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ertailapis's Journal

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:: 2003 27 October :: 3.36 pm
:: Mood: hopeful

Well, ROTC and ALM exams were today. I think I pretty much aced ROTC (no surprise there), though ALM is questionable...

Found that I'll be getting an incomplete in English for the nine weeks, which is a bit unsettling, but I'll have that fixed with a week or so. My Algebra grade could be better... but I'll just have to ace the exam and hope to the gods that I can pull a B.

And... well, that's about it. I'm in chat with one of Janel's friends and her, and things are a bit... strange... to say the least. Well, I'll be back later... hopefully. (The hopefully remark has to do with my grades. If I don't pull at least a C, I get computer poofed.)

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:: 2003 25 October :: 12.12 am

Your Existing Situation:
Needs warm companionship, but is intolerant of anything short of special consideration from those close to him. If this is not forthcoming, is liable to shut himself away from them.

Your Stress Sources:
Unfulfilled hopes have led to uncertainty and apprehension. Needs to feel secure and to avoid any further disappointment, and fears being passed over or losing standings and prestige. Doubts that things will be any better in the future and this negative attitude leads him to make exaggerated demands and to refuse to make reasonable compromises.

Your Restrained Characteristics:
Willing to become emotionally involved as he feels rather isolated and alone. Egocentric and therefore quick to take offense, though he tries to avoid open conflict.
Feels trapped in a distressing or uncomfortable situation and seeking some way of gaining relief. Able to achieve satisfaction through sexual activity providing no turmoil or emotional agitation is involved.

Conditions are such that he will not let himself become intimately involved without making mental reservations.

Your Desired Objective:
Wants to make a favorable impression and be recognized. Needs to feel appreciated and admired. Sensitive and easily hurt if no notice is taken of him or if he is not given adequate acknowledgment.

Your Actual Problem:
Disappointment and the fear that there is no point in formulating fresh goals have led to anxiety. Desires recognition and position, but is worried about his prospects. Reacts to this by protecting at any criticism and resisting any attempt to influence him. Tries to assert himself by meticulous control of detail in an effort to strengthen his position.

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:: 2003 25 October :: 12.04 am
:: Mood: crazy
:: Music: "Pushing Me Away" - Linkin Park

Well, we started our exams today. Got an A on my World History exam (No big surprise there). I hope I did good on my Bio exam, because I have a feeling my grades were sub par for that course.

Going to paint grandma's house tomorrow after I get back from cleanup in the afternoon, so no shortage of stuff for the afternoon tomorrow.

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:: 2003 19 October :: 12.31 am

Birthday:April 10
Nationality:Western European... mainly Irish, German, and French
Current Height:5'6"
Hair Color:Brown
Eye Color:Green
Family:Mom, dad, little brother, lots of grandparents and aunts and uncles. Missing one grandpa, because he died a year and a half ago.
Location:Harvey, LA.
College:None yet.
Piercings:Going to have ear done.
Red or Blue:Blue.
Spring or Fall:Fall.
Santa or Rudolph:Santa.
Math or English:English all the way.
What are you going to do after you finish this survey:Get a drink.
What was the last food you ate:Umm... chicken.
High School or College:High School.
Last movie you saw:Oh shit... umm...
Last noise you heard:My cat plucking the screen on the window.
Last time you went out of state:Last summer, went to Mississippi
Things you like in a girl/guy:Intelligence, personality, I don't know...
What book are you reading now:Looking for a new one to buy.
Favorite board game:Monopoly.
Favorite magazine:Dragon.
Worst feeling in the world:Rejection.
First thing you think of in the morning:"I wanna go back to sleep..."
Future daughter's name:No kids.
Future son's name:No kids.
Chocolate or Vanilla:Chocolate.
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal:Used to as a child.
Dream job:Writer.
Whats under your bed:Lotsa dust.

Overview Survey brought to you by BZOINK!

