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Wizened Auld Man

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:: 2014 29 December :: 5.49 pm
:: Music: Crude SS - Respect the Earth

At the local Chinese restaurant for an post-arbeit snack with wifey.

This isn't Facebook, but I figured a few photos from time to time wouldn't hurt anything, since finding a moment to bitch and moan about how awful things are is rather time consuming.

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At the Mid-Pinellas Comic Con with my Little Family

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Yet another fucking wedding day photo.

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I am pleased with how life has turned out this year.

3 Disagreed | Disagree?

:: 2014 9 December :: 2.37 am
:: Mood: recumbent

I've decided I'm going to be a skinhead again. The other skinheads aren't going to like this, because I have a corporate gig, albeit with a low pay grade.

So I suppose it's going to be suspenders and boots, religious head shaving, and the whole shebang, sans fist-fights and a laborer's gig. I'm preparing to be ostracized by the other fellows, but fuck 'em, they're probably not going to notice that which does not go into the outside world for leisure very often.


:: 2014 22 November :: 6.57 pm

This song reminds me of Liz, and every time it plays on the ride home from work I feel grateful to have her, and feel quite the spoiled and grumpy arsehole for not appreciating her in the manner she deserves.


:: 2014 4 November :: 12.27 am
:: Mood: lonely
:: Music: Adrian von Ziegler - Let Me Fade

Things are going swell, but I'm still beset by that teenage feeling comparable to thinking I'll die a virgin.

You know that hopeless "I suck" mentally? That's the one.

I'm going to tighten by boot straps and force myself to rule at life, or I'm going to disintegrate and vanish from the hearts and minds of men...oh, wait...well ahead of myself.

Time to remind them who is King.


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