead towards the end of the season, as JJ always plans, but I don't think I'm wrong to want a more complex, layered story now.

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:: 2003 10 October :: 11.37 pm

Yay! I'm home. I managed to run the 20 minute walk from the Ivey Building after my bus class today to the bus stop and catch the 1:00 express Greyhound to Toronto. Whoo! Stressful, but whoohoo!

Watched the Lyon's Den with my parents. It's so much easier to talk them into doing things when I'm not around all the time. It was a fun, cute little family time on the basement couch. My parents are treating each other really well, I find, so that is very very happy news.

Bridge party at 2, Sunday, for anyone reading this journal. gbk, I'll call you tomorrow and convince you to come for the Alias party at 7.

Review of the Lyon's Den
It's loosely based on John Grisham's The Firm: something fishy's going on at the big LL&L law firm. The jam-packed pilot presented many many story lines, of which I will only explain the serial ones, so people, if they want, can jump in. It's Sundays at 10 on NBC. Right after Alias. Perfect.

A managing partner appears to commit suicide. Murder suspected by some.

Jack Turner works at a pro bono (lawyers who work for poor people for free) clinic with a friend, Riley. The clinic is funded by a big firm, LL&L. Yes, stupid name. His father is a powerful senator. Jack is clean, a straight arrow guy who gets offered the dead guy's mangement position. Jack is wary of something fishy going on with the firm's current case with a tech company. Fraud? Very likely. He does not want to get involved.

The seniors at the firm are pissed. They want Jack onboard likely because of his father's senatorial connections. They coerce Jack by threatening to shut down the clinic. So at the end of the episode Jack agrees to work as partner. Obviously, he does, or else there's no series called the Lyon's Den.

Other players: I can't remember the names.
The big black guy. Partner who offers Jack the position. Very powerful, meancing, evil.

The assy white guy. Harvard graduate who covetted the partnership and excepted the offer to come to him, not Jack. Now has a vendetta against Jack and is trying to implicate Jack in the future to get that partnership.

The blonde chick. Sleeps with Assy, but writing implies that she used to date Jack. She is a victim with a heart of gold. I don't think she wants to be sleeping with Assy, and is in love with Jack, but I don't know what's keeping her from breaking free.

Assy's secretary. She's the one holding the whip. She controls Assy and is managing the whole scheme against Jack. Why? I'm not quite sure. Hot lady in her 40s. Seductive, strong, smart. Interesting character.

Young paralegal #1. aka Brown Hair. He has a crush on the Blonde Chick, who looks way older than he. I have no idea why he's on the show.

Young paralegal #2. aka Blond hair. The Secretary enlists this eager ladder climber to help dig info on the tech company, to implicate Jack later on.

Jack's Daddy. Is totally evil. The black guy answers to him (this was revealed in the closing seconds of he pilot), meaning he controls the law firm. Has bad relationship with Jack. Powerful, but not sure of his motives yet.

Random African chick at the clinic: heart of gold, just wants to help people. Social worker. Hot, so potential love interest for Jack or Riley.

Detective. Investigating the "suicide." Seemingly good. Jack likes him, I think. They both suspect murder.

I liked the pilot. It was quite good for the amount of info they had to get across; good storytelling in showing and implying, not telling. Each character, for the most part, has his motives, a direction for story arcs. Intriguing power plays here. What is Daddy doing? Was the death a murder? What's up with the tech company? Etc. Some good writing, good potential drama to be told.

HOWEVER, this show had way WAY too many characters and subplots. They had 2 cases in addition to all the above storylines. Oh my goodness, they need to cut down their breadth and focus on depth. For the first 20 minutes, they focused on Jack and Co. and then they came back from commercial break to a scene with fully new people! The paralegals! No mention of Jack and Co. for about 10 minutes! There are a dozen main characters, and about 8 active stories. This is like Law and Order meets the West Wing meets The Practice, meets soap opera.

The weakest parts of the ep were the two cases. I agree with one of the posters at TWoP; there isnt anything this show can do that hasn't already been done by Law and Order. Or the Practice. The twists were very predictable. I also disliked the overwhelmingly cheesy and melodramatic strings music in the background for several parts.

Verdict: Shows promise, will watch and recommend to people with the patience to follow everything and everyone. Writing needs to be less greedy, and tighten up. Cast seems alright, if a bit stiff. I'm not sure Rob Lowe can carry his own show. I'm not sure anyone is going to have time to develop interesting layers. We'll see. 7/10.

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:: 2003 10 October :: 1.10 am

Just watched Pirates of the Caribbean for the second time. Downloaded it off of UWGO, the sweet RezNet(work). Pity the poor universities who don't possess such a luxury. The SECOND time, hear that DA?

