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:: 2004 12 February :: 5.47pm

i think i've developed some form of sickness to coca cola......pity me

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:: 2004 10 February :: 4.35pm


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:: 2004 10 February :: 12.35am

just a little bit of thinking about life.....
why is it that life seems to be nothing more than waving what i want in front of me and pulling it away? its like teasing someone with a dollar on a fishing line or something like that.
thats all life seems to have become, is cycles of pain......ane each time around, more shelters from the pain disappear, until eventually, theres nothing left but myself and my agony.

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:: 2004 30 January :: 8.29pm

i'm considering school transfers to possibly australia, but i risk losing all the AP credit and coc transfer units i racked up....comments people?

further discussion of this topic now unneeded

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:: 2004 28 January :: 7.53pm

i wish life were like a video game. not so that i could save it or restart it or anything like that, but because then it could be one of those video games that they sell you a strategy guide for. that way, i could look up the stuff going on in my life right now and find out what i'm supposed to do about it rather than just waiting and guessing, since i know i'll guess wrong. i just want to know what i have to do to win, at least this little bit. and as soon as i did, i would so totally save it. the problems now are much too confusing to sort out on my own.

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:: 2004 27 January :: 11.16pm

this weeks lesson
god is cruel and enjoys creating misfortune for his own personal enjoyment.

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:: 2003 18 December :: 4.53am
:: Mood: rushed
:: Music: Linkin Park - Hit the Floor

Sayonara Woohu!
I'm not usually up so early in the mornings (in fact, I'm pretty much not up in the mornings, period) but Tim and I are off on a one-day roadtrip to Alameda to meet his new gf Caroline, hence the necessity to leave so early. Apparently it's supposed to be a surprise, although I didn't know this at first, and last night I nearly ruined that very surprise. Anyhoo, Tim and Sam are back in town, and last night we went to Camarillo with Nick and his friends to see the midnight showing of ROTK... which, in a nutshell, totally rocked. Go see it; it's a stunning finale to the trilogy. One of my fav movies of all time now. We were cheering all the way through, it was so kick-ass.
And to continue where I left off, yes, I'm going to Nagoya, Japan from the 29th of this month to the 27th of January. The flight stops over in Seoul, Korea for a few hours, where I haven't been since I was 8 months old. Regardless, I'm excited and I'll be leaving soon, and I'll miss you all while I'm gone. Lol, Sam was almost pissed at me when I told him I'd be gone for a month.
Anyways, that's about it for now. And before I forget to mention, everyone wish Liz a happy 18th b-day today. ;)
Well, this is my last entry here at Woohu, so please direct all comments over to the new and improved version of my older and decrepit Blogspot page, here. Toodles.
As for those of you reading this entry at my Blogspot, you can find the old Woohu blog and all the entry comments here.

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:: 2003 13 December :: 5.56pm
:: Mood: excited
:: Music: Oasis - Don't Look Back in Anger

Look! It's the incredibly inebriated Captain Jack Sparrow! MAXIMUS! COME BACK!!!
It's been a while since I updated, so I forsee that this'll be a rather long entry... where to begin...

Well, most importantly, FINALS ARE OVER! I spent two allnighters in a row for Wednesday and Thursday to prepare for my Public Speaking and World Geography finals, respectively. We gave special occasion speeches for our PS final. Any special occasion really, be it fictional or real, like an award acceptance speech, a toast, etc. I decided to write something unique, so I decided to write a eulogy to some guy named "Bob." I came to class about 3 minutes late, so when I wrote my name up on the board I ended up being last. All through class I listened to the most boring speeches; all of them were positive and happy-happy and some of them were sucking up by writing toasts to our professor, so I was looking forward to my depressing eulogy. However, the speech right before mine was different. Heather talked about her best friend who she's been with throughout childhood, so it started out pretty positive, until she mentioned how they related to each other and she mentioned how both of them had lost their mothers. That's when she broke down crying. You can imagine how terrible I felt to give a fake eulogy to Bob right after that.

