To be, or not to be,--that is the question:-- Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them?--To die,--to sleep,-- No more; and by a sleep to say we end The heartache, and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to,--'tis a consummation Devoutly to be wish'd. To die,--to sleep;-- To sleep! perchance to dream:--ay, there's the rub; For in that sleep of death what dreams may come, When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause: there's the respect That makes calamity of so long life; For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely, The pangs of despis'd love, the law's delay, The insolence of office, and the spurns That patient merit of the unworthy takes, When he himself might his quietus make With a bare bodkin? who would these fardels bear, To grunt and sweat under a weary life, But that the dread of something after death,-- The undiscover'd country, from whose bourn No traveller returns,--puzzles the will, And makes us rather bear those ills we have Than fly to others that we know not of? Thus conscience does make cowards of us all; And thus the native hue of resolution Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought; And enterprises of great pith and moment, With this regard, their currents turn awry, And lose the name of action.--Soft you now! The fair Ophelia!--Nymph, in thy orisons Be all my sins remember'd."


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:: 2009 7 December :: 4.50am

a whole lotta messed up
so, i saw my man today... drove across the state when i should have been doing an essay that is due in 3 hours. It was good, at first. Then less so, and now worse. I am married and i still feel like a rag doll, that just makes me feel all sorts of fucked up. I try to be happy, and yet i still feel down... I wish i could explain it all to mike, but at this point i am not convinced it will ever matter.

just throw on a mental bandage once again, and hope that i forget... although that hasn't been working so well as of late... seeing as past bandaids are falling off and i can't help but be overwhelmed by the past. ugh.

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:: 2009 30 November :: 10.28pm

It is always nice to have one place that is pretty well private. I feel awful that I try to hangout with my friends and just leave because i feel like a wallflower. It makes me want to relive novels, and suck into my own world. But, I have 2 weeks until school finishes up for the semester. Mike will be coming home, and its about time because i need some sweet lovin. Time waits for no one and i have to keep pushing through the next few weeks until the break comes. Not that i want to go back to CS for anything, but at least it will be plenty of time with Mike. *sigh*
Ready to sleep, and have dreams of a day approaching quickly. I need to expand my music library, and my book collection. I have years and years, but I would like so much to know it all now. Oh well, back to reality.

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:: 2009 15 November :: 2.36am

come home to me is all i request...

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:: 2009 16 July :: 11.07am


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:: 2009 5 June :: 3.14am

I'm 4. And I'm beautiful.


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:: 2008 2 August :: 7.12pm

here is me:
I currently live with my fiance in my parents house.
I am looking for a house so i don't feel like i am in a very awkward reflection of my life in High School
I have made new friends, i have lost some old ones and i am happy with how that has worked out.
yes, i gained weight, but i am also working out again and not depressed and thus i am not only loosing weight but also fighting demons so to speak...

Mike (my fiance) is leaving for Iraq next april, and i am working full time at my dad's store doing design and running most office operations. I dropped out of school because chicago is full of greedy lying bastards and scary places. But, it is a nice place to visit, and in my opinion not the best place to live (i fully admit that this statement is debatable, but i had bad experience where as you may have had good ones.)
No i am not pregnant nor have i had a kid, seeing as i have heard rumors. Other than that, i work and pay bills so i can hopefully in the near future go back to school, or at the very least buy my design programs.


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:: 2008 1 August :: 10.48pm

so uh yeah
hey wassup

how are all you peeps that i see and never have time to talk with?

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:: 2008 6 January :: 1.16pm

in detroit for the day hangingg out with family.
mike is makeing me irritated.
my computer, stay back fool!

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:: 2007 18 December :: 3.51pm

i am moving back to cedar. there is nothing in this godforsaken armpit of america.
move home at the end of the month. much work and debt repayment will follow.
then 21. then enjoying my life and planning my wedding.

oi, there is way to much to do before october.

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:: 2007 10 November :: 10.23am

well, back to burger king it is.
with the applications i put in, burger king called and hired me
i start on monday.
It feels degrading going back there, but money is money.

otherwise i have been sick since wednesday, i feel like shit.

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:: 2007 1 November :: 11.29am

okay so this is proof that the world is small...

my cousin alysse goes to oakland university in detroit with Samantha Huegan (i know i spelled that wrong... sorry)
Anyways, they are friends and although i never knew sam, alot of my friends did.

So that is me finding irony in life, plus my dad called because he thought i know sam.
Aside from that, i got new running shoes. I can do very short sprints and run a quarter mile before my shins really hurt, but i am workig my way up.
Attempting to quit smoking but i always have to leave room for error. But good for now.

that's it i guess.

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:: 2007 18 October :: 9.12am
:: Music: Skunk Anasie- Secretly

i feel sick,
i have had at most 3 hours of sleep, but here is the best of it, i could have fucking sstayed in kalamazoo longer because i had class cancelled until my 3 o'clock.
it sucks, fucking hauling it out of bed, feeling like shit and trying to sleep on the fucking 6:37 train all to show up by 8 am and find out no class.

On the ups, it gives me time to work on all i need to do. on the downs, i feel sick and i only have 2 ciggs.
i hate commuting. I want to go home, forever. i am sick of school.

and bonus!!!! not only do i have to remake a 10 page project that didn't save, I don't have my third class either.

god, today was a waste.

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:: 2007 11 October :: 11.59am

so, i am waiting for my photography class to start. I am really lonely, so i wish that i had money to venture up to carthage this weekend, but then again... well, i won't go there.
I am not looking forward to my next class. I am supposed to do a presentation, but the sidewalk is closed off to get to the class, s maybe i won't have class?!?!!
Now, i need to pull together the energy tonight and tomorrow and the next day to work out, even if i do pull 12 hour days tuesday, thursday and saturday.
Someone should visit me. I have captain morgan... hah. j/k that's mikes.
but yeah.

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:: 2007 9 October :: 11.53am

one would think that i could sleep in my own apartment without a bed mate... nope, not happening, it took three attempts at sleep in the living room before i pulled myself up and over to my bed, where i half slept until my alarm went off. I really miss mike. perhaps it's just the comfort of sleeping next to someone, but i suppose it is mostly just a good thing that he is working...

to class. bah

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:: 2007 28 May :: 11.18pm
:: Mood: dorky

i am avoiding doing my homework because every week that it gets closer to the end of the quarter the less interested i am in being in the high rise and more interested i am in being with my sweetie.

i supose i should write this last paer though and get it doen before mike calls me on his way to work. BAH!!! i am sooo sick of stupid papers.

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