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:: 2003 8 October :: 4.29 pm

Attack of the Ladybugs
It's SO hot outside right now. Over 20 degrees. AND, there's an army of ladybugs outside, flying everywhere, into everything. Honestly, when I looked outside this morning, I thought it was snowing! But when I got closer to the windows, the flying snowflakes were ladybugs! THAT's how many there are outside. They crash into windows, and people. There are dead carcasses everywhere, it's kinda gross.

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:: 2003 7 October :: 12.09 am

Irina murdered Vaughn's father.
Sydney murdered Sark's father.
Jack became alcoholic after Irina's death.
Vaughn became alcoholic after Syd's death.

Jack, however, did not fucking REMARRY!!!

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:: 2003 6 October :: 11.16 pm

Ugh. Got a position for Western Review, the online newsletter. I applied for Finance Director, and/or Editor, and the idiots gave me Graphics Designer/Advisor (whatever that means) when I specifically said "No, thanks. I'm not interested in the layout and graphics because that's what I've done for a lot of publications." I should be happy yaddi yaddi yadda, but I'm so SICK of this stuff. I want to play with money or breakdown peoples' articles instead! Sigh.

I also got the tutoring gig, as in I get put into their database for dumb, or "troubled" high school students to look up. I totally thought I failed the interviewed because I basically scoffed when the interview took out a pen (yes, a pen) and asked me to teach her what that was. I sat there dumbfounded for a few seconds, and sort of laughed, and then recovered and bullshitted some stuff. I understand that the point of the question was to find out if I was going to be nice when people asked me dumb questions, and dudes, I totally failed. LOL. I don't think I'm going to be a very good tutor to the people who really need help (i.e. not the UTS kids that I have previously tutored).

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:: 2003 5 October :: 9.03 pm

Ugh. That was mediocore, nowhere near what it should be. I wasn't even excited for this ep, so I'm not cutting it the "I was anticipated WAY too much" slack. Overall there was parts that intrigued me, but the emotional highlights of last ep were missing, so I'm not sure which episode was better.

I DESPISE the use of sex on this show as a device. Yes, it's a spy convention; espionage is inherently sexy in entertainment, but that theatre scene with the "uuuhhhh"ing in the background was absolutely unnecessary. That's cheap gag. I also despised the extremely long setup for that drug scene. That time could have been spent with Syd, Jack, Weiss or Sark. That took too much effort just to extract some information. Not everyone works at a club, and not all dead drops or meetings take place at a party. This is getting as dumb as Ryan getting into a fight in every. single. episode. on the O.C. And, I hate that Syd blatantly uses sex in every episode to entice men. If they're drug lords feared by everyone, that is not going to the key to taking them down. Sigh.

I'm hating Director Dixon, or the way the writers are only giving him stiff exposition. I like the Director concept in theory, but I realize that he's not going to be doing anything. Carl Lumbly did great stuff with last year's wife and family plot, and the ongoing trust issue with Syd, and now he's become flat, unemotional, and just a device to progress plot. Lumbly is a better actor than that; he deserves better stuff to work with.

That's enough super negativity. I watched this ep twice, and I liked it much better the second time. I fast forwarded through all the commercials, and obviously, the flow was better. So, the good stuff:

Jack and Sloane. I've missed the two of them trying to outmanuveur each other. I love the way the writers have created the tension, I love that they're both powerhouses, equal in willpower and resource, with a paternal competition for Sydney. The Sloane disk, whether it's to be believed, was nice. I hope the writers keep pushing this relationship and power struggle. And Jack? This? “Personally, I would have found it anticlimactic that after expecting to assemble a weapon of ultimate power, you ended up with a revelation you could have acquired from a fortune cookie.” Jack, baby, thank you. At least the show is making fun of itself.

Jack and Irina. "Miss you." "Miss you, too." I melted a little. Awww. They were SO doing the hanky panky over the last 2 years. Hee! I miss Lena so much. We would have had this scene done in person, not in a chat with some creepy Robotron voice. What was THAT, anyway? Completely unnecessary.

Syd and Vaughn. Better. I can deal with the breaking up. The writers have succeeded in killing this romance for me. For now. I tolerated Vaughn much better, and a BIG part of that has got to be the fact that Michael Vartan looked DAMN. FINE. Ooh. He was working that blue shirt in the classroom (may I please get Vaughn to be MY French professor? I'll learn better and not fall asleep in class. Pretty please?) He also looked hot with the tousled hair and Armani at the Oops Centre. Welcome back, indeed. Hee! I won't complain about MV if he just shuts up and looks pretty. The speech was okay, just okay. I kind of laughed at his talking to dead girlfriend spiel, which I don't think was intended. Heh. Aw, he loved her, and he drank, and he disappeared. Ok, I can live with that explanation. And got MARRIED. Hmmm, not sure about the last part there though, Vaughny.