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:: 2003 17 October :: 8.11 pm

Did you meet your best friend?:In school.
Did you meet your b/f/g/f/current interest?:At school.
Well do you like your beef cooked?:No beef for me.
Many languages do you speak?:2. Four if you count sarcasm and cynicism.
Many languages can you speak?:Same as above?
Many people would you say you have loved?:Hmm, parents or as in a crush thing? Crushes: 4
Do you know?:Yes.
Well do you know the people around you?
Many times a day do you think, "This is great.":Not very often.
Often do you feel like you want to die?:About 3 times a day.
Would you describe the way you dress?:T-shirt and jeans. 'nuff said.
Would your best friend describe it?:Same.
Well did you like the last book you read?:I loved it.
Many times have you said "God" today?:Don't know.

How... brought to you by BZOINK!

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:: 2003 17 October :: 8.05 pm

General Information
State your full name.:Eric LeBlanc
Do you like your name?:Yes
If you could change it, would you, and to what?:Wouldn't change it.
Tell me your age.:15
What do you want your wedding to be like?:I don't really know.
Tell me the perfect setting for when you have sex.:A nice bedroom, scented with the incense I occasionally make, and with lots of candles.
Have you ever been in love?:Yes.
Are you in love?:Yes.
Your opinions
Rock music is..:Good.
Pop music is..:Okay.
Your thoughts on anarchy:UP THE REVOLUTION!!
Do you believe in God?:Yes
Type of music:I like everything except rap and country. If I had to pick one, I'd say alternative.
Food:Pizza. How original.
Thing to do:Write.
Thing to say:"Moving right along..."
Person to talk to:I like to talk to a few people. No one favorite, though.
Subject in school:English.
Parent:My mommie.
Color, and why:Green. Always have. Maybe because alot of thigns in nature are...
Author:Don't have one.
Book:Right now? Twilight Falling.
Candy:Anything sugary.
Last, just random questions and things about you.
Do you like yourself?:Yes.
What do you like about yourself?:That I am smart.
What dont you like about yourself?:That I'm cocky at times.
Can you play any instruments?:Yes.
Are you depressed?:Sometimes.
Have you ever been suicidal?:Once or twice.
Do you do drugs?:No.
Do you drink alcohol?:Yes.
Do you miss anyone right now? Who?:My grandma, who's on vacation, and my grandpa, who died a year and a half ago.
What do you want to do with your life?:Become a writer and write novels for a living.
What's something you know you want to accomplish before you die?:Open a bookstore and use it to support myself between novels.
Do you think that I love you?:Maybe.
You best, because I do.:Why, thank you.

About Yourself brought to you by BZOINK!

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:: 2003 16 October :: 6.43 pm
:: Mood: confused
:: Music: "Wash It All Away" - Evanescence

Well, I just registered on for free webhosting, but I think I've gotten myself in over my head. Sure, I did a bit of work in HTML for my dad's site, but starting one from scratch... well, anyway, I think I'll go and steal my dad's "HTML4 for Dummies" book from him and start my reading... for those of you that want to see what little I've done so far, go to

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:: 2003 16 October :: 11.20 am

Don't know why, but I've been on a vampire kick for the last few days. *shrugs* Expect a few more in the near future.

Dark Mask
You are a Dark Mask, the fourth class of vampire.
You can adapt easily to any climate and
situation. Your servants are few, mostly
because you choose not to sire others. Your
chief ability is shiftery-- you can become
anyone or anything. Overall, you are a great
person. Keep us guessing.

What class of vampire are you? (some new images)
brought to you by Quizilla

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:: 2003 15 October :: 11.10 am

You are ETHER

Well, well... you are the mysterious Fifth Element!
The Fifth Element, Ether, is used or conjured
in many ancient religions or magics, but is not
something found on this plane. Those that have
been able to make the ascension to the Ether
are truly evolved people, possessed with
heightened senses of intelligence, perception,
and empathy that others simply don't have.
Everyday possessions aren't of much interest -
you are beyond that. You tend to gravitate to
open spaces, changing environments, and won't
saddle yourself with one style or decision.
Indeed, just one type of career isn't of
interest to you either, as your need to
constantly continue evolving and growing won't
allow you to settle down. Sadly, this need may
also impact your social life as well. You tend
to have few friends as not many people
understand you, and fewer relationships because
you simply outgrow them.

Don't be discouraged by this, though. You are truly
one of the unique, for very few people have
been able to achieve this type of
enlightenment. Be proud and use your knowledge
and experiences to teach and help others as
much as you can. Good luck and congratulations!

Now that you have an idea of your strengths and
weaknesses, why don't you put them to the test?
If you follow my lead I can take you to a game
world where you can explore different sides of
yourself and taste real power. Just follow my
lead, enter a name...

...and all
the world can be yours.

Which of the 5 Prime Elements are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

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:: 2003 15 October :: 10.51 am
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: "Hello" - Evanescence

RAHHH!!! There. I've been needing to do that. Still sick, as the lingering sickness known as the flu goes on. I'm beginning to go stir crazy, and hanging myself is seeming to look better and better as the day goes on, but I think I'll deny myself the chance to see how it feels just yet. Maybe I'll go write a song on the patio... yeah... that's what I'll do.

Well, I've been doing my work at home that I would normally be doing in school, but for some reason it just doesn't stick as well at home as it does in school. Maybe it's the surroundings... don't know for certain. Anyway, I think I'll go write that song or poem or something. If it turns out anywhere near decent, I'll post it here for all you people that don't read my journal.

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:: 2003 9 October :: 11.20 am
:: Mood: sick
:: Music: " 'Till I Get Over You" - Michelle Branch

Ack... being sick sucks the big one. Not only am I fighting off a sinus infection, I now think that I've got the flu from my little brother. Damned virus-carrying children...

So, I'm stuck at home, bored off my ass, coughing up a lung, and wishing that someone was on to talk to right now. I guess other people have a life. Or aren't sick. One of the two, but I'm in no condition to think on anything very hard right now. Well, I think I'll go and try to sleep now. Something to keep from coughing... that's what I need... *wanders off towards his herb cabinent*

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:: 2003 6 October :: 7.49 pm

POETRY will be written about you when your gone!
The words PURPLE and probably EWWWWW will be used
to describe the pain of your life!

Be carefull with your emotions!


Goff - The Online Strip

GOFF - The Meaningless Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla

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:: 2003 4 October :: 3.52 pm
:: Mood: blah

Well, I should probably be writing about a certain something in here, but I really rather not avdertise what it is to the entire world. (And yes, the entire world does read my journal. Aren't I special?) Anyway, you know who you are. I've thought quite a bit, and I think I've divined my answer. Contact me whenever you read this.

On a completly different note, my cold that kept me out of school on Friday seems to be clearing up. I think I'll be able to march on Sunday, but I probably won't be 100%. So, until next time, later.

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:: 2003 4 October :: 3.51 pm

cuddle and a kiss
cuddle and a kiss on the forehead - you like to be
close to your special someone and feel warm,
comfortable, and needed

What Sign of Affection Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

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:: 2003 2 October :: 8.49 pm
:: Mood: accomplished
:: Music: "Dreamer's Dream" - Ragnarok Online Soundtrack

Well, all in all, today was a good day. I've gotten all necessary work done, made the team to march in the parade on sunday (I'm on Sabre Team, for those of you interested.), and tomorrow is a half day. I'm currently working on a new NWN module, so be on the lookout for it. The name is "Kingdom of Galamir" though it'll be a while until it's finally finished.

Only bad thing about today is that I think I'm getting sick. I woke up this morning with a bit of a sore throat, and it's only gotten worse as the day has progressed. I just hope I'll be okay for sunday.

Well, that's about it for now. Until next time, later.

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