Anyhoo, moving along to Thursday. I was out of sleep but I studied my assass off for that godforsaken Geo final. That night, I had the location of every major country, city, and river MEMORIZED. Talk about cramming. That night, I knew where Vlodivostok, Yekatirinburg, Sakhalin, Surabaya, Mogadishu, and Antofagasta were, as well as their local climate, economic situation, and a cursory knowledge of their general history. Now I don't know if they're cities or countries, let alone where the fuck they are. Hell, I probably even forgot where Mexico is. But either way, I studied my ass off, and it worked. I think I aced it. I hope I aced it. Moving along...

Friday was a kickass day. Although I only had like, 3 hours of sleep after two all nighters, I went to Ihop at 8AM with my Public Speaking classmates. We'd all finished eating and had been sitting there just talking for an hour when 4 of us guys got bored, so we had a competition of pancake-with-Tabasco-sauce eating. We all got a little rowdy, but Justin, our prof, was totally chill about it; in fact, he cheered us on. When we ran out of leftover pancakes, we just emptied out half-and-half cups and took shots of Tabasco, finishing the bottle. Justin gave the toast, saying something like, "may this Tabasco warm you up like this class did" or something lame like that, lol. Good lord that BURNED. Lol and I have pictures of all this. Anyways, immediately thereafter, Joe, a couple other classmates, and I went to Starbucks and washed down the Tabasco with Fraps. We hung out half the day, then I dropped Joe off at his friend's house a couple blocks from CSUN, went home, then took Nick and Tim to Nick's place in Ventura to drop Nick off. Hehe, nyck. NYCK! Haha yeah...

Lastly, when I came home last night, my mom and my sister were on the phone, and when she got off, she told me the big news. I'M GOING TO JAPAN!!! w00t! I'm gonna spend most of January in the land of the rising sun, just chilling with my sister, looking around, all that good stuff. We haven't figured out everything with plane tickets or exactly how long I'll be gone, but I'm so excited! Anyways, that night I slept 13 hours. I feel rested. :)

P.S. - Some of you may remember my blogspot account from back in April. Actually I think only Tim and Mike knew of that and probably already forgot. Anyways, seeing as woohu doesn't allow any html scripting outside of entries or other options, I'm gonna slowly migrate all my entries over there. So my blogspot page will be my new blog once I'm done doing that. Which'll be someday. Bear with me here.
Ok that's it for now. Peace.

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:: 2003 8 December :: 5.04pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: Black Eyed Peas featuring Macy Gray – Request Line

Well I didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition! hehe
Well, two finals down, two to go and one I don't have to take. One of my acting classmates, Sam, just had knee surgery so he was gone the past couple weeks and couldn't prepare for a final presentation. So my professor told me to improv a scene with him so he could have something she could grade for a final. We improvised a scene as military commandos, using his crutches as sniper rifles. That was... interesting. So was my Aikido final. You take nonacademic classes, you get weird finals.
My Aikido instructor (his name's Tim Komori) got a tad emotional cuz apparently we were his 500th class (holy shit that's a lot), so we took pictures, exchanged email addresses, and some of us might go on a field trip to some of the professional dojos sometime next year where they train intensely with real handcrafted thousand-dollar katanas. Now that'll be sweet.

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:: 2003 6 December :: 5.42pm
:: Mood: accomplished
:: Music: Beck – Sexx Laws

The seemingly endless debate: sleep or study?
ARGH! (cry of angst at the onset of finals week)

*whimpers*... Oh well, at least I'm exempt from taking my math final. Yep, that's right. I don't have to take the stats final! w00tness!!1
I got 101 out of a possible 102 points (it was supposed to be out of 100, but our math prof screwed up) on the last exam we took on Tuesday. Class on Thursday was essentially just to come in and see how you did and if you have to take the final or not. I couldn't find parking that day, so I showed up 15 minutes late and nearly everyone had already left. Oh well, I don't have to take the final! Happy happy joy joy...
And yesterday in my acting class, Cassidy and I did a stunning rendition of a scene from the works of famous playwright Anton Chekhov. That was our final for that class. We kicked ass, and they all knew it. Hell yeah. :)

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