Sark!! Whoo! Now we know where Jack's prison razor went, to Sark! Sark, I don't think you asked me if you could cut off all that pretty hair of yours. No matter, as long as you have your hot British accent, I can dig it. He's a descendant of the royal family? He's inheriting over 80 million dollars? Um, Sark? Marry me. We can deal with your whole assassin thing later. I didn't like his first exchange with Syd. Maybe the writing, maybe the acting. Just a little awkward wording, and execution. A little out of character. It's just me, I know. I did like the wary look he had when he was being interrogated by the wine guy. And when he was being traded off to some unknown party. Good stuff ahead. I talked to gbk about this, and yes, now that we're going to find out stuff about Sark, he'll seem more human and less aloof, and less wicked, icy cool. That's ok, we'll love him anyway. I have questions: If his father was also in the spy business, is that the reason he's in at such a young age? Why didn't he interact and work for his father, then? Why did he consider Irina a mother figure? Where his real mother? Irina's not the real mom, is she? Interesting stuff. Excellent.

So the whole point of getting assy white NSC guy was to replace him and introduce The Wife? They were striving for tension between Dixon and Ass like last season's Kendall and Jack, but didn't quite work. Waste of time, really. Too bad.

Other stuff:
- Amnesiacs Annonymous?? HAHAHAHAHA. Pathetic. Really really stupid.
- "If you're finished, you're in the MEN'S room"
"Who let you in?" Love you, writers.
- Liked the bit with the scientist "You never were my favourite.." Wonder what that's about
- Obvious parallel between wine scene with Sark this ep, and wine scene last season between Sloane and Sark. Same setup, lighting, everything. Hee! Everyone in the spy world knows Chateau Petruce is Sarky-poo's favourite drink. Always used in deal making situations.
- Weiss has totally taken over Will's best friend niche on this show. Weiss' lines in the apartment with Syd were exactly what Will would have said. I kind of miss Will. Come bakc Bradley Cooper!
- Ok, so I'm a geek, because I totally noticed this: 1st ep this season, the shot of Sloane in his office is in full sunlight, white, angelic. The office was airy, light, friendly and full of good vibes. Tonight, with Jack, Sloane's office is completely dark, the walls are gray, and everything is in shades of gray. Very cold, very empty, lots of empty space. Well decorated on both counts. Yay set designers!
- loved the look Syd gave to Sark when he said "My life may be in danger..." as she was undoing his feetcuffs. Very cute.
- some niiiiice fitted black shirts they gave Sark in prison! Also some niiiiice black clothes and pink makeup they gave Irina last season. These terrorists get excellent stylists in CIA custody, don't they? heh.
- Did anyone see the Degrassi High commercial? OMG "I can't believe you left the most popular girl in school in the middle of your date for your mom's meatballs!!!!" OMG. ROTFLMAO. HAHAHA. Degrassi High: The Next Generation looks like the shittest shit EVER!

I think that's it. Did anyone actually read all of that? I'm curious.

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:: 2003 5 October :: 3.55 pm

Aww, my parents just came today, and took me and my roommate out for lunch. Yummy Mexican food. Yay! Then we went to Loblaws and got groceries. TONS of juice and frozen foods. Heh, my mom likes to come and rearrange all the room in my room. It's annoying but kind of cute. She likes to wipe everything up for me. Aww. We now have Cookie Dough Ice Cream!!

Happy Alias Day! Spoilers are all over the internet from last night's wildfeed (transfer from Alias editors to the ABC network takes place over some weird channel that some people actually receive, so they can watch it early!).

Happy Alias Day!

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:: 2003 4 October :: 11.10 pm

Kurt Browning had a baby! Well, his lovely wife Sonia did, back in July. I've been so far out of the loop with him that I totally didn't know that. CONGRATULATIONS, KURT!! Gabriel's the name. Aww. DON'T STOP SKATING, THOUGH! YOU CAN BE GOOD DADDY AND SKATE AT THE SAME TIME!!

Like he'll ever see that. Ahem, anyway.

Turns out the figure skating fanatic that I so coveted to meet was my roommate. Not my neighbour or the blonde, the other one. Whoo! Figure skating party!!!

I've been studying Bio today. Boring review, but I still have to do it. FOUR fucking exams in the same week. Huh.

Going to watch a movie with roomies now.

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:: 2003 4 October :: 4.34 pm

Alias recap at Television Without Pity is up.

SpyDaddy: Jack
SpyMommy: Irina
SpyBarbie (hee!): Sydney
Uncle Arvin: Sloane
Oops Centre: CIA Ops centre
Subbasement of Dreams and Desires: where Syd an Vaughn had their secret rendezvous in Season 1.

For those who don't know, TWoP is a site that ridicules everything about many popular dramas and reality shows through its snarky writers, who write recaps. Its message boards are among the most intelligent and coherent on the web; a gathering of tv fanatics who love making fun of their favourite shows in perfect spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Warning: It's long. About 20 minutes of reading.

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