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ertailapis's Journal

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:: 2003 28 September :: 12.32 am

Your Ultimate Purity Score Is...
CategoryYour Score Average
When I think about you - or anyone - I touch myself
It takes a couple of drinks
Sex Drive 60.5%
A fool for love, but not always
Done the nasty, but not creatively
Gayness 100%
Fucking Sick64.6%
Dipped into depravity
You are 61.64% pure
Average Score: 72.5%

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:: 2003 24 September :: 9.34 pm
:: Mood: distressed
:: Music: "Thanks Alot" - Third Eye Blind

AHHH!!! I hate schoolwork... and it seems that my teachers are sadistic psychos that thrive on handing out more and more work for us. I've got too much work... I CAN'T TAKE THE PRESSURE!! *twitch, twitch*

Moving right along... Well, not much else lately... will write more as it happens. Until next time, later.

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:: 2003 23 September :: 6.55 pm

Driretlan is your Vampire name.
You are a witty Vampire with a certain style that
others are drawn to.
To use your new Vampire name and become a Vampire,
go here:

What is your Vampire name?
brought to you by Quizilla

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:: 2003 20 September :: 2.25 am
:: Mood: out there
:: Music: "On the Run" - Pink Floyd

Alright. Once again, I've let this slip, yet I don't have all that much to talk about. On Tuesday, the day after the one which is mentioned previous to this one, I had OD, or office duty, through ROTC and missed yet another day of class. So, needless to say, this last week has been major catching up. I made up my Biology test that I missed, and I think I did reletively well on it.

We had a few rather interesting conversations earlier today in class. Most had to do with last year, how people did stupid stuff that most people almost forgot about, things like that. We had a sub, so we had hardly any work to do, which I probably should have put first to explain the reason we had the conversation, but I evanesce from the topic...

I went on a mini shopping-spree on Thursday. I bought myself a new book (YAY!), bought Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd for my dad and me to share, and Ultima Online because a few of my friends I play online with are playing it, so it felt good to spend some money after a stressful week.

Interims are going out next week, (I think.) so I hope I don't get anything bad, which will happen anyway, but that's beside the point.

Soooo, that's about it for now, so until next time, later.

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:: 2003 15 September :: 8.59 am
:: Mood: annoyed

Sorry I haven't updated in a long time, but I've been a bit busy. If you're looking at the time of the entry and thinkinh "why aren't you in school?" just wait, I'll be getting to that in a second.

This weekend was pretty good, since one of my really old friends came in from North Carolina, so we had a mini reunion of all the guys that used to live here. It's weird, really, how the more things change, the more they stay the same. I apologize for the cliché, but it just fits. Everyone's gotten taller, but we've all stayed the same on the inside, but I'm sure you people aren't all that interested.

Now! On to the reason I'm here at nine in the morning. So, let me start from the beginning. Last night, I was doing the wash at about ten and asked my dad to change my load of school clothes to the dryer before he went to sleep. My dad, already half asleep on the couch watching football, replied "Sure, no problem... goodnight." Well, thinking everything was fine, I went to sleep. This morning, after taking a shower and putting my pants on, I went out with about ten minutes left until I needed to leave. I go into the garage and open the dryer and SURPRISE!! they're not in the dryer. So, frantically grabbing a red shirt from the washer, thinking it was one of my uniform shirts, I tossed it in the dryer. Now, if this would have been my shirt, I could have gone to school and barely made it... but karma had to proove to be the bitch that it normally is, and show that the shirt I thought I got was really not it. So, panicing, I grabbed another shirt, making sure it was a collared one, and tossed it into the dryer. Then, I think to myself, "If this is any indication, maybe I shouldn't go today." Well, after that one's done, I go out and take it out the dryer. SURPRISE AGAIN!! this one was indeed a uniform shirt, but one from middle school. By this time, I'd figured that either someone was trying to give me a message, or I'm the butt of some cosmic joke. Well, mom said, after all this, that I might as well stay home and avoid the lunch detention that I'd have gotten for being late, and it gives me time to clean my room, which needs it desperately bad. Sooo, all in all, that's my resoning for staying home. So, until next time, later.

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:: 2003 7 September :: 8.28 pm

My inner child is sixteen years old today

My inner child is sixteen years old!

Life's not fair! It's never been fair, but while
adults might just accept that, I know
something's gotta change. And it's gonna
change, just as soon as I become an adult and
get some power of my own.

How Old is Your Inner Child?
brought to you by Quizilla

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:: 2003 5 September :: 9.52 pm
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: "High Voltage" - Linkin Park

Well, tonight has been all in all uneventful. Today was alright, and the fourty five minutes of nothing during the pep ralley was pretty fun. Here's a little snippet from a written conversation with one of the girls in my class. Do forgive if I mispell your name, because my mind is shot at the moment, and my little brother isn't helping things.

[Me] It's quiet... too quiet...
[Janel] You realize this is the part where the lights go out and one of the black people ends up dead.
[Me]Only in clichéd movies.
[Janel] True, but I took a test that says I'd survive a horror movie, 'cause I act white.
[Me] I'd probably live too, 'cause I don't act like a damn retard when some idiot comes in with a knife.
[Janel] Either that or you'd get killed when you were sleeping after you got laid.
[Me] At least I'd die happy!
[Janel] But it could have been BAD sex. You can't die happy with BAD sex.
[Me] You suck all the fun out of things...

And there the conversation goes on for a few more pages. I might put the rest up tomorrow when I'm not as tired. Until next time, whenever that may be, later.

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:: 2003 29 August :: 7.48 pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: "Dragon's Prayer" -Chrono Cross OST

Well, first week of school is over, thank gods, and my schedule is straightened out... for the most part. Here's the revised schedule, and the least likely to change.

1st Period: Homeroom - Carter
2nd Period: Biology Honors - Price
3rd Period: World History - Mix
4th Period: ROTC - Gardner
5th Period: Autonomous Learner (gifted)- Fassnacht
6th Period: English III Honors/GT - Fassnacht
7th Period: Algebra II Honors/GT - Carter

Alright, not that you wanted to read that, but it's there. At ROTC during lunch yesterday, there was mini, live-action soap opera with a few of the people sitting there. I believe one of the more raunchy lines were "If it weren't for masturbation, quarterbacks couldn't throw more than twenty yards..." or something like that. It was one of those "had to be there" things, since it doesn't seem as funny looking back on it.

Well, that's about it for the last two days, aside from me purchasing my academic doom yesterday afternoon when I bought Soul Calibur II. It's addictive... I think I'll go play it now. Until next time, later.

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:: 2003 27 August :: 9.13 pm
:: Mood: nostalgic
:: Music: "Moonlight Sonata" Beethoven

Well, lately I've been looking back at how things have changed in my reletively short life span so far. It really was kind of freaky, but it's like the old saying goes, "The more things change, the more they stay the same."

On a non-nostalgic note, They've almost got all my classes cleared up in school, so it looks like things should settle down a bit, but then again, this is me we're talking about, so in all likelyhood, it'll take as long as it can to be fixed.

Working on my Algebra II homework brought back some memories, especially from when we first started learning this stuff in 7th grade, and it made me think for a bit. It saddens me when I think of all the people that are my friends and that I don't keep in touch with as often as I should. Maybe I should call some of them to see how they're doing... You know, I think I'll do that. Well, until next time, later.

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:: 2003 25 August :: 9.57 pm
:: Mood: confused
:: Music: "Quixote" -Bond

Well, school's back, and things got off to a rather bumpy start. Most of the GT/Honors kids have screwed up schedules, so we've got to bear with people until Wednesday when they start doing the schedule changes.

On a better note, I stopped by Best Buy and found that Soul Caliber II will be in tomorrow, as well as LotR: The Two Towers, so I'm going to be spending some money tomorrow. Well, nothing else major going on at the moment, and if something does happen, I'll put it up. Well, until next time, later.

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:: 2003 22 August :: 5.54 pm
:: Mood: anxious
:: Music: "Another Brick in the Wall (Part I)" - Pink Floyd

Well, school's starts in three days, and I'm waiting for it with mixed feelings. On one hand I'm glad it's here, because I'm starting to get bored, but on the other I don't want it to come becase I don't feel like I'm reading. Well, enough with the school stuff, and on to the reletively more interesting things.

I got my hair cut and highlighted today, and I think it looks pretty good. I also got my eyebrows done, and MY GOD!! HOW CAN CHICKS DO THIS REGULARLY?! I've found that it doesn't hurt right after they do it, but ten minutes after when your brain realizes there are no longer and nerves there, and begins to freak out.

Grandma and I went shopping for uniform pants for school (qué divertido), but found that Mervin's had a major sale, so we ended up buying more than we intended, but oh well.

That's about it for the recent days, so until next time, later.

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:: 2003 20 August :: 1.19 pm

You are... the Roleplayer!
Recommended classes: Bard, Paladin, and Sorcerer.

Which kind of Dungeons & Dragons Player Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

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:: 2003 16 August :: 11.13 pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: "Slipping Away" TrustCompany

Well, I went and visited my psychic friend Paulette, and things seem pretty good right now. I did get the few answers I needed, so life seems to be going on track at the moment. On a sadder note, she said the current person I was looking at probably isn't going to work out, so I shouldn't be too disappointed. But along with the little bad news came some good. She said that my energies seem to be in line, though I have a buildup of creative and emotional energies that I should be letting out, so that's something I need to work on. All in all, not bad, if I say so myself. Until next time, later.

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:: 2003 15 August :: 2.54 pm
:: Mood: pissed off
:: Music: "The Background" Third Eye Blind

Well, I just got home from our mini vacation in Gulfport, and, all in all, I think it kinda sucked. My mom made reservations at Grand Casino (If you've been to the Mississippi Gulf Coast, you know what that is) only because they had a "lazy river". Now, for those of you who don't know what that is, it's a little river-esk pool that uses little jets to make a current and push you down it. Now, while this is kinda cool, it's not worth the hundred bucks a night we payed for the room. We could have just gotten a normal room at a normal hotel and used their pool and went to the beach (which was having a jellyfish swarm, so it was unswimmiable). So, I think we wasted money, but my opinion is worth crap, so who cares.

ANYWAY, my last three days have sucked because my grandma and my mom were mad at me for not using the pool and everything, saying that I was wasting money by being there and doing nothing. Fuck them. I told them I didn't want to go, but they made me. I told them I needed to work on my summer reading. They made me, regardless.

So, if you talk to me and I sound a little pissed off, it's not you, it's just been my crappy-ass, wasted week.

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:: 2003 9 August :: 9.00 pm
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: "Give Unto Me" Evanescence

Well, we started painting the kitchen cabinents today, and we've got them all washed and primed, so tomorrow we can put the first coat on.

However, we made a discovery today: my little brother got lice from a kid in daycare. So, mom and me had to strip the beds, spray all the mattresses and furniture, and use that lovely shampoo that kills the lice, even though I don't have any. "It's just in case," she said, but I prefer not to burn my scalp off and make my dandruff worse. *sigh* Oh well. Luckily my mom knows what to do since I got it when I was his age.

So, today was a bit exciting, but not all in a good way. Until next time, later. (Damn, that's becoming my signature, isn't is?